View Full Version : If you have Cats and Dogs Beware

08-09-2001, 08:41 PM
I already posted this on the cat section but felt it was important to get the message out here too.
Two months ago, I went to put flea medicine on our 10 year old cat, Pinky. I didn't have my glasses on but I always keep it on top of the refrigerator and so I just grabbed it, put it on her and that was that.
The next day, when I came home Pinky was shaking all over almost like seizures and she was obviously suffering. My daughter and I immediately took her to the Vet hospital. The Vet took one look and said it looked like I had given her dog flea medicine instead of cat. I couldn't believe that I had made such a mistake but it was true. He started an IV on her and said that they would have to give her several baths and work on her all night but that they had never had one die from it. We left her in his hands. At 1am, he called and said that she had coded 3 times and could they let her go. I couldn't believe that I had just killed my beloved Pinky. Now I tell everyone, watch your flea medicines. The dog flea medicine is very dangerous to cats and now I realize that there is even a warning on the label. I can't bring Pinky back but maybe I can prevent others from making that mistake.
Much love
MHMama :(

Daisy's Mom
08-09-2001, 08:49 PM
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! You poor thing! Please don't beat yourself up for this; everyone makes mistakes, okay? My heart goes out to you. I don't have any cats but I am sure everyone else will greatly appreciate your warning. I am so sorry about Pinky. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. As I said before, please don't be too hard on yourself. Simply learn rfom your mistakes, and go through life with your chin up. Go hug Ricky and let him cheer you up, and if you need to talk, you know we are all here for you.

08-09-2001, 09:13 PM
Oh, how awful! I am so sorry about Pinky. I would think that the medicine wouldn't be good for the different species, but to be that harmful. WOW! That is so sad!

Dixie Belle
08-09-2001, 10:47 PM
I am so sorry to hear about your cat. Please don't beat yourself up over it, and remember, you did try.

08-09-2001, 10:58 PM
I am so sorry. It was an accident. It's not your fault. I feel so bad for you. You did your best to try and save Pinky. Thank you for the warning. Who would have thought that it could kill your cat. So tragic.

08-09-2001, 11:50 PM
I can't bring Pinky back but maybe I can prevent others from making that mistake.
Much love........
MHMama >>>>>>>

Thank you for posting MHMama.
Your story will help save/educate others.
So very sorry about your Pinky,
I feel so bad for you.

[ August 10, 2001: Message edited by: KYS ]

08-10-2001, 07:50 PM
I am so very sorry for your lost.
Please know that it was just an accident.
My prayers are with you. And thanking you for being so brave to share your pain with us here at Pet talk. Thank You for the warning I had no idea. Please just forgive your self, Pinkie has.

08-10-2001, 10:25 PM
Oh you poor dear. This incident had to be so heartbreaking for you. We have all come to know you so well in a short time and know what a cautious and conscientious person you are, but we are all human and humans make mistakes. I know how you must be grieving for your kitty and for how he died, but you have to put this behind you. Like Daisy said, Go hug Ricky, and remember he needs you not to be depressed.