View Full Version : I really don't want to go...ugh:(

04-25-2003, 01:12 PM
Well looks like we're going to Maryland this weekend and getting some stuff from Rob's grandma's house(the one died in December) for his mother. I really don't mind helping them but I just dred it. Cause I know I'm not going to be able to help much since Kaitlynn is also going. I'll have to keep her out of the way while they move stuff out of the house. I'll probably end up having to watch Kaitlynn and Rob's sister's little boy and I really don't like watching him. He doesn't like to listen very well at all he's 5 years old. I just feel like I'll just be in the way. I still feel weird around his family some and we've been married for 4 years almost well in September we will.

Actually we will be staying at his sister's house tonight and tomorrow night. She lives in Virginia but she only lives like 3 hours from their grandmother's house. Well be getting the stuff on Saturday and going back to her house. I also don't know if there will be fight between Rob's aunt and his mom or not. I hope not I'd hate for that to happen. Of course the house is now Rob's aunts now too. So I really don't know if she'll put up a fight or not.

Oh,yeah and the weekend plans are kinda last minute too. Well they organially(sp?) planned on going this weekend. But they changed their minds cause they didn't know if they could get Rob's sisters boyfriend to go or not. So they decided not to go. Well Rob went to their house to help them with something and came back home and said guess what we're going to Maryland this weekend. He said his sister just called yesterday and said we're going to Maryland right? Ugh,so I had to find someone to take care of the pets at the last minute my brother. But still I hate doing that. If I knew I wasn't to afraid to stay her alone I'd just stay home. On the plus Ginger is going with us:) Oh,well sorry about the pointless thread but I just had to vent. Probably didn't make much since either. Well hope everyone else has a great weekend.:)

04-25-2003, 04:53 PM
Oh, Tina, I am sorry you have to go, if it were me I wouldn`t want to either. Hope it turns out ok and the time passes quickly for you so you`re back home before you know it!