View Full Version : ANOTHER Trick

12-23-2001, 03:20 PM
Simba and I have been working on a new trick...... he finally got it done perfecty today... i taught him to "turn" he jumps up and kind of does a 360!

[ December 23, 2001: Message edited by: SimbaTWonderDog ]

12-23-2001, 05:49 PM

12-23-2001, 09:03 PM
wow!don't think i can get zoey to do that.i think her legs are too short.LOL :D

12-23-2001, 11:04 PM
Way to go, Simba! You're such a smarty boy :) We love you and hope you have a nice Christmas :)

Oh, and if you can pics of him doing his new trick, I'd LOVE to see them :) I can't ever get enough of that beautiful Sim :)

Oh, by the way, KayAnn, Did you by chance see my new Christmas photos? There is a pic of Graham with a candy cane on his head and I think of Simba every time I set something on Graham's head :) That Simba is most patient and tolerant of all the things you have placed on his nose and head :D

12-24-2001, 10:00 AM
What a good dog you are Simba, Hannah and I are still working on that one :D Its the turning thing she has a problem with.

You know what you should teach him next ?? I taught Hannah the other day and people get a kick out of it. Have you ever seen the dog in the fabreeze commercial ? where he goes around spraying the house with fabreeze ? Well I thought that it was a fake dog paw and that a dog couldn't spray something but thought I would try it anyway and I have gotten Hannah to spray water out of a water bottle.
It's so cute, now Im working on gettting her to wipe it up. :D

12-24-2001, 01:12 PM
well it sounds cute but... Simba and water do not go together... he just got a bath poor baby i almost cried with the look on his face because we had to do it outside and it was cold!