View Full Version : I'm so ticked off!!!!!

04-23-2003, 06:45 PM
Ok, I had another thread about this, but I'm really p****d off now:mad:
Remember our next door neighbors with the GSD? Well, besides bugging my dogs, now he has started tearing things up in our front yard! Our downspouts were ripped off and chewed and the trim (plastic) around our bushes was ripped out & chewed:eek:
So needless to say, Mark & I went nextdoor as soon as she got home. Well, she opens the door & the first thing that comes out of my mouth was "We have a problem." Ok, maybe this wasn't the best way to start off, but I tried to make nice and asked her if she could keep her dog confined to her yard and told her what he did. She acted like it was no big deal, said they ordered a fence and should be getting it soon (guess that's nice to know). She just acted like it was no big deal, never asked to see what he did or if she could pay for the damages or anything! I wasn't going to ask her to pay for it,but it would have been nice if she would have offered. WHATEVER!
So, anyways the neighbor across the street (he sold them the house) comes over to talk to Mark. He says that they knew their dog did this, he did it last night! Not only that, but the stuff that he tore up was in their yard and they threw it back in our yard :mad: :mad:
He also said that he's had a big problem with the dog, it's bitten him twice and come up to his son when he was on his swing & growled at him!
Mark said the neighbors boyfriend/husband came over & appologized & told him they were getting a underground fence. Of course Mark said it might not be the best thing since our friends 2 huskies have one & have gotten out a number of times. Well, he just shrugged his shoulders. Again "WHATEVER!".
I came home from the store about 45 min ago, guess who was in our yard? You got it, their dog! I go out and he comes running over to me all happy & stuff, I hate to be mean & not pet him or anything, but I don't want him to think it's ok with me that he be over here. So she comes out screaming for him to get back in their yard:rolleyes:
Ok, so I'm getting really tired of this! Anyone know anything that can be done if this keeps happening?
Sorry this is so long, but I haven't had the best day & this is just the icing on the cake!

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-23-2003, 06:55 PM
So thier dog is just running free untill they get their fence?!?

I saw something .. i think it was drs. foster and smith.. it was some kind of clicker that sent a signal to strays that you don't want to walk up to you....
but I guess it really doesn't do you any good if he comes over when your not home...

sending you some good thoughts... GOOD LUCK.

04-23-2003, 06:59 PM

Call Animal Control on these irresponsible people!! Just because their fence isn't up yet doesn't mean they can let him run loose to terrorize and destroy the neighborhood. :mad: I'd be ticked off too!

04-23-2003, 07:07 PM
You might suggest until they get the fence installed, maybe keeping the dog on a cable runner while outside. We used one for our dogs until our fence was put in, and we also have used it when a foster that may jump our fence is outside for a potty break.

04-23-2003, 08:05 PM
I agree - you should call animal control. Surely there is a leash law that prevents people from letting their dog run. The poor pooch is going to end up being hit by a car!!!!! or get scared and bite someone!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

04-23-2003, 08:06 PM
Talk about abnoxious, things like that just make you want to go over and start doing it to their yard. What really gets me is they did that and then acted like it didn't matter!!!!!!!!

04-23-2003, 08:09 PM
I agree with the last two post. Suggest them doing the cable runner if that doesn't help call animal control. Sounds like the dog could be a threat to the neighborhood. Already biting one person twice and growling at the grandson. When you came home it could have been worse on you. What if he had bitten you. This sounds like a very serious matter to me. Destroying your property. I would call someone to find out what can be done on fixing and repairing your property. Your neighbors should be held accountable. Good luck.

04-23-2003, 08:13 PM
anna I have the same problem on my street, their is one family that ALWAYS has their dogs off the leash and running around crapping in other ppl yards. it is so rude.

you should call animal controll and get the dog put in the pound, that will teach the ppl. it'll cost them a hefty price to get the dog out as well.

04-24-2003, 12:06 AM
What ever u do don't yell or chase the dog, while ur dogs r watching. I learned this the hard way... there was an aussi running loose & it would only crap in our yard.. well I hated picking up Max's crap, so I really got pissed when I had to pick up that dogs too...

So I started to chase the dog (until it truned on me one day, thats when it was my turn to be chased) so then I got the hose & set it to Jet. I would wet the dog & yell at it.. it worked for a while... but when Max & the dog were both out Max started to chase it off the yard.. But Max caught it while it was taking a dump & attacked it. Max didn't bite her, but he jumped on her & clawed her & snarled & snapped at her..

That was my last straw.. I finally got the nerve to talk to the owners & asked them to keep her off our yard cause Max isn't tied (but he wont leave the yard for anything) & I said Max is getting pissed at her & I'm afraid hes gonna hurt her one day..

Well guess what, the next day the dog came into the yard while Max was out & Max got her.. He ripped the fur off the tip of her tail. I was so mad at Max for biting her, I grounded him in the bathroom for half an hour.

I went back to the owners & told them that their dog was in my yard again & Max bit her tail. Of course they didn't care. So a couple of day later I told my exfriend to bring her Rotti (Rocky) over. So she did... We kept him in the house & Max chased the dog again (which is what I wanted this time).. I calld Max & we leashed both dogs & walked to the owners house again & I said look, do u see that Rotti & the Lab, rotti Pitt bull max dog over there.. I said both those dogs r in my yard & if ur dog gets stupid enough to let Max catch her, Nothing will stop that rotti frim protectin Max & u'll have a dead dog. Please keep her of fmy yard!!! & I never saw the dog again.

Just to let u know, Rocky was never ever left outside alone or unleashed or unmuzzled for that very purpose of something comming onto my yard... I just used Rocky as a way to get the aussi off my yard & it worked. & as for Max, that has been the only dog hes ever put chase to & I think it was ause he was watching me chase it.

04-25-2003, 08:58 AM
They just can't seem to keep their dog in their yard:mad: I try to be nice & it doesn't work, am I going to have to be a witch? I have proof that he was in my yard (who knows if this will help).
I was out taking pictures of some of my flowers & trees, and guess who comes up to me? Yep,Max (the GSD). Like you said kingrattus, I didn't yell, run after or be mean to him, sorry I really don't want to get bit (maybe I should let him bite me, then the police will HAVE to do something about it:eek: ).
Here's some pics of this guy (in our yard:rolleyes: )
He was starting to dig here & I yelled "Hey" (I was in the house).
About 5 minutes after I heard the owners calling for him:mad:
I know I keep complaining, but what do I do? I don't want to fight with them, I just don't know:confused:

04-25-2003, 09:04 AM
Max is a pretty dog, but the owners suck.
Max is also the name of the golden in our neighborhood who is always on the prowl--hmmmm.....

I'm sorry, I don't have any suggestions, but when I originally read your first post, my mind directly went to Animal Court--with Judge Wapner--you could take these people there;)

04-25-2003, 10:19 AM
I am feeling sorry for this dog and I'm feeling sorry for you, Anna. I know it must hurt to ignore the dog. That's not your nature! I hope you can find a good solution. Seems like you've had to do that a lot lately. Whatever happened to your little Jack Russell friend? The GSD is so handsome, and probably so lonely. It sounds like everything he is doing is out of boredom. :( :(

04-25-2003, 10:47 AM
Wow! this shot is amazing in that your 3 are standing there
so calmly.


Murph would be going nuts throwing himself at the fence and Oz
would be following suit, cuz he does whatever Murph does.

He's such a gorgeous dog. Hope it works out for him and you.


04-25-2003, 12:20 PM
Anna, I would call Animal Control and when they come to your house, show them the pictures.

Your neighbors would at least get fined for letting the dog run loose. Each time you see the dog out, call Animal Control... more fines for the neighbors.

It's not being witchy, this dog is destroying your property and the neighbors don't seem to care.

You were already polite before, time to be mean.


04-25-2003, 04:25 PM
Call animal control, like others stated...

04-26-2003, 10:57 AM
try talking to her one more time, calmly, and ask her if she could keep the dog inside til the fence is up, explain what has happpend. can you go up to her and just say "could we talk about this?" when is this fence going to be put up?

if that doesn't work then call animal control.. future fence or not , she has the responibility to keep the dog from destroying peoples property and from scaring children. does she realize she could have a lawsuit against her if the dog should bite someone? I know you said it has bit someone already...

it is careless of her to not want to find out what her dog did and try to make it right, she obvisously doesn't care about her neighbors/doing the right thing or being on good terms with them.

04-28-2003, 07:33 PM
anna_66, not sure if this situation has remedied itself yet or not, however, if I were you I'd tell them 1 last time...either keep your dog restrained and out of my yard or I will report you to the local authority.

Then the very first time you see the dog running loose I would call the police. Here are 2 reasons why:

1) have any kids in the neighborhood? Ever read in the paper where a kid was mauled by a dog that was not restrained?

2) have any traffic in your neighborhood? Ever see a dog lying on the side of the road because he got in the way of a Buick?

anna_66, I know you know these reasons without me telling them to you and I am sincerely not trying to be condescending. Don't be afraid to "offend" these deadbeats.

Do it for the dog’s sake...

believe me...you have all of our blessing!

04-29-2003, 06:51 AM
This weekend they put in their underground fence. And by in, I don't mean under. When Mark was mowing yesterday he seen that all they did was make a groove in the grass & lay the fence in it:rolleyes: They didn't even cover it back up:confused:
Anyway, Mark said it does work because Saturday Max was out and all of a sudden he heard him "YELP", so I guess that means he got shocked. We haven't seen him out since then (maybe afraid to go out now?) so there hasn't been any problems.....so far! Let's hope it stays that way.
Thanks for all the responses everone.
And bnormal, I didn't think you were being condescending at all, I honestly appreciate your thoughts!

04-29-2003, 07:13 AM
Originally posted by anna_66

Anyway, Mark said it does work because Saturday Max was out and all of a sudden he heard him "YELP", so I guess that means he got shocked.

Whoa!! That pooor dog!! We have looked into an underground fence, and the KEY to it working is TRAINING, TRAINING, TRAINING. The manual said to work with them at LEAST 4 weeks and NEVER allow them by themselves until you are sure that you can trust them. Why did those people even get dog when they don't want to spend time with him to make sure: 1. he doesn't run off (like a leash???) 2. Be on friendly terms with the neighbors (like replanting bushes that the dog has chewed up) and 3. Taking time to TRAIN the poor dog who doesn't understand. I can completely understand your frustration, Anna...your neighbors sound like MORONS.

04-29-2003, 07:30 AM
You know - it's not that hard to keep your dog in your own yard!!! I really don't get why people let their dogs run like that. All they have to do is put him on a cable or something when he's doing his business, and keep him inside the rest of the day.

Why is that so difficult for some people? Grrrrr.

Max is truly a beautiful dog, too! If animal control picked him up, he'd probably find a better home in no time.

04-29-2003, 04:05 PM
anna_66, I'm relieved to hear that the fence, up til now, seems to be working. For your sake and the poor dogs sake.

When I was a kid in my teens we lived in a suburb of Columbus that had heavy vehicle traffic. Because I had "better" things to do with my time rather than be responsible to my dog, we would just let him out to do his business. He was free to roam the neighborhood. Until one day a guy driving down the road ran him over. He had to have 3 surgeries to repair his broken back legs.

It wasn't my dogs fault that he got ran over. It wasn't the guy driving to works' fault that my dog darted in front of him. So who does that leave that was at fault?

Advance 25 years later and my 2 boys have a fenced in back yard that have locks on both gates. My wife and I know where they are at all times they are outside.

The boy I had when I was a teenager was a cocker spaniel named Mike. He did recover eventually.

Mike had to pay for my stupidity and laziness. I will never allow that to happen to any of my boys, ever.

It's the dog that pays the price...not the irresponsible owner!

04-29-2003, 04:42 PM
I would be mad too. Hopefully this underground fence thing works. We have a neighbor dog, but he only comes over once in a while, but he always goes home right away. He only comes over if I get dropped off in the driveway or something. Once he came at the end of the driveway, and I told him to "Go Home." then he ran across the street, and he was soooo close to being hit, it looked like his flying tail touched the car!:eek:
I hope this works for you anna.
Good luck!;)

04-30-2003, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by bnormal

It's the dog that pays the price...not the irresponsible owner!
Yep, I totally agree.

And who knows why they got the dog, I guess the reason so many people do, he was cute. And I seen him as a pup at our dog classes & he was a cutie, but never listened to his owner (didn't look like the owner was trying too hard to make him listen either). He only went to puppy class & that was it.
I feel sorry for him, but at this point there is not a single thing I can do:(