View Full Version : Bach flowers and cats - has anyone tried that?

04-23-2003, 04:34 PM
Since I have this bad litter box problem with Luna for a while now (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24170), I thought I would try Bach flowers, just in case she has problems to cope with our move or the changes in our daily routine (I lost my job some weeks ago).

I have already bought a book about Bach flowers for cats and now I have to chose the correct essences for her problem - and find a pharmacy that mixes them without alcohol.

Has anyone here experiences with that?


04-23-2003, 07:49 PM
Bach Flower - Rescue Remedy is just fantastic! great for helping cat's to relax and work the stress out of their bodies.

I would not reccommend using the pure flower forms of the Bach flower's though without consulting your vet. Some of the pure forms can be very dangerous for you cat (or dog for that matter).

Miss Meow
04-23-2003, 09:31 PM
I think Tubby & Peanut's Mom was using Rescue Remedy recently. I've done a quick search, but don't know how to post internal links here, so here goes!


04-24-2003, 12:01 PM
Thanks! :) That's an interesting topic you've linked to.

At the pharmacy they told me the essences wouldn't be toxic for cats ('cause not all subtances of the plant are used), and the book I have bought, "Bachflowers for cats", also doesn't say anything about that.

Anyway, I got a mixture of the following Bach flowers today:

- Cerato (for cats that's been seperated from their mom when they are too young)
- Crab Apple (when they don't want to use their box more than once)
- Honeysuckle (when they have problems to adjust to changes)
- Wallnut (same as Honeysuckle)

Of course it's without alcohol, but they put some vinegar in it to conserve it. Hope that's alright, but my book says it's okay.
I gave some drops to Luna a while ago and obviously she hated the taste, but started happily playing after that. My book says that Bach flowers often work quickly in cats, so I hope this procedure will be over within a couple of days!
