View Full Version : My Friends Play!!

04-26-2003, 03:46 PM
ok so its only scene 3 though 8 but you might get the jist of it ..they are ON A BOAT starting scene 4 they are an irish family traveling from ireland to america..

The O'Reilly Family:Marybeth,May,Mama,Diana,Grace,Michael and i think thats it
and then theres Jim,Angeline, thats all the important ppl..hope you enjoy it!

Shes not a pro writer so ya kno....

its the wrong type of file type ..so ill just edit copy paste..in teh next 5 posts of mine are the play

04-26-2003, 03:47 PM
Scene: 3
May: I’m not going, I’m not I’m not! She can’t make me!
Diana: May! May, May what’s the matter?
May: Oh, it’s you.
Diana: What is it?
May: Mamma’s making me go to America and I don’t want to go! I’ll miss home! She can’t make me!
Diana: May, May no go, Diana no go!
May: Oh Diana, come here.
Diana: Oh May, May!
May: Don’t worry Diana. Don’t you cry! I’ll never let go. Never!

04-26-2003, 03:48 PM
Scene 4

(Michael bouncing ball on deck of boat)
Marybeth: Michael, don’t move! I’ll be right back. You stay put.
[Walks away]
[Michael drops ball]
[Young man picks it up]
Jim: Pardon me, is this yours?
Michael: Oh yeah! Thank you!
Jim: I’m Jim, what’s your name?
Michael: Michael, Michael O’Reilly.
[Playing catch, May and Marybeth enter]
May: Michael we’ve been looking all over for you! Come on!
[May and Michael exit]
Marybeth: Sorry about my little brother. He always gets in trouble.
Jim: That’s okay. I had a nice time with him. By the way I’m Jim.
Marybeth: How do you do? I’m Marybeth. So is your family with you?
Jim: No. My parents passed away a few years ago.
Marybeth: I’m sorry to hear that. Who are you here with?
Jim: The captain’s daughter, Angeline Parker. She isn’t very nice to me but after my parents died they’re the only people who I can stay with. They’re a very rich family you know.
Marybeth: I was wondering, would you like to join my family and I for dinner tonight?
Jim: I’d be delighted! Well, I’ll see you tonight.
Marybeth: Okay! Bye.

04-26-2003, 03:49 PM
Scene 5
[At the dinner table]
[Before Jim comes]

Marybeth: Everyone, I’ve invited a young man named Jim to dinner with us.
Grace: You mean a real gentleman is coming to dinner with us?
May: Gentleman! That nerdy guy on the deck wasn’t a gentleman; he didn’t even say “Hi!” or smile!
Marybeth: May you’re exaggerating! May—Uh!
Marybeth: Here he comes! Shhh!
[Jim enters]
Marybeth: Good Evening! [Smiling]
[May staring at Jim in disgust]
Jim: Hello!
Diana: Me Diana, who you?
Marybeth: Uh, Jim these are my sisters May, Grace and Diana. You already know my brother Michael.
[Michael Waves]
Narrator: When they were almost halfway through their dinner, May decided that it was just too crowded at the table and she needed to make some more room.
Jim: Will you excuse me. I have to go to the bathroom.
May: Me too.
[Jim walks out of bathroom. May spying on him]
[May pulls Grace out of dining room]
Grace: What? Jim just came back!
May: I was just spying on Jim and he is a total dork!
Grace: I think he’s handsome! I wish he wasn’t friend with that rich girl Angeline!
May: Rich Girl? That’s it! Grace you’re a genius!
Grace: It took you long enough!
May: If Jim is friends with a rich family, then that means he’s rich!
Grace If Marybeth marries Jim we could be rich! I think we’ve got something here.
May: Come on, we’ve got work to do!
[May and Grace go back to dining room]
Jim: Well, it’s getting late. I’d better go. Good-by! See you tomorrow! Thanks for having me.
Marybeth: You’re welcome! Bye.
Diana: BuBye Jimmy!
[Jim leaves]
Marybeth: May, Grace I’ll put Diana to bed. Don’t stay up too late!
Grace: We won’t!
Scene 5 cont.

[Marybeth and Diana go off stage]
Grace: May, we need to write a love note that would convince Jim that Marybeth likes him!
May: Let’s get to work!
Narrator: The two girls thought long and hard until they wrote the best love note ever. When they were finished they crawled into their beds and fell fast asleep. Just a little after midnight May woke up.
May: Grace, Grace Wake up!
Grace: Five more minutes mommy.
May: Oh Grace, come on!
[They walk to Jim’s bed]
Grace: Oh look! He’s sleeping like a baby.
May: Shhh! Quiet, you’ll wake him up! I hope this works!
[Puts down note]
Grace: Don’t worry all my ideas always do.


04-26-2003, 03:51 PM
Scene 6
Narrator: The next morning after a nice breakfast all the children were playing on deck.
Jim: Good morning Marybeth.
Marybeth: Oh, hi Jim!
[Grace and May whispering]
Grace: May, look its working!
May: You are right. They’re smiling at each other. Wait a second; we forgot one piece of information.
Grace: What?
May: I wonder what Angelines going to think about this!
Grace: Oh yeah. She couldn’t get too mad.
May: Who says she has to know?
Grace: We’re better off keeping it a secret.
May: We should go before Marybeth gets suspicious!
[May and Grace go offstage]
Jim: So Marybeth, there is going to be a ball this weekend and I was wondering if you would like to come with Angeline and I?
Marybeth: I’d love to! I’ll meet you in the dining hall.
Jim: Okay! Do you want to go for a walk?
Marybeth: Sure!
Narrator: Little did they know that two nosy girls were trailing behind them.
Grace: Look May! They’re holding hands!
May: Yuck! Come on, we have to find out what they’re saying!
[They hide behind crates]
Grace: What’s that something about a ball?
May: He’s inviting her to the ball!
Grace: I think this plan just might work!
May: Oh no! Grace, we forgot about Diana!
Grace: We’ve got to find her!
Grace: Diana? Where are you!
Diana: May May, Gracie me come get you. Hide, Seek, Hide, Seek!
[Diana exits, May and Grace enter]
May: Oh no! We’re going to be in so much trouble! I think we should tell Marybeth.
Grace: I guess so.
Grace: Marybeth! Jim! We need your help we lost Diana!
May: Michael is with Mama but we left Dian on the deck. Oops!
Jim: We’d better hurry and find her.
Scene 6 cont.

Narrator: They all split up and finally under a table in the library Jim found little Diana taking a nap.
Jim: Girls, come here I found her!
Marybeth: Thank Goodness!
Narrator: After a nice rest it was time for supper.
Marybeth: We should get going. I promised my Mama that I’d be home for supper.
Jim: Okay, so I guess I’ll see you on Saturday? Good-by!
Marybeth: Good-by!
[Jim leaves]
Marybeth: Mama guess what? That nice boy Jim invited us to go the ball on Saturday night!
Mama: Oh that’s wonderful dear! We’ll have to get ready after supper!
Narrator: Grace and May glance at each other smiling.

04-26-2003, 03:52 PM
Scene 7
Narrator: the next morning was Friday. That O’Reilly family had a lot of getting ready to do for the ball the next day.
Marybeth: Mama, this dress beautiful!
Mama: What can I say you have to look pretty for your first ball!
Narrator: Since Grace and May didn’t have any fancy dresses to put on they decided to do something useful. Well, their idea of useful of course!
After a long and tiring day it was finally Saturday. Everyone was cooking and decorating to make the deck look fabulous! There was fancy gourmet dishes and fine punch. There was only one problem but Marybeth didn’t know what it was yet.
May: Come on Grace; let’s go get something to eat.
Grace: Two waters please. [Asking bartender]
Bartender: You girls going to the ball tonight?
May: We’re going but only to help out with the food.
Grace: Our sister Marybeth is going with Jim Whyler.
Bartender: Oh Jim, that poor kid. He has to live with the Parker family on account of he don’t got no money.
[May and Grace Exchange glances]
Narrator: They quickly finished their snacks and headed back to Mama and the others.
May: Wait, Marybeth really likes Jim. I don’t think we should tell her.
Grace: I guess your right.

04-26-2003, 03:53 PM
Scene 8
Marybeth: How do I look?
Mama: Beautiful!
Marybeth: I’d better go I told Jim I’d meet him in the dining hall.
May: [Whispers to Grace] Grace, I want you to take notes of Angelines
Every move. I’ll be behind the table over there getting a closer look.

[Hannah Switches to Angeline]
Jim: Hello Marybeth. This is Angeline.
Angeline: Angeline Lillian Parker.
Marybeth: How do you do?
Angeline: Jimmy, it’s awfully hot in here fun and fetch me some punch.
[Jim leaves]
Angeline: Listen Sugar, I get what I want and I don’t want to break it to you angel, but I want Jim. Keep your distance.
Grace: Oh no, Angeline is mad at Marybeth. This can’t be good.
[Marybeth walks to food table]
[Trips over water bucket into ocean]
Marybeth: Wow! Help!
Mama: Help! My daughter fell into the water! Somebody help her!
Jim: Marybeth! Don’t worry I’ll save you! It’s okay Marybeth I got you.
Angeline: Uh! You’d rather have little miss perfect than rich, beautiful talented, did I mention beautiful? Angeline Lillian Parker!
Jim: Yes.
Angeline: Uh! Fine have it your way! I don’t need you! Someday I’m going to be on stage thanking everyone but Jim Whyler!
May: Mission accomplished!
Grace: It doesn’t really matter if we’re not rich.
May: Yeah, I guess you’re right.
Grace: You know me. I’m always right.
May: Yes you are Grace. Yes you are.
[Grace goes off stage]

May: Jim turned out to be a pretty nice guy. He and Marybeth are really good friends. America is a really nice place. We go to school and Michael loves it. So does Marybeth. Diana likes it with the other kids. Grace, I think she has a crush on the boy she sits next to. But don’t tell anyone. Mama opened a bakery in town. She makes really good bread! And me, nothing’ much has happened to me. But one things for sure, I’ve had my Eyes on America.
Narrator: And that’s the story of how an Irish family ended up in America.

04-26-2003, 03:54 PM

im done

its pretty good dont you think..sry it took u a long time to read..

04-27-2003, 07:48 AM
lol does no one like her play..j/k

04-27-2003, 12:02 PM
thats pretty cool.your friend is a good writer and very creative.

04-27-2003, 01:06 PM
cool:) your friend is a really good writer!

BTW: congrats on your 400 posts!:D

04-27-2003, 07:17 PM

04-27-2003, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by HoRsELUvR
thats pretty cool.your friend is a good writer and very creative.

I'll be sure to tell her that!