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08-07-2001, 06:36 PM
i bred my scottie, but when i when to pick her up from the stud's house the owner said she hadn't seem them get together. if my dog got pregnant, how can i tell? :confused:

08-07-2001, 06:54 PM
Sorry to say this ..but it's a bit late to be asking this sort of thing AFTER you have put your bitch to stud.
What papers did you see to say the stud is healthy and free from abnormalities?

If your bitch was mated and has conceived she will whelp in around nine weeks from the date of the mating.
As false pregnancy is common in bitches that have been mated (even more so than in those that have had a season and not been mated) it is almost impossible to tell if your bitch is in whelp unless the research and experience is in place beforehand.
You will have to take your bitch to the vet with dates of season and of possible mating.