View Full Version : Rusty is getting fixed....

04-22-2003, 09:16 PM
Rusty is getting fixed tomorrow.:( ?:) ?The reason is because one of his nails is slightly disconnected to the paw.:( :( The vet says that it is better to fix him now with the nail because they have to use aneseptic. After this sort of opertation, do dogs change thier behavior and mop kind of? or do they stay the same? Plz tell me, vote and post.

04-22-2003, 09:20 PM
well right after the operation, they are ussually mopey. then they pretty much go back to normal, but with jordan, it fixed some of his behavioral problems. good luck!

04-22-2003, 10:04 PM
It usualy helps calm the dog down a bit, & helps get rid of the drive to run away. but not in all cases, some it does nothing to them at all & they remain crazy.. hehe.. getting him fixed wont hurt him at all.. he'll be fine :)

04-22-2003, 10:15 PM
do you mean Rusty is getting neutered? or getting his paw better? :confused:

When Oscar got neutered he was all moppy and just wanted his mommy.

When Tikeya got spayed she went through a fake pregnancy, she produced milk and breasts and carried around a snoopy doll. it was cute. :D.

Here is a pic of her during her fake pregnancy with one of her many fake babies. :D/.....


04-22-2003, 10:18 PM
Is the nail a dewclaw? Is it on the back or the front legs?

I'm glad you are chosing to be responsible and neuter Rusty!! :) How old is he?

My Nebo was neutered at 4 months old. I think it's best to do it when they are younger.

He was a tad bit calmer for a few days, but he was back to himself in no time. Your dog will of course be calmer right after the operation, but he will be back to himself soon also. It's not going to make him lazy or anything like that....it will, in my opinion, make him a better companion. He'll be less likely to run off and help curb aggression problems.

Good luck to you and Rusty!

04-22-2003, 10:23 PM
Depends on how long they keep him after the surgery. Chester slept alot after he was fixed, but then he was right back up anf at 'em a couple of days later. I think it changed him for the better. He seemed to calm down and focus in on me more, and I could then use that attention to train him better. Before he seemed to be everywhere except where I wanted him to be.

04-22-2003, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
[B]Is the nail a dewclaw? Is it on the back or the front legs?

I'm glad you are chosing to be responsible and neuter Rusty!! :) How old is he?
Rusty is 5 months old. the nail is on the back legs.

04-22-2003, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
[B]do you mean Rusty is getting neutered? or getting his paw better? :confused:
Rusty is getting his paw better and he is getting neutered.

04-22-2003, 10:32 PM
The boys bounce back really quickly. Even the girls are back to normal within a few days. Don't worry! You're doing the right thing :)

04-22-2003, 10:34 PM
Thanx for the info. Plz keep posting!:)

04-22-2003, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by doglovrforevr
Rusty is 5 months old. the nail is on the back legs.

Honestly I'd have back dewclaws removed also. Nebo has front dewclaws, and they are ok, but back dewclaws seem to get caught on everything. It's hard to clip the nails back there also.

I've seen back dewclaws that are just a nail with no toe (my sister's schnauzer had this), a nail and toe, or a nail with a flap of skin.

I think it's a good idea to get it removed....and he'll be fine with the neuter. Best wishes to Rusty!! :)

04-22-2003, 10:43 PM
It will probably calm him down a bit :)

After Leather got fixed, she didn't jump the fence as much (only a few times to eat the nighbors food lol), she calmed down, but she also became alot more fat...she's my fat puppy :p She came home super drugged from the vets, and was really tired and didn't move for a couple days, but then became her regular self ;)

Timber's behaviour didn't change at all :rolleyes: Still the same hyper monster that she was before :p But she also gained weight and when she came home, was even more stoned on drugs than Leather, and was sick for a week or two. She came home and lied down and slept on me, which was hard because she's so heavy! the circulation in my lags were cut off for a long time lol. :eek:

04-22-2003, 10:46 PM
Actually, nova scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers don't have dewclaws. They have the pad up there, but there is no nail, so the nail that is slightly disconnected is on his back left paw.

04-22-2003, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
It will probably calm him down a bit :)

After Leather got fixed, she didn't jump the fence as much (only a few times to eat the nighbors food lol), she calmed down, but she also became alot more fat...she's my fat puppy :p She came home super drugged from the vets, and was really tired and didn't move for a couple days, but then became her regular self ;)

Timber's behaviour didn't change at all :rolleyes: Still the same hyper monster that she was before :p But she also gained weight and when she came home, was even more stoned on drugs than Leather, and was sick for a week or two. She came home and lied down and slept on me, which was hard because she's so heavy! the circulation in my lags were cut off for a long time lol. :eek:
he he he he he he.....HA!!!!!:p LOL

04-22-2003, 10:49 PM
Kito was a little drowsy after his sir jury, but the next day he was back to normal--except for the cone--that took him a few days to get used to, but he adapted well!

04-22-2003, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by doglovrforevr
Actually, nova scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers don't have dewclaws. They have the pad up there, but there is no nail, so the nail that is slightly disconnected is on his back left paw.

Aw ok! I've heard of dogs having to have nails removed too, I'm sure he'll be fine!

I'm not positive on this, but I'm not sure if having dewclaws is really defined by breed...:confused: Some dogs of a certain breed with be born with them, and others not...and some will have them removed as a tiny pup....I don't think too many are born with back dewclaws though.

04-22-2003, 11:04 PM
Whatever sheep dog Cadeau is, the breed has 2 dewclaws on each back leg. Cadeau has this & its quit odd looking, but I'm getting worried cause the nails r curving so much they're almost touching her skin. But they don't go to the vets & the owners refuse to cut their nails. I don't have my nail cutters here & never will cause the mother will take them & then I'll never get them back cause they will go missing, just like my major assignment that was due last monday :(

I can't wait to get outta this dump

04-22-2003, 11:09 PM
Tollers can have dewclaws, but it isn't all that common. :) It is seen as a disqualification in conformation.

04-22-2003, 11:25 PM
My Tikeya has her Dew Claws. But she is neer getting them cought on things. .. My moms friends dog named Polo he ALWAYS gets his Dews caught on EVERYTHING. I personally dont think they should even have Polo, let along the other two dogs. I dont think they have ever been to the vet befor. They are all unfixed. The mother bred with her son :eek: groose now that is discusting

04-22-2003, 11:33 PM
poor dogs... those poor pups r gonna be so messed up...

04-22-2003, 11:35 PM
Timber's never had dewclaws, lol. I know Leather's never had them either..:confused:

04-22-2003, 11:48 PM
poor dogs... those poor pups r gonna be so messed up...

I know..

this is the story they told me...

Thir female dog *nindynine* ran away a bunch of times while she was in heat. Then she came home pregnant one day. She had a bunch of pups. They were tri colored. very cute. Then they were going to spay her once the pups were old enough to go to homes.

They desided to keep the runt that they hand fed and named him *bear* He bred with Ninedynine befor they could spay her.

So the next litter of pups were all black like Bear and Nindynine. they were all inbred pups as well. The spayed Niners right after that litter *thank GOD* .. But then they got ANOTHER dog and named him Polo, he isnt neutured and nither is Brear. I think it is rediculas. They havent even had their sHots I dont think, I dont bring Tikeya over there. :eek:

04-23-2003, 07:17 PM
It is done. Rusty is fixed. he came home and he was soooo excited to see us!!;) Thanx for the advice. he is kind of his old self. he is a little mopey, but he is also active like before.