View Full Version : how much was your dog?

04-24-2003, 12:05 PM
I have herd someone say their dog was like $800.00 . :eek: ..

how much was your dog?

My Oscar was $400.00 *shih tzu*

My Tikeya was $250.00 *siberian husky*

04-24-2003, 12:27 PM
I did the wrong thing when I got Honey and Lilly. I purchased them from backyard breeders, Honey through an ad in the newspaper, Lilly through a friend. They were $200 each. I now know that there are better ways to find purebred puppies, but I wouldn't trade those girls for anything!

My dream dog, an English Bulldog, would be about $2000. I will attempt to get a rescue dog, one day, but would never pay full price, just to have that type of dog.


04-24-2003, 12:38 PM
I bought Josie from a pet store back when I was stupid and didn't realize how much that store sucks, but she's my baby and like Logan said, I wouldn't trade her for the world :D She was over $100 which doesn't make sense as shes a mutt but I fell in love with her :] I adopted Zeke from the Humane Society for $75 I think. It was $100 and something after his tags and licences. :D

04-24-2003, 12:51 PM
shadow-free we found her as a stray
perky-$35 from shelter
Ripley-$25 from shelter

04-24-2003, 12:51 PM
I'd never "buy" a dog.

I adopted both of mine. We gave the humane society $65 for when we got Nala, $5 dollars for food.

We gave the SPCA $15 for Simba.

04-24-2003, 12:58 PM
Adoption Fee - $65

First Vet Visit - $70

First Pet Store Visit - $125

The joy he brings - priceless

04-24-2003, 01:11 PM
Jordan: $300

ok please dont kill me but i got jewels from a pet store for $1200! i really did want to get one from the shelter but my mom fell in love with her and had to get her. I love her so much now though and i would pay anything to keep her.

04-24-2003, 01:34 PM
Can't quite recall how much the adoption fee was for Kia. It doesn't really matter. :)

I'd never buy a dog.

04-24-2003, 01:48 PM
The spca here sells dogs for 131 unfixed and 65 fixed. so I guess thats good, and + u get a free vet check :D.

I got both my dogs from breeders.

04-24-2003, 01:50 PM
We bought cami for orginally 499.00 but it was 100 off so she was pretty much 400 dollars.. I love her and lyk you guys said i wouldnt trade her for the world!

04-24-2003, 02:08 PM
We payed $750 for Kito, we bought him from a couple who shows dogs, and they were selling him for another lady who got cancer and couldn't keep him. She wanted so much for him because he was perfect for showing and breeding, but we decided not to do that.
Abbey we donated $75 to the beagle rescue for (he asked 50, but I gave him more)
Riley was free--I swiped him from a lady getting ready to drop him off at the SPCA!!

04-24-2003, 02:15 PM
I tried my best to adopt a dog but why get a GSD when I don't have the room or size of house for it? I wouldn't punish a dog like that. We turned to a breeder as a last resort and paid 500$. I HATE having to know we paid for our dog. He's a member of the family. I hate having to put a price on him.

04-24-2003, 02:35 PM
Not to be rude or anything, but why does it matter how much we paid for our dogs? Isn't what matters that they love us very much and we love them very much? To me every dog is priceless regardless if they cost $1 or $1000.

04-24-2003, 02:39 PM
Okay, this really pisses me off. I am sorry, this isn't directed at you or anything but...I hate it when people think of me as a bad person because Mickey comes from a breeder. I tried my best to find one at the shelter. I wanted a Sheltie (preferably) but everything at the shelters were big dogs, breeds that weren't right for us. We checked every shelter in the area...none were right for us. I'm sorry i got my dog at a breeder...can't say I didn't try...:mad: I know, there is probably some people on the board who don't like me or Mickey because of that reason. I know we should adopt...I always recommend to check shelters first, but when it doesn't work out, why take the chance with some dog that you will only be tortuering because he'll have a small yard and not enough room in the house?

Sorry, just a little rant because this has been bothering me for awhile now...:mad:

04-24-2003, 02:50 PM
You know what, Primabella, you need to take a deep breath and know that you are NOT disliked because you went to a breeder. I know we are ultra sensitive because we hate to see any dog, regardless of breed, be in jeopardy. But it's ok!! I wanted a Golden Retriever, no ifs, ands, or buts about it! And I got one. Then I got another one! If I could do it again, I might be more selective as to where I got them from, but I would still want a Golden Retriever. There is nothing wrong with that!!!! As I have gotten involved with rescue, I think I would look first to getting a purebred Rescue and there are lots of them out there. But it's ok!!!

I think you and Mickey are tops, and I don't want you feeling bad because you did what you did!!!!

Logan :)

04-24-2003, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Logan
As I have gotten involved with rescue, I think I would look first to getting a purebred Rescue and there are lots of them out there.

Thanks for your comforting words and compliments. :)

The thing is...over here, in little Quebec, we have nothing! I'm surprised we found a high-quality breeder. It came as such a shock. I don't know. To me, finding Mickey (the perfect dog - for me- ) was like meant to be. No Shelties at shelters, no rescue groups around, the fact that I found this breeders' website just at the moment she was expecting a litter. I don't know. I know, I could have tried Petfinder, but I only discovered that place after we made appointments with the breeder and knew all the info. I could have tried anyways but I don't regret a thing that I have done. We got the best pup there was and I'm happy. I just wish people could skip the part that he's *not* a rescue dog, but that's he's MY dog and that's it.

Thanks again. :)

ps - and by posting this I am not looking for sympathy. Just posting my feelings. In case any of you ahve the wrong idea...

04-24-2003, 02:57 PM
i agree with prima but yet i understand logan.. buying from a breeder isnt so bad.. some people just make it seem to be??

04-24-2003, 03:01 PM

I got both of my doggies for free!

04-24-2003, 03:21 PM
primabella I just wanted to let you know that my comment wasn't directed at you at all. I just ment to say that it doesn't matter how much we spent on our pets because we all love them so very much and they love us very much, and that's what makes them all priceless. I'm sorry if what I said offended you in anyway. I didn't mean it to offend anyone.

04-24-2003, 03:42 PM
No, don't worry. You didn't say anything that offended me. I agree with you, actually :) Thanks anyways. I was just thinking about how people think of me because I say "Yeah, he came from a breeder" and they think I should have "saved a life". I woud love to and I know for a fact that all my pets will be rescue pets once I get older. And I always donate money to my SPCA when I can...I'm trying my best, I just don't want to be treated differently because I did not go out of my way to find a rescue group in another province or something. I know i could have but the fact is that I didn't and nothing can change that now. I'm getting off topic now, sorry.

04-24-2003, 03:48 PM
:o :o I really wanted a pure bred siberian husky, we didnt look at shelters. My mom got me Tikeya as a birthday present. She took me for a car ride to pick her out. I was in grade 7 at the time and Tikeya was 3 weeks old when I first saw her. :D. she was so cute.

The ppl drove her up to my house 2 weeks later. she was five weeks old when she finally came home for the first time. She puked on the way to. poor baby. She always hated car rides. :rolleyes:..

My mom always wanted a pure bred shih tzu as well. We looked at shelters but they never had any pure breds. So we finally found a breeder. And then Got Oscar on Christmas EVe.

I love my dogs with all my heart. It turns out Oscar isnt even pure bred so we still got a mut. lol. but he was worth every penny :D. Tikeya was pritty cheep for a pure bred Siberian though. But I love sooooo much she is my baby .. ;)

NYCbabi 13002
04-24-2003, 03:59 PM
I adopted...
Maggie(border collie/mix)...100$
Laddie(border collie)...450$:eek:

But ya know every thing your dog gives you, like love and happiness is priceless;)

Dakota's Mommy
04-24-2003, 04:08 PM
Well, Brian got our purebred Harlequin Great Dane, Dakota, as a 6 week old puppy for between $250 (I can't exactly remember right now but that sounds right), we rescued our purebred Dalmation, Destiny, from a family we was getting rid of her for free, and we rescued our Black Lab Mix, Sierra, from the local shelter for an addotion fee of $25.

04-24-2003, 04:44 PM
I think It was me... Rusty was $850.00. The reason is because his parednts are BEAUTIFUL show dogs and they win shows.

04-24-2003, 04:54 PM
I bought Ginger for $75(she's a Miniature Pinscher mix) from a backyard breeder. I feel ashamed now but I wouldn't' trade her for the world now. I wanted to get one from a shelter. But by the time I called they were all gone.

Ruff- free(My hubby got him from one of his friend's.)

Oscar-free(I got him from a friend.)

04-24-2003, 05:07 PM
Hey ya'll don't be ashamed of how you got your dogs. IMO,
no one's better or worse based on spending a fortune or getting
them for free or rescuing or buying from a back yard breeder.
Everybody's circumstances are different at the time a dog comes
in their lives. I agree with Uabassoon, what truly matters is that
they're loved. If we're gonna be judged, let it be on how much
we love'em, not how we got'em.


Cisco's Mom
04-24-2003, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
Not to be rude or anything, but why does it matter how much we paid for our dogs? Isn't what matters that they love us very much and we love them very much? To me every dog is priceless regardless if they cost $1 or $1000.
I AGREE!!!:eek:

04-24-2003, 05:49 PM
my dog snowball cost $60.00 becaues i adopted her. she would have been less but she needed to get some shots..........:D

04-24-2003, 06:07 PM
i also wanted to add that i would have paid 1,000,000 dollars for my dog i LOVE he rshe is the best and i belive that every dog is made for someone and i belive we have found them......:D

04-24-2003, 06:19 PM
Not to be rude or anything, but why does it matter how much we paid for our dogs? Isn't what matters that they love us very much and we love them very much? To me every dog is priceless regardless if they cost $1 or $1000.

oh it doesnt matter I was just curious. :)

04-24-2003, 06:26 PM
Leather was free, because though her father was a conformation champion, the mother wasn't and the pregnancy was an accident (kinda wierd how he wound up impregnating another shepherd :p) and I guess they just decided to give them away.

I got Timber at the petshop for $100...I didn't even know we were getting her, she was a surprise lol

Samuri came from a backyard breeder for free..

04-24-2003, 07:46 PM
Bella was $800 and the males in the litter were $700. Ripley was $39.00 and we got $20.00 back from the state because we got him neutered - bottom line for Ripley $19.00.

Ripley is the only dog that I have had in my adult life who didn't come from a breeder. Personally I feel that if people would rather get a dog from a breeder that is their option. After all, pedigree dogs need homes too. I understand all about back yard breeders and puppy mills and, while I certainly am not condoning them, they are producing animals in need of homes. I would love to see legislation to shut down every puppy mill in existence but until that is done there will be puppies born, through no fault of their own, in these horrid places and they will also need homes so they are in need of "rescue" too.

I think most dogs are in shelters due to ignorance on the part of the public in general about spaying and neutering and there are always those crazy people out there who want their female to have a litter of "cute" puppies, forgetting that they will grow up and someone will need to be responsible for them.

Having said all this, I am happy to have rescued Ripley and would do it again in a heartbeat. To find a poodle like him at a shelter was nothing short of amazing, because I had been looking for ages and there just weren't any around. Then again if I was looking for another standard poodle in the future I wouldn't hesitate for a minute to go back to the breeder where we got Bella.

04-24-2003, 08:26 PM
I agree Pam..I didn't want to say anything, but I would much rather have a pet from a breeder. When I'm older, I'm going to get my shepherd from a breeder (they have so many health problems anyway, better safe than sorry), and I will get my catahoula from pretty much wherever since they aren't that common here. I've heard of one litter of catahoula pups in my city, but that's it..

04-24-2003, 08:39 PM
posted by Pam: I think most dogs are in shelters due to ignorance on the part of the public in general about spaying and neutering and there are always those crazy people out there who want their female to have a litter of "cute" puppies, forgetting that they will grow up and someone will need to be responsible for them. >>>>>

BINGO!!! That is a big part of why so many animals are in shelters today.
(but as for the puppy mills)
I also understand supply and demand, and if
people would not buy from Puppy mills or places that
get their dogs from puppy mills, these places would be
forced to shut down, because of lack of profit.

(going back some years)
Sheba - $450.
Pepper- $800.
Rocky - $Gift

04-24-2003, 08:47 PM
Star was $150 from a local rescue, which included vaccinations, spay, a vet visit at the vet of my choice, and $1200 worth of open-heart surgery.

Primabella: I've gotten some flak for stating that I intend to get a puppy from a breeder this summer. Excuse me people, but I want a puppy whose parents I can meet, and whos future health can be at least somewhat predicted by looking at the health of the line. What's wrong with that?

I have found a WONDERFUL breeder in my area, I have called four of her references and heard of only one problem (which was really the new owner's fault, not the breeder's). I've met the mother of my puppy-to-be, and the father will be here from NC very soon, so I can meet him too! If I end up getting a male puppy from her he should run $450 - $600.

(Oh...My boyfriend's family dog was $400 at a flea market.....)

04-24-2003, 08:53 PM
I've gotten some flak for stating that I intend to get a puppy from a breeder this summer. Excuse me people, but I want a puppy whose parents I can meet, and whos future health can be at least somewhat predicted by looking at the health of the line. What's wrong with that?

Same here. No offence to shelter dogs or petshop dogs or backyard breeder dogs, but I want a dog that has been bred professionally, with people who have taken the time to ascess traits of the parents and such. I love shelter dogs, in my opinion they are all great, but I'm paranoid, lol, and when you want a breed that carries so many health problems, I think it may be wise on my part to get one that I atleast have somewhat of a guarentee that it will be healthy

04-24-2003, 09:06 PM
I kinda agree on the most part accept that I think that shelter dogs are so cute and loving and they need good homes to. So I feel really bad for them.

I want an elk hound and If they have a dog and ppl friendly one at the shelter at the time SURe as heck I'll adopt it :DF. but if they dont then I'll have to goto a breeder for one.

04-24-2003, 09:24 PM
You should not feel at all bad about having bought from a breeder, though I can sympathize with the way you feel.. I to have dogs which I bought from a breeder. I feel the same about rescues, as everyone on here does, and I would do anything in my power to help any dog. However what we want personally for ourselves sometimes is just not available at a rescue. But ( and this is meant as no offense to anyone on here. I think you are all great ) but I will say the emphasise does seem to be put on rescueing only. I have registered dogs and at times I will admit, in my reading these post, it makes me feel quilty that mine are all purebreds.

My best to all dogs, and all on this board

Jaquetta :)

04-24-2003, 09:33 PM
My Riley and Gannie were quite expensive. $1500 each with the breeder getting pick of the litter after I breed them. Pearlie mae her real name is Champion- Cetaceas Black Pearl was free. she was a retired show dog and they tried to breed her and she never took. so my friend got her and gave her to me when my shepherd had to be P.T.S. Sweetie free rescued off the highway, Jack and Silly Jilly free were willed to me. But all six are PRICELESS. I show dogs so therefore get purebreds, But I also rescue many mixes and do place them in homes. I help the dog pound find homes for the misplaces babies and do public ed on the responsibilities on pet ownership. Whether purebred or mix to the owners they are worth a million. Not all back yard breeders are bad either. you just have to be careful. Some would say that I would be a back yard breeder why because I don't have a kennel, this will be my first litter. But I know how to care for the female and what to do when the puppies are whelped. I by no means am a breeder. But I want another show puppy from my dog and will have contracts on all puppies sold.

04-24-2003, 10:19 PM
posted by oodlesofpoodles: Some would say that I would be a back yard breeder why because I don't have a kennel, this will be my first litter. >>>>>

Oodles, a kennel does not make a breeder reputable.
Their are many show breeders who have a kennel name
but no kennel. :)
In my opinion, a reputable breeder is some one who does not
breed back to back, waits till the breeding pair are at least
2 years of age after they have had all necessary health checks for their particular breed such as elbows, cerfs, OFA etc.
A breeder must check back a "minimum" of 3-4 generations on both sides of the the breeding lines to make sure that genetically/health wise etc. these two dogs being
bread are a good breeding match for the future healthy generations of puppies to come.

I can think of more, but the above I think are the most
important to me. :)

04-24-2003, 10:30 PM
Prima, I feel the same way...I've ranted too....

My dream was to get a siberian husky. I had researched the breed, and knew it was the right dog for me. I wanted that breed, and only that breed. And (waiting for evil glares) I wanted a puppy. Having 2 older dogs that didn't really like other dogs, I didn't want to bring in an adult dog (3 times larger then them mind you) and risk them getting hurt....I thought they would get along better with a pup. Plus this was really *MY* first dog, and well, I was excited to get a puppy. If there was a siberian husky puppy in a shelter in my area, it would have been possible..but there wasn't. I'm sorry for being so heartless as to "buy" a dog. :(

Guess I shall answer the original point of the thread...

Nebo was $300
Reggie was Free
Smokey was $50

p.s. when I have my own house and can get another dog, I'd like to get a dog from a husky rescue

04-24-2003, 10:30 PM
Sadie was $5 and I still have the receipt (in case I decide to return her - not likely!).

04-24-2003, 11:57 PM
Prima, I don't think uabassoon was directed at you, I took it as
why was the thread started to begin with.

Shaianne my RB greyhound was from the Humane Soc I think I paid $45 for her or so But the trip to the PetStore was about 2 or 3 x that! :eek:
Keegan was given to me from a friend at work whose male sired a litter of Puppies and she heard that my Shaianne had died and they were getting a free puppy and she gave her to me.
I think they were selling them for females $350 / males $300
If Keegan wouldn't have been given to me, I would have never gotten her, I have no desire to buy a dog.
I would rescue one from the shelter, pound, or a 'free' add.
But I don't think any less of those that do pay for them. If you want a certain breed, then so be it. I personally am not breed specific so it wouldn't matter. :D

04-25-2003, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
. I'm sorry for being so heartless as to "buy" a dog. :(

I don't think anyone is heartless for 'buying' a dog. IMHO, you have saved that dog from ending up in a shelter or worse.
I know that with Keegan and her attitude and destructive behaivor etc, not everyone would have put up with it, and if I didn't have her, someone else MIGHT have taken her to the shelter or tied her up in the back yard.
I felt guilty at first for taking her b/c she wasn't a rescue, but ALY told me not to feel guilty b/c I could be saving her from ending up in the shelter or being tied up in the back yard. And I rescued Shaianne and Kylie from bad situations.
IMHO, what would be heartless is (not to mention stupid, assinine, cruel etc) is the people that pay out the ying yang for dogs and then tie them up outside.
My parents neighbors had a high dollar labrador retriever that they let run loose and my mom (who isn't overly fond of animals but can't stand to see them in pain) hit and killed it with her car b/c it ran out in front of her. She called them and told them and was sobbing and almost hysterical. She said "I am so sorry I hit your dog and I killed it" and you know what these assinine people said ? "OH gee, that dog was worth $400 we were going to breed it" which made her cry harder and their assinine kid said to a friend of his and it got back to me said " I wish it would have totalled their car!" :mad:
Like they even cared about the dog they were mad b/c they were out the money.
But monetary value aside, the love that those of us that DO love our animals, it can't be bought. :)

04-25-2003, 06:30 AM
Graham was free. The shelter in which I adpoted him from needed volunteers way more then they needed $$, so there was no adoption fee, I just worked at the shelter for a few weeks. It was fun and I enjoyed doing it.

Kersey's adoption fee was $150 I think, but she came already spayed & vaccinated.

Please dont' feel bad, everyone, for buying dogs. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Honestly, I was SO close to putting a down payment on a golden pup from a breeder who charged I think $900 for females, if I remember correctly. I wanted one, and still do. I most likely will get a golden pup from excellent bloodlines and a very reputable breeder in the near future. I am interested in confirmation, AKC obedience, AKC tracking, etc.

Although Kersey is registered with MBDCA (Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America), and I can register her for "fun match" shows & obedience trials, I will one day have an AKC dog who I can show in AKC events.

04-25-2003, 07:43 AM
Before I answer, I'd like to say, before I joined Pet Talk I never knew what a puppy mill was, or a backyard breeder. I was ignorant:o

That being said:
Angus, we paid $400 for. I guess you'd say we got him from a backyard breeder. They wanted $300 for all his other siblings, but since he was the pick of the litter they wanted more. We would have gladly given more, now knowing what a wonderful dog we have! There's no price we could put on him, he's given us so much in the last 11 1/2 years!

Roxey, well, she came from a pet store. We paid $600 for her. I wish like Wof_Q we would have researched the breed, and known all there is to know about the husky personality. But at the time we were in mourning of our Keisha & we seen Roxey's face & knew she was destined to be with us. She doesn't exactly fit our lifestyle, but I've made changes for her;)

Huney.....FREE! We'd never had a dog that wasn't a puppy, it really was a big difference for us. She came with her own baggage & her own mind. This was the first time we didn't have a part in the molding of one of our dogs. It has been fun though, a little weird at times, but fun none the less! I'd never part with my little Huney Bun!

I would just like to say, I don't think it matters if you buy from a breeder or adopt. All these dogs need our love. What's good for one isn't always what's good for another.

04-25-2003, 08:07 AM
Very well said Anna. When we went for Kito, we had researched the breed, and decided we really wanted a Shiba. After much searching, we realized we probably couldn't get one (there aren't any breeders in the area). When we went to the dog show last summer, we saw a couple who were showing Shibas, talked to them, and they happened to have 2 for sale. End of story. We met them the following weekend, and brought our boy home. This was our first dog (I had dogs growing up, but he is MY dog), and we knew what we wanted.
I also didn't know about petfinder when we got Kito, or I probably would have searched there first.

I can't put a price on how much I love the dogs or how much love they give me in return--they are truly priceless.

04-25-2003, 08:23 AM
Binx, who will be a registered AKC St. B, once I get the paperwork in order, was purchased, originally, from the breeder. You only need to look at the threds I posted here on the dog side recently to understand that the following:

Breeder = purebred='good' dog

is inaccurate, untrue, and meaningless to those of us that don't intend to either show, breed, or brag.

Fact is Binx came from a backyard breeder. His line, should I search it, probably has no 'champions' in it at all. ALL Binx is in 100% St. Bernard. Big deal. He has the health problems of the most 'common' mutt times ten. His comparison to the standard is sorely lacking, while his personality it tops. That is really more of a commentary on the breed, rather than the line.

Buy/get/adopt whatever you want. I personally feel that unless you are in comformation, and really involved in the breeding aspects, your pup should be spayed/nuetered. That you live with a doggie/kitty/pet of any kind is what matters. You are being caring, responsible, and hopefully educating the population about your pet.

04-25-2003, 09:26 AM
We got Ruby from the HS, so her adoption fee was only $90 :)

04-25-2003, 09:46 AM
hi all...

my greyhound- screwy louie's adoption fees were $250.
that included his initial vet bill for getting fixed, vaccinated,repair injuries and all that stuff after he retired fom the track.

their special needs hounds- seniors, health problems...at that time were available free to a home that already had a hound.

best money i ever spent.;)

04-25-2003, 03:59 PM
When I met Tom, 22 years ago, he had 2 male dalmatians, Smokey, and Dandy. Smokey, was from a breeder, and Dandy was from the dog shelter. Smokey was fairly hyper, (and stayed that way until he was much older, when he was a total appreciative sweetheart), and Dandy, the younger of the 2 by a couple years, was very shy and skitterish, (who was raised in a cage for over a year, before coming to Tom, and later proved to be partially deaf). (Both had "papers".) Neither of us know their original costs. Both of them were priceless to us!
We paid $300-$400 each for our more recent dogs:
Tom & I have since, adopted 2 dalmatians from 'backyard breeders'. While we were searching for them, via newspaper ads, etc., we visited several 'undesirable backyard breeders'.
Somehow, if you meet the owners, and their other dogs; 'siblings' and 'parents', and feel good about the situation, you seem to know if the dogs have come from a good home', and are right for you.
We did join the Dalmatian Club, as we were considering breeding 'Sugar'. We sent for her papers and registered her official name, then took her to the nearest vet that did "Baer" hearing tests on dals, which was not close to home, (because dals have a fairly high incidence of deafness,) and we didn't want to breed deaf dogs. We eventually had her fixed as we could never set up a "mating" as she was not on 'our' schedule.
Buddy is the 4th great puppy in our married lives. We had to have Sugar put down last July. We have considered getting him a new playmate, and have considered all breeds, (especially smaller).
But if we get another, it will probably be a dal as we are 'stuck' on them.
We have gone to the local 'dal' rescue, but: Their requirements of filling out forms asks more information than we are willing to give in these times of "stolen identity", etc. (and we have had problems with this in the past.) Therefore, we will continue to seek the local shelters and newspaper ads, and possibly "buy another puppy" (not necessarily a dal).

04-25-2003, 04:16 PM
Thanks for understanding everyone. And just so you guys know, I am not trying to put down the ones who are into rescueing. You guys are great for what you do and I am nto trying to separate us or anything. It's just that I sometimes feel out of place with Mickey. I was only ranting too and also angry for other reasons. (not relating to Mickey or dogs in general) I just had to let it out ;)

I wanted a puppy. Having 2 older dogs that didn't really like other dogs, I didn't want to bring in an adult dog (3 times larger then them mind you) and risk them getting hurt....I thought they would get along better with a pup. Plus this was really *MY* first dog, and well, I was excited to get a puppy.

That is also another reason we choose breeder. I was afraid to mention it, but I can totally relate. My dad also thought it would be amazing to be growing up with our new puppy (and 1st) from the very start. And I would also love to rescue my future Sheltie. (I already know I'm getting another ;))

I would just like to say, I don't think it matters if you buy from a breeder or adopt. All these dogs need our love. What's good for one isn't always what's good for another.

Agreed 100%

WolfChan - Yes, I agree. Knowing I could meet the parents and have all the information on them certainly helps! It was also great to know the breeder was responsible enough to give me additional info on the breed, puppy training and their medical history. She also made us sign a contract swearing to never breed or show Mickey. We had to have him neuteured.

I understand both views to this and I just have to say I am sorry for maybe offending people or their dogs. All dogs are wonderful and they all need a home and some love.

That being said, I think we can return to the original point of the thread if that's okay with everyone. ;)

04-25-2003, 04:22 PM
I researched breeds, and knew I wanted a scottish terrier (for many reasons). I signed up with a scotty rescue, and waited about six months. no scottys for me. (which is both sad, but good!)

Then I researched breeders and found a great one not too far from me. i think i paid 300.

Clive the cat was free. (he was homeless) and then cost about $1000 (lol, or sob out loud) in vet bills.

I wouldn't trade either one of them for anything in the world!

04-25-2003, 05:54 PM
I think it does not matter where you get your dog :) I got happy from a breeder, see, when you think about it if I did not get happy we would not have gotten into flyball, if we did not get into flyball my mom would not have rescued perky for her own flyball dog if we did not rescued perky we would not have rescued Ripley, and if happy did not end up a dud for flyball I would not have gotten misty :) the way I see it is its all one big chain, that is set out for you, shadow was the begining of our chain, reseaching her background got me into border collies, so 1 dog from a breeder led us to rescue 2 dogs, so they could find their forever home, perky ran a way from several homes before she found us, now she wont go anywhere, all our dogs have had a choice and they chose to stay here:) its just all part of a plan.:p

04-25-2003, 06:21 PM

But it was way worth it. I talk about how she's a little terror all the time, but she's my baby.

04-25-2003, 06:50 PM
we payed 85$ for beanie at the shelter after my yorkie died. we payed 200$ for my yorkie....his breeders daughter was my best friend.....and i would come over all the time,and finally fell deeply in love with him.....he was 2 weeks old when i first saw him......finally when he was 7 weeks old.nobody wanted him because he was much bigger then any other yorkie anyone had ever seen.i took him....when he was 9 months old he weighed 15 lbs. he was not fat he was just a very big yorkie!

the 200$ was the most i have ever paid for a dog....i have had over 12 dogs in my life....and i found them either dumped somewhere,or in the newspaper,or from someone that didn't love them any longer.

04-25-2003, 08:11 PM
Daisy, my golden was $500 and Molly, my collie, was $250.

04-25-2003, 08:34 PM
I have to agree with what many ihave said, it doesn't matter how or where or why you got your pet. What matters is how you care for it.

That being said I don't ever see myself going to a breeder for a purebred dog. There are excellent, responsible breeders out there and that is good. I hope that people who do wish to seek out a particular breed will use thsese people. I also know that all dogs, regardless of how they came to be, need homes. I can't fault any person for fallingin love with a "puppy mill" puppy...and that dog certainly deserves a greathome. I just don't think my particular interests need a specific breed of dog.

Sadie was free, from the brother of a friend of a friend. This person took her Sadie's purebred Dalmatian mom when her owner was going to put her down becuase she was pregnant. ( The family taking her in did not know this). They then gave away the puppies to friends.

Cincy was a "free lab mix puppies" ad in the paper. We had been thinking about getting Sadie a playmate, and had been looking at shelters/rescue groups, but just had not found what we were looking for. Cincy was on eth one that needed us, as she had many health problems when we got her.

Spot wast he only one of our 3 I paid for...he was $30 (although I gave them $40) They didn't even ask for the adoption fee went I went to get him (he was on borrowed time), but I gave themoney anyway. I don't normally "donate" to kill shleters, but Jessica, the girl there went out of her way to save Spot's life and if that money heled save even one more dog it was worth it :)

04-25-2003, 09:03 PM
We paid $500 for Foxy from a breeder

04-26-2003, 10:22 AM
I have only read the first page of the thread so far, and I am not aiming this at anyone in particular. its just my opinion...

I think there are so many homeless dogs, that if you want a dog, you should go to the shelters and see what is available.. there are so many cute ones, would they really not be good enough?
after that, I would try a rescue group for a certain breed. I guess if you are a true dog lover, and really want a certain breed, there are legitimate breeders out there that are not in it just for the money. just remember, for every new dog that is born to breeders, a homeless one stays in the shelter.

I wonder, do any of these breeders ever go to any shelters and see those dogs, do they ever donate money to them?
it is a difficult subject, because I also have certain breeds in mind that I would love to have someday, but..

04-26-2003, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by marysmerrycats

I wonder, do any of these breeders ever go to any shelters and see those dogs, do they ever donate money to them?
it is a difficult subject, because I also have certain breeds in mind that I would love to have someday, but..

Yes, some do. I know there's a Siberian Husky kennel in Utah and they breed show huskies as well as racing huskies (they train them and race them also, not just breed them). And I know she also rescues sibes and adopts them out. (I would have loved to get a dog from her but she didn't have any pups or rescues at the time)

04-26-2003, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by anna_66
Before I answer, I'd like to say, before I joined Pet Talk I never knew what a puppy mill was, or a backyard breeder. I was ignorant:o

That's exactly the same for me. When we were looking into getting a dog, I had no idea where to start. We searched through the local humane societies, but they were empty or had one or two dogs with real issues. Since we were "newbies" we didn't feel comfortable starting out with issues. Labs in the petstore were going for $900 and I wasn't comfortable paying that as you had no idea if they were healthy or not. When we found Malone, he was from a clean but still a BYB. If I had known about them, I would have searched for a lab rescue...but I didn't know. We spent $300 for him, but he is certainly priceless to me!!

I am so glad to have found pettalk and am now educated and realize some of the issues behind BYB and petstore pets. Thanks Pettalk!!!

04-26-2003, 03:14 PM
Deisel: $125 (SPCA)
Phoebe: $200 (ROTTIE RESCUE)

04-26-2003, 03:33 PM
Since Misty was a rescue she was free! At the time we were short on money so we made an 100 dollar donation. I think its a good idea not to charge for rescues..just to donate..because there probably would have been a lot of rescues.probably double what we have today. if they had HIGH prices for them.

Does anyone agree?

04-26-2003, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
I have herd someone say their dog was like $800.00 . :eek: ..

how much was your dog?

I think I said that.
Rusty: $850.00

04-26-2003, 07:32 PM
When I adpoted Missy they charged me $75 for her, but that included her being spayed and her first set of shots which I didn't think was a bad deal.

04-26-2003, 08:37 PM
Like some others, I would never buy a dog. As I'm sure most of you know, my life revolves around rescuing animals. Its really ALL I do. And when I say that, I am not trying to say that people who go to breeders are wrong. I am just saying what is right for ME. But what is right for me may not be right for the next person so I am not here to judge. And I completely understand falling in love with pet store dogs or backyard breeder dogs. We can say not to support BYB's, but I bet most of us wouldn't be able to turn our back on the innocent lives if we saw their little eyes looking at us in person.

I hope those of you who have dogs from breeders don't think I'm implying anything about you when I talk about rescue all the time. I talk about it all the time because its my life. I work at one shelter and volunteer at 2 and do transports for rescues. Its hard to not talk about it when so highly involved. But I am not trying to imply anything about you or your dogs.

All my dogs came from the shelter, and 2 of them were free because they were "unadoptable". The shelter just signed them over to me (they know me anyway because I've been volunteering there for years). Reece had an adoption fee. My cat was free because I got her off the street. And they all cost me about a billion dollars in vet bills and pet store visits :p

Oh yeah, I just wanted to add that since I'm in shelters every day, I can tell you that you can find any breed, size, shape, color, personality there. It just may take longer if you're looking for something really specific. But I have seen everything from purebred puppies to senior mutts. I am sure it is different in a few other areas, but most of the time you can find any type of dog at the shelter if you live in a big city. This isn't directed at anyone. I just wanted to point it out since I see everything here that comes in and out of the shelter on a daily basis.

04-26-2003, 08:55 PM
no I could not turn my back on a back yard bred dog, BUT I would not be there in the first place, so I would not see it... and by not getting one, I don't have to turn my back on shelter animals!

now, I don't mean to insult anyone that has got their dog that way in the past.. past is past.

04-26-2003, 09:04 PM
Mary - I agree with you. I didn't mean to aim that comment to you. I was just trying to tell those people that I understand, although I wouldn't have been there either.

I hope I'm making sense. Forgive me, I haven't had much sleep in the past month since I've had all these foster babies.

04-26-2003, 09:19 PM
No it wasnt you. I herd someone say it at overwaitea. lol I was shoping with my mom and I herd a lady talking about her min pincher and how it coast $800.00..

I knew very well of back yard breeders ect.. my mom wont even let me look at pups at a puppy mill, there is one Where I live it is a junk yard. One of my friends bought a pure bred golden from them, and it died a month later. the pups there are sick very sick. the ppl who run it are sick in the head. :( :mad:

04-26-2003, 11:32 PM
I know you didnt mean me, I didnt think it was aimed at me, that was just my opinion... and I know you have had a tough time with the fosters, I don't know how you do it all by yourself! try to get some rest, you have to take care of YOU, too!

04-27-2003, 12:32 AM
Jynnelle, did you call the SPCA on them??? You should..
I didn't even know that there were puppy mills in Kelowna :eek: That's so sad, I hope that the owners stop doing this :mad:

girl sleuth
04-27-2003, 02:04 PM
My first dog, Levi, was around $150.
(Who "ran away");) Why do parents think they can fool us?

My second dog, Maggie, was free.

04-27-2003, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by doglovrforevr
I think It was me... Rusty was $850.00. The reason is because his parednts are BEAUTIFUL show dogs and they win shows.

What kind of dog is Rusty?
I can't tell from the pics.

04-27-2003, 04:32 PM
I got Max for $20.00 at a pet store.. &hes a big big doggy now

04-27-2003, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
What kind of dog is Rusty?
I can't tell from the pics.

He's a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever......sorry for answering for you doglovrforevr. :)

04-27-2003, 07:28 PM
Mine were adopted from Animal Welfare League.
Shiloh was $75 and
Killian was $75 (plus thousands in vet bills....worth every penny, I might add!)

Aspen and Misty
04-27-2003, 09:20 PM
Teddy- I think 250 from a breeder, he wasn't show quility, so they sold him.

Huney- 350 from a BYB, I told my sister not to get her, but she said she was rescueing her and I told her she was supporting this lady and she said she was rescueing her :rolleyes: well, we got her, and love her to death, wouldn't trade her for the world!


04-27-2003, 09:25 PM
Chester came from a back yard breeder (isn't that obvious, 14lbs?!) and he was my first and last puppy. We adopted Millie from the Animal Rescue Klub for $100 and I now volunteer there. :) Having bought a puppy in the past, I can say that I'll never do it again. Having said that, I believe that I was *supposed* to have Chester. Not too many people would pay out the nose for his health problems (caused by back yard breeding, I'm sure) like we have. Our little $150 dollar dog is worth about $10,000 in vet bills. Literally. :rolleyes:

Adopting Millie has been more of what I'm used to. I have always adopted adult dogs that needed homes, and I have also volunteered for the SPCA and the Humane Society in our area for years. Her health is also SO much better. ;)

Oh and BTW, wouldn't trade either for a zillion bucks and I'd lay down my life for both.

No one take this personally, JMO. I will never purchase a dog from a breeder again. There are SO many breeds that I'd *like* to have, but there are so many that would *like* to have me and a home.

07-07-2003, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom

The ppl drove her up to my house 2 weeks later. she was five weeks old when she finally came home for the first time. She puked on the way to. poor baby. She always hated car rides. :rolleyes:..

Tikeya was only 5 weeks old when you got her??

07-07-2003, 10:52 PM
I adopted all of my babies, but I'm not against breeders, as long as they treat their animals humanly.
Alex-$25 for the adoption fee, and $60 for the neuter, so $85 total.
I know this is in the dog section, but-
Cleo(cat)-We got Cleo in '95, and I was little, but if the shelter had the same prices as they do now, she was $25, but I'm not sure.
Phoebe(cat)-Phoebe is the same as Cleo, only we got her in '96.
Rolo(guinea pig)-$10 for the adoption fee.
Scooter(guinea pig)-same as Rolo, $10.

I really hate putting prices on my pets, because the love they give me is better than anything money can buy. I love each and every one of them to death, and I always will.

07-07-2003, 11:48 PM
We got Kai from a breeder. I have nothing against going to GOOD responsible breeders but I'd really like to rescue in the future. I'd only go to a breeder again if I had my heart set on a specific pure-bred and just couldn't find any near me or if I wanted a show dog for conformation.

All my favourite breeds are fairly common here so I should have no trouble rescueing one in the future.

As for the cost, Kai was $500. Although, I don't like saying that we paid $500 for him because he's worth everything I'd ever dreamed of.

07-08-2003, 12:03 AM
Oh, the precious boy we just adopted was $160, which includes microchip, neuter, and the first vet visit!

07-08-2003, 08:37 AM
I paid 750 for my maltese , he's worth far more to me. I searched for him through a breed specific club and was referred to his breeder by several active club members. He comes from a top line of malts and is a beauty. I went this route because I wanted to avoid the backyard breeder, pet store/puppy mill dogs. I wanted a healthy , sound temperment dog that looked like what a malt is suppose to look like. I don't think it was too much to pay for a beloved member of my family.

07-08-2003, 10:27 AM
I got both my pups at a shelter. They normally charge $250. for an adoption fee, but because we were taking two at the same time they charged us $200. each.

I think people need to do what is right for them. We all have circumstances or desires that guide us in a specific direction. It would be terrible if you went against what was right for you and then had a bad experience or needed to give the dog up.

07-08-2003, 10:29 AM
Well I agree with everyone.....you should be able to get your dog anywhere....b/c they are goin to alll need a home someday..

Asia-- $150
Alex-- Free, I see him as my rescue dog. B/c the guy couldn't keep him b/c he was moving n' we took Alex under our care n' was very worth it~!
Colby-- $500

To me none of my dogs have a price written on them...n' I well never put one on them. They mean everything to me...

07-08-2003, 11:46 AM
I am with binka_nugget, I do not like saying how much I have payed for Sadie or any other pooch I have had. Because you could never put a price on them.
Though, Sadie was $600 and Maddie (the puppy who turned out to have a heart murmor) was $800. They were from diffrent breeders
Though, when I get a conformation puppy, they can run anywhere up to $1,400. Give or take a few dollars.

07-08-2003, 08:01 PM
Shorty was $10.00 from a county dog pound.:)

07-09-2003, 06:50 AM
Quick note first: we looked for months in animal shelters for "the right dog" with our first 2 (penny n clover) but never found a dog that was for us (we were not going to adopt on impulse)

our dogs are priceless and would not trade them for the world (although both dogs have health problems, skin,clovers eye's, etc)we deal with it.

but i am sooooooo ashamed of how we got theodore (Chihuahua) he was from a pet shop, and although i knew better we went and bought him anyway, in return we have gotton a shy,insecure little guy but he love's us uncondtionally.

ohh penny was a freebie, mum met a lady at her work who adopted a supposedly desexed bitch who gave birth to 4 pups a few weeks later:eek:

and clover was out of an ad in the paper and cost $20 (+ desexing,vacinations,worming,fleaing,obedience school,flyball training, various canine association fee's, vet bill with eye and skin problens) but i love more than life itself and would never give her up:)
and the cats were both freebies :D

07-09-2003, 07:25 AM
I'd wanted a puppy for the longest time, like the last two years of my life so I finally convinced my daddy to let me have one, we'd been looking since January for a good small breed dog, (we'd had a Big lab before and she was a lot of work so we wanted something smaller) anyway we checked out this pet shelter and I saw a really cute mutt but he was a big breed, the closest thing to a small pup was a litter of like terrier/GSD or something. So we went to a breeder and I'm not ashamed that we did she was a very responsilble breeder who has experience with chihuahuas and yorkies. And I don't think going to a breeder is a bad thing nessicarily because all dogs need homes and if you want a purebred doggie that's fine, and if I would have gotten a dog from the shelter I would have deprived him of a proper enviornment because we are only able to care for a lapdog at this time. So anyway I got Ringo for my 13th Birthday and I would give the world for him but he was $450 and worth every penny (even when he's a little brat:D )

07-09-2003, 07:58 AM
Leo was from a breeder. He was the only boy in the litter and the only pup she couldn't find a home for. We payed $250 for him and it was one of the best decisions ever!

Patrick is from a pet store. The pet store kept him in a cage where he couldn't even stand up! He looked so depressed and lonely. We payed $100 for him.

Sylvie my deceased baby girl was a rescue and was free.


07-09-2003, 08:49 AM
Ricky, Lucy Tu & Desi Lu were bought by my daughter and she would not tell me if I asked.
What have I spent on them.....who cares. Right now, they are at the Vets getting their annual teeth cleaning and it doesn't matter.
What people need to remember whether they pay $1000 or nothing for their pet, make sure you can afford to take care of them. Don't get a pet, you can't afford to take to the Vet for its routine needs or heaven forbid emergencies. I hate to hear about pets being injured or have an illness and they are put to sleep because the family couldn't afford the vet bill. the initial price is not as important as making sure you have the money in the bank to cover emergencies.

07-09-2003, 02:41 PM
Hm...I think I'm a little late to reply to this message, but I will anyway...LoL.

I got Scout, Tucker, and Kodak from the same breeder (just at different times). Anyway, Chinooks are a very rare breed...so the price for just one of them is pretty insane. We spent a lot more on them than I ever would have thought. Plus, we had to be put on a waiting list for a couple of years before we even got a call about Scout and his litter. I think we paid about $900 for Scout, and about $825 for the other two. I can't remember where I saw this, but I guess there are only a dozen Chinook litters per year...so they are tough to get ahold of. I know their prices sound like a lot, but many breeders charge $1000 or more. Yikes! :eek:

07-10-2003, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Tikeya was only 5 weeks old when you got her??

yup she was only just 5 weeks old! she was so tiny!! and like jet black!!!

07-10-2003, 01:18 AM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
yup she was only just 5 weeks old! she was so tiny!! and like jet black!!!

I bet she was cute. Umm...dont you think its a little too young? Was she weaned? Pup shouldn't be taken from ther mothers under 7 weeks of age...8 would be better...

07-10-2003, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
I bet she was cute. Umm...dont you think its a little too young? Was she weaned? Pup shouldn't be taken from ther mothers under 7 weeks of age...8 would be better... I didnt think of it then. I was a lil nieve. lol but it wasnt to young I guess since she is 4 years old and doing great lol. We fed her cool cooked oatmean with little milk for the first week, then slowly added soggy puppy food, then gradully moved up to kibbles. She was fine ;).

07-10-2003, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
I didnt think of it then. I was a lil nieve. lol but it wasnt to young I guess since she is 4 years old and doing great lol. We fed her cool cooked oatmean with little milk for the first week, then slowly added soggy puppy food, then gradully moved up to kibbles. She was fine ;).

Oh, Ok, just checking..:)

07-10-2003, 05:35 AM
I have 4 dogs and never paid for any of them..... too many animals need homes. I understand wanting a pure bred. But to me it doesn't matter. 2 dogs were strays just showed up at my back door. took 2 in that the mother was hit by a car only have Warlock left.......and Rex we got 10 years ago when we went to get our garden plants he was "free to good home" He's the best dog ever!

07-25-2003, 08:22 PM
Katie was $80.00 and Maggie was $25.00 and gracie was $2.45

07-25-2003, 10:30 PM
Cally and Windsor are sister and brothers and from the same litter, but we got them at different times.
Windsor we bought from a breeder for $275
Cally we were given for free.

07-26-2003, 02:31 PM
I got Darlin from a store. My mother wouldn't go any other way. :\
But we paid like...$900 for her. :eek:

07-26-2003, 02:50 PM
Honey we bought from a breeder for $450.....Licky was free and Mee Mee we donated $75.

07-26-2003, 09:29 PM
Lego~Purebred beagle~ Free ($1,000 for stomach tumor removal)
Smudge~Purebred Brittany~$135 ($100 for shots and neuter)
Buying a dog from a breeder is not wrong!

In loving memory of Princess!

Remember my name, Fame!
Im gonna live forever, Im gonna learn how to fly, High! I feel it comin together people will see me and cry! Fame! Im gonna make it to heaven, light up the sky like a flame Fame!
Im gonna live forver, Baby remember my name!

07-27-2003, 12:16 AM
I paid $800 for my Tufffy (Boxer) and My husband paid $200 for Brock (Great Dane).

The others I took in $0, but worth a $9000000000 or more :D at least to me.

No one should ever feel bad if they got their dog from a breeder or shelter. The choice is ours to make. You should only feel bad if you get over your head and can't give them the care they need.

I'm on both sides when it come to that.....I breed my Boxer to make money......to be able to help care for the rescue's I take in. A deal I made with the shelter when they gave me a female, papered, Boxer. All Money goes to the rest of my crew.

07-27-2003, 09:25 AM
posted by Fox-Gal: A deal I made with the shelter when they gave me a female, papered, Boxer. All Money goes to the rest of my crew. >>>>>>

I thought shelters would not even let you take a dog unless
it was spayed or neutered first. I am very surprised?

07-27-2003, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by KYS
posted by Fox-Gal: A deal I made with the shelter when they gave me a female, papered, Boxer. All Money goes to the rest of my crew. >>>>>>

I thought shelters would not even let you take a dog unless
it was spayed or neutered first. I am very surprised?

They don't normal.....I'm just known there and they know I wont over breed, put any dog health at risk etc etc.

It was just their way of helping me out. Right now I have over 90 some rescue animals and the bills can get very high, so this is their way of helping with my bills. Times are tight for them, as well as me....so this was the compromise we came up with.

If it wasn't for this I would have had to turn away some animlas....leaving the shelter with no choice but to put them down. There are not alot of people in my area that are willing to help, so I'm guessing they want to keep me around a while. Plus the woman has a soft heart. :)

07-28-2003, 04:38 AM
OK, some rescued, and some were given,, some were paid for very dearly...............

I didn't think I would ever pay as much as I did for a dog, but I did, and I'm not sorry. I've done rescue both with cats and dogs, and bought some too.

I rescued a dog, that didn't live long, and I paid for a dog that didn't live..so what is the difference? Your Heart breaks just the same!

It is up to the person, and what they wish to do......and what they want to own.

I have seen some very nasty rescued dogs that took pleasure in biting the hand that fed them........then I've witnessed a very expensive dog, well he is mean as anything, and I wouldn't want anyone to be close to him when his nature changes.

So, do what you want to do.

I love my girl and she loves everybody, a more sweet dog, I have never met, or owned....and I've owned 9 now....one after the other.

07-28-2003, 11:34 AM
$175 for my golden
$200 for my min/pin

My cats were free. :)