View Full Version : Need advice - Ally's acting weird

Ally Cat's Mommy
04-23-2003, 03:08 PM
I really dont know what to do about Ally. For the past couple of days she has been acting really weird and remote - keeping quite distant from me, and not being very cuddly or playful.

Two weeks ago, I was away on a business trip, and she was at home with my hubby AKA Daddy. Normally Ally lies on my lap when we watch TV, lies on my lap in the study whilst I am working, and cuddles on my side of the bed before she goes to her "bedroom" - she sleeps in the kitchen. Whilst I was away, my hubby says for the first two days she wandered around looking lost, and then became velcro cat and would not leave him alone - they really bonded!

Now two days after I got back, my hubby had to go overseas, and Ally is just miserable, and she is getting worse..... She doesnt want to be picked up, wont lie on my lap, wont cuddle on the bed, and doesnt bother when I play with her "fishy wand"

Do you think she is just missing Daddy, or is she mad with me for going away????

What can I do to cheer her up - she looks SO miserable!

04-23-2003, 03:19 PM
Yes, could be that Ally is confused 'cause you've been away first and now your hubby. Some cats react that strongly to changes in their daily routine. She might be upset 'cause she feels being left alone... or something else has shocked her, who knows...

But I would also recommend to have her checked by a vet, 'cause a change in behavior could also be an indication for health problems, even though I think Ally is "only" offended.


Miss Meow
04-23-2003, 06:39 PM
Cats are creatures of habit, so she is probably confused and stressed that you were away, and now her daddy is away. Ours do that if Shane or I are away for more than a day, and take a few days of regular routine to feel settled again. When is your hubby back? She may behave strangely until after he returns.

We just had the in-laws invade our house over Easter, and one of the cats was leaving a poo on the laundry floor each morning as a little warning sign to us that he/she was stressed - they show their confusion in various ways! I still don't know who it was, but it has stopped now that the house is back to normal.

04-23-2003, 07:11 PM
It COULD be separation anxiety. But play it safe and call your vet.

Ally Cat's Mommy
04-24-2003, 12:37 AM
Thanks for the advice - I'll take Ally down to the vet and get her checked out, just in case.

Ally Cat's Mommy
04-24-2003, 09:43 AM
Took Ally to the vet in her porta-prison today. Despite the fact that it wasn't an emergency, she done a very good imitation of a siren the whole way there and back.

She has been given a clean bill of health, so the only thing I can do now is continue to worship her, and pander to her every desire, in the hopes that she will eventually decide to make friends again!

Miss Meow
04-24-2003, 06:18 PM
I'm glad she has a clean bill of health. :) And wishing you good luck in meeting her every whim and desire so she talks to you again ;)