View Full Version : Home Alone?

04-22-2003, 03:16 PM
Okay, my mom quit her job when she got married to be a stay home mom. Well, now we are all pretty much old enough to take care of ourselves afterschool so she applied for and got a job. Usually, we would leave Mickey in his cage when we go out but she will be out working for many hours, so instead of keeping him in his cage, we think its best to section off a part of the laundry room for him. He will have a window for light and the laundry room is pretty wide. We already decided we're going to leave his food and water bowls inside (that's a no brainer) and some toys but I'm still kinda unsure about this. What sort of things do we need to make sure he has? We already pretty much *know* but just too make sure we got anything, any suggestions on what exactly we should do? What about his potty? My mom said he'll have to learn to pee and poop on the newspapers but what if he doesn't? He already goes crazy when we don't let him out and he's gotta go. My mom also works not too far from home so she said when she can, she'll come by and take Mickey out. Anyways, do you have any suggestion sor tips on what to do or leave him? I'm knew at this! ;)

Thanks! :)

ps - She will only be working 2 days a week so he won't be alone all week long.

04-22-2003, 05:00 PM
well we are now starting to do this with the cam.. Just leave him with lots of toys and things to keep him busy.. try to keep him outta places where he can reach hazordus items and what we do with the water situation.. We leave it out for her while we are there and when we leave we pick it up and put it somewhere so she cant get it.. This is obly so she doesnt drink alot and pee everywhere but thats only for an hour or two.. :D

04-22-2003, 05:29 PM
How long is her workday? If she can split it up and come home once in the middle of the day to let Mickey out, I wouldn't leave newspapers down for him. The reason is because if you decide to paper train him now then when you don't want to do that anymore, you'll have to start back at square one and potty train him again. It can get confusing when the dog is used to having papers down then all of a sudden he doesn't.

I would get him used to going potty at certain times of the day and even take him out at those times on the weekends. That should help a lot.

When my dogs are alone, I like to leave "busy" toys like kongs or buster cubes.

Two days a week shouldn't be so bad. I hope Mickey adjusts to it quickly :)

04-22-2003, 06:46 PM
Thanks for your advice!

Really, he won't pee on the paper? Darn. I'll see if my mom can take her break during lunch to let him out. He stays pretty long though. Thanks for the advice.

04-22-2003, 06:49 PM

04-22-2003, 06:52 PM
how do you put pictures on message boards awsome
how do you how do you

04-22-2003, 07:23 PM
Check this link out: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7406&

04-22-2003, 08:10 PM
Oh he probably would pee on the paper. Its just that down the road when he's older if you decide you don't want him to be paper trained anymore, it poses a problem. For one it confuses him because he's always used to going to the paper whenever he feels like it so you'll sort of have to re-housetrain him. Also, if anyone accidently leaves a newspaper laying around the house, it very well may become a potty :D