View Full Version : Final exams

04-26-2003, 09:21 AM
YAY, Final exams started yesterday (fri). I have 4 more to go & 1 starts at 11:30 today... todays exam was originly for last tue. but I can't show up to that class cause of work, so my teacher being nice, said I can do it with another class, but I have to do his test & not the other teachers test... So YAY!! not... This is the first year ever that exams have been on a sat!!! I'm losing an 8 hr shift cause of this & I have another exam next sat as well... thats 16 hrs I'm loosing & my rent has gone up my 75$$ & rob has to pay ren now & his is 300$$ as well. I also have to pay for bus passes that 100$$.. thats 700$$/month I have to make & thats not including bills... I'm only making a Max. of 700$$/month so I'm soooooooooo screwed... Rob & I r gonna kidnap his bro & look for an apt. to live in.. saddly it'll be cheaper,then living with his mom (evil witch :mad: )

04-26-2003, 09:31 AM
Hope your exams go well and that your money situations improves.

All the best :)