View Full Version : Possibly another rabbit

04-22-2003, 12:53 PM
I've wanted to get a rabbit friend for our Twinkles for several months. There are several-hour stretches during the day when Twinkles is home by himself, and I don't speak fluent "rabbit". Hubby has been resisting -- too expensive! Yesterday, someone I've known off and on through work, realized I have a rabbit (saw Twinkles' picture on my computer wallpaper), and offered me the one at his house. It's a fairly typical story: the animal was originally acquired for the children's 4-H project. It lives outside in a raised hutch (over the hunting dogs:mad: ) and the kids have lost interest. Dad feeds it and pets it daily, but he realizes it should be in a house and get more interaction. Dad doesn't know if its a boy or girl, or the name it was given! Hubby has given in!

Current owner is going to bring it over tomorrow evening so that we can make the introductions. I'm going to introduce them in my bathroom (Twinkles has been in nearly every other room in the house!) and see how it goes. Of course, they'll be separated after their first meeting because the other rabbit has not been altered and has probably never had any vet care. If they don't draw blood at initial meeting, the second priority will be a vet visit for a check up and to schedule surgery.

Wish me luck for "love at first sight (or at least toleration at first sight)". I will keep you all posted.

(I'm trying to include a picture of Twinkles in a partial "dead bunny" pose)

04-22-2003, 12:57 PM
I am glad you are taking this rabbit in, and getting it proper vet care and crud. do you know if it is male or female?? What sex is your current rabbit? Rabbits are not really social animals and should be housed seperate. But you probably know that. Hope you have fun with your new bunny ;). Be sure to post pics. I am sure this rabbit will be much happyer in its news home. What r u going to name it? Good luck

04-22-2003, 01:10 PM
Twinkles is a neutered male, about a year old (another rescue, probably a surrendered Easter bunny from last year). He is completely indoor and has the run of the kitchen and pantry. My idea is that the two rabbits will share the space (with the humans!), we will take the introductions slowly (unless they fall in love immediately). The name will probably have to wait until we meet the rabbit, but Saltine or Saltina has been proposed (a reference to our RB rabbit, Pepper!). My older daughter (the harpist of my username) usually has charge of names, so who knows what she'll come up with.

04-22-2003, 01:16 PM
thats good, so you dont knwo if the rabbit you are getting is male or female? I guess you will find out soon enough, right? I wish you all fo the luck in the world with the new bunny, And I hope everything goes well. Ps your twinkles is such nice colors ;)

04-22-2003, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
Rabbits are not really social animals ...

That is, by far, one of the most inaccurate statements you have ever made. I do (partially) agree with the idea of separate housing though -- everyone needs their own quiet spot at times.

THANK YOU for rescuing the little love! Good luck with the introductions.

Keep us updated!

(and Mr. Twinkles is adorable!!)

04-22-2003, 03:32 PM
I'm SO glad you're taking the new bunny in!! Best of luck with the intros, I hope all goes well!! Rabbits ARE social animals, I'm sure you know, so hopefully Twinkles will be overjoyed with his new friend!

04-22-2003, 04:07 PM
Twinkles is so cute! He looks just like a rabbit I had when I was little named Hershey.

04-22-2003, 04:17 PM
I was not meaning to throw anyone off, I just read it on a couple websites I can put up links for ya if you want. I guess they gave wrong info.

04-23-2003, 12:04 AM
Harpmom: If you haven't checked it out already, the House Rabbit Society (http://www.rabbit.org) has good info on intros.

"Our experience as HRS fosterers is that the vast majority of rabbits crave the companionship of at least one of their own kind. "

And Hey, When do we get more pictures?! Twinkles is handsome!

04-23-2003, 10:48 AM
I am so pleased that you are rescuing a rabbit and that Twinkles will soon have a bunny friend! That is a wonderful thing you are doing for BOTH rabbits.

Oddly enough in my 5 years of rabbit rescue work I am guessing 1/3 of our rescues are from 4-H kids getting bored with their bunnies and abandoning them.....it really makes me wonder about the program and the parents of these kids who let them turn a domesticated rabbit loose. I know, I know, not all 4-H'ers are like that but I also know that we end up rescuing a lot of former 4-H rabbits.

Bonding Twinkle with the new bunny most likely will take a lot of patience unless, as you hope, they do the unusual and immediately fall in love. I've had a few bondings like that, but I've also had one bonding took 12 weeks (and it was a boy-girl bonding which should have been the easiest!). And Wolfchan did give you great advice about reading the bonding link in the House Rabbit Society website. ;)

Good luck, please keep us informed of how it goes and yes, do post some more pictures, Twinkle is such a handsome boy.

04-23-2003, 12:16 PM
Daisylover and Wolfcan - Thanks for the advice on finding bonding info. I had read the HRS article some time ago and will be printing and reviewing it today. I also found several articles at Morfz on bonding.

My plan is to just introduce them this evening. I'm thinking we'll use the bathroom in my room (6' x 10', lino floor) and have the squirt bottle and hand protection ready. I'll probably use that room for bonding as well. I've bought a second cage to set up near Twinkles' (but not right next to).

Not sure how I'll handle caging because Twinkles' is usually only in his cage to eat and spend the night. In addition, they'll have to be separated until new bunny has had surgery. I'm thinking that initially new bunny will have to be confined to the upstairs bathroom, but we can start litter training while its up there.

Pictures: I know, I know. PTers are addicted to photos. I have lots, but I'll have the post them from home as I don't want to take unfair advantage of the college's server. I'll try to get a photo of new bunny tonight.

Thanks for everyone's help.

04-25-2003, 10:54 PM
Well, it took two extra days to make contact with the current owner of the rabbit I'd been offered, but we finally went out this evening and met it. It's a sweet rex bunny, about four pounds, with a marten colored coat.

And he lives at my house now!:D

I'm pretty sure its a male (bunnies being notoriously difficult to identify -- I think I'm seeing particularly male parts on his underside). He'll go to the vet's Monday for a check up and to schedule his surgery. He seems to be in pretty good shape physically except his nails are extremely long. He seems much easier to hold and handle than Twinkles so I think we'll attempt a nail trimming at home tomorrow.

We've named him Orion. We thought his coat was very "evening-like" and then thought of astronomical names to go with "Twinkles". Hope he's really not a warrior.

The initial meeting was promising. Both rabbits were in completely unfamiliar territory and basically paid little to no attention to each other. Except Orion wanted in to Twinkles' carrier (the evil Pet Taxi). Twinkles kind of body-blocked that move, but other than that they were both more interested in the room than each other.

On the other hand, when we got home, it was pretty clear Twinks is made at me for smelling like that other rabbit. He would only take one of the mini carrots and turned his back on the second (usually his favorite treat). He'll get over it.

Orion will be sequestered in the upstairs bathroom until after his surgery. But I think both guys are aware of the other being around.

Have to drive around the state for state solo and ensemble day tomorrow, but I'll check back in tomorrow evening and let you know how it's going here.

Here's a picture of Orion starting to check out the new digs.

04-25-2003, 11:04 PM
awwwww he is so cute, I am glad he is in your hosue now and not in athe othwer persons. Good luck with him and Twinkles. I hope everything goes well at the vet as well. :D.