View Full Version : Animal Cruelty - Write your legislature

04-25-2003, 08:30 AM
In New York April is Animal Cruelty Awareness Month. (Dont know if it is national or not) I am posting this to urge everyone to write their Federal and State lawmakers to pass legislation making Animal Cruelty a felony instead of a misdemeanor. I would also urge everyone to include Puppy Mills as part of the letter. There is a sample letter on the ASPCA website with links to the different state issues:


04-25-2003, 10:55 AM
The ASPCA site is an excellent place to learn about animal
issues state by state.People can sign up for legislative updates
on pending bills for new laws , or amending existing laws, to
stiffen penilities for animal cruelity. This is part of an ASPCA
update sent me last week updating on a new bill passed &
just signed into law in Indiana last week.

Quote"Thanks to your efforts, HB 1077 - increasing penalties for harming law enforcement, service, and search and rescue animals - was signed into law by the Governor on April 14th!

Thanks for taking action for animals. Remember - politics is not a spectator sport.

This bill makes this crime a felony. PERIOD.