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View Full Version : Tough Day

Dakota's Mommy
04-22-2003, 09:52 AM
Yesterday was a really tough day for me! I don't mean to drag you all down, I just need to let it all out! Last week, Brian left for the Iraq/Kuwait area so he has officially landed over there but they have been unable to call any of us. The Commander got to email and then call his wife to let us know that they got their safely and to pass along their mailing address but it will probably be quite some time before I can hear from Brian. I guess there is like 1 phone for over 7000 soldiers so I'm beginning to wonder if I'll really get to hear his voice again in the next year or however long it is until he gets home. I miss him so much.

On top of all of that and missing him over the holiday weekend, yesterday was our 2 year wedding anniversary. I know it really bothered him when he found out that he wasn't going to be here for it, and I know there's nothing he could do about it, but I really would have liked to at least talk to him on that day. It's bad enough having to be apart, especially on special days like those, but it really, really stinks that I can't even talk to him! I've already started a really long letter to him and hope to mail it out either today or tomorrow just to get something headed his way to make sure his spirits are high.

Anyways, yesterday was a really hard day to handle though because it was supposed to be a day that we spent celebrating and I was here alone while he's over there with the company. It really stinks, but I'll stop complaining now!

04-22-2003, 10:07 AM
I'm sorry Christy. That would have to be very difficult. I'm not sure I would make a very good military wife. I told Mike that and he just laughed. Hang in there, he'll be back sooner than you think (at least I hope he is).

We can be miserable together ok? We still haven't found Vonnie. So go ahead and vent away, that's why we're here.

04-22-2003, 10:25 AM
I'm so sorry Christy. I'm sure it is very hard. I have never been in your situation, so I'm not going to act like I know how you are feeling, but I know I would miss my husband terribly if he had to go away.
Feel free to vent all you want here, we're always listening--and you do have those 3 furkids to keep you company.

04-22-2003, 03:50 PM
Hang in there sis!!! Keep busy with friends and your pups and the time will go faster then you expect. I'm only a phone cal away if you need to talk!

04-22-2003, 04:02 PM
I'm so sorry. I have those days. Some days are good and some days you just miss them so much. I always knew when he joined the Marine Corps that there was the possibility of him being gone for months on end. I thought I would be ok, and I am for now. But, I guess you can never fully be prepared for the reality of it. It hit me a lot harder than I thought. But, the good is that it really made me look at my priorities and realize that yes I do really truly love him and want to marry him....we always talked about marraige before but this made it real for me.

Joey left yesterday for Iraq. In a way, I'm almost ok, now that he's actually gone. It was driving me crazy..him in CA, me in LA and not knowing if this week would be the week he would go. For me, the sooner he left, the sooner he'll come home. Does Brian know how long he'll be over there? Joey doesn't know if it'll be 6 months, a year or less. I'm sure Brian was thinking of you on your anninversary as much as you were thinking of him. Just think of what a great celebration you'll be able to have for your anniversay when he does come home...so it'll be a little delayed.

Now that Joey has finally gone over there, I just keep thinking about the day he'll come home. I spoke to him right before I boarded the plane in San Diego(this was as I was coming home from my last visit with him) Whenever I would visit my Dad in San Diego, I was never to sad to leave because I always knew I was going home to Joey and he would be there at the airport to pick me up in New Orleans. I was a little teary eyed talking to Joey before I left the airport, I told him it seemed so wrong me leaving San Diego and knowing that he wouldn't be there to pick me up when I got home.

Anywhooo...I'm rambling. ((((HUGS)))) Take Care.

04-22-2003, 07:53 PM
Ditto for me too.
I also would probably not make a very
good military wife.
My neice flew back home yesturday.
Her husband has now been deployed
even though he is still in the USA.
(THey have been married less than a year.)
Soon he will be leaving for Iraq to help in the rebuilding,
for which he was trained for.

Christy and Chinadoll and others,
sending you lots of hugs, good thoughts
and lots of appreciation to you all.

04-22-2003, 08:00 PM
This must be so hard! Do you know if he will have dependable access to snail mail?

4 Dog Mother
04-22-2003, 09:04 PM
Sorry kiddo, that I forgot to call you last night. You know you and Brian are always on our minds and in our hearts. Wish I could make this an easier time for you.

For all of you who have husbands away in Iraq, we will be praying for you and hoping they all come home soon.

04-22-2003, 09:44 PM
Vent all you want, we're here for you.

I was actually just thinking of you and Chinadoll tonight. I KNOW I wouldn't make a good military wife!

Here's hoping that they both get to come home soon.

04-22-2003, 10:00 PM
Christy, you are so brave. My husband left for three nights yesterday. I'm a newlywed and it breaks my heart, everytime he has to leave. I cannot imagine how you are feeling. You either, Chinadoll. What brave women you both are, as are so many others.

We are thinking of you all, and praying for you.


Miss Meow
04-23-2003, 04:33 AM
It's hard enough when a loved one is away, let alone when you don't know where they are or when you can be in contact. I hope you hear from Brian soon and he gets regular access to the phone. Look after yourself :)

04-23-2003, 10:25 AM
I think about all of the men and women in the service making sacrifices but I hadn't given much thought to the families that they leave behind.

What a huge range of emotions you must go through, but need to be strong at the same time.

I hope the time passes quickly for all of you and you are soon reunited. I am sure they miss you just as much as you miss them, so writing many letters will be a big help.

Allow me to reach out with a big hug for each of you - and when you have the really tough days.....come here to Pet Talk and we will give you support and love!

Dakota's Mommy
04-23-2003, 03:29 PM
Chinadoll, Brian was told to expect that they will be gone between 9 months to a year. We are both really hoping that it's shorter, but we're not holding our breath. I kind of felt the same way about getting him out of here sooner so that he'll be home sooner but it was so much harder after he left than I thought it would be. I thought I could be tough, but I just have those days that I want to break down and do nothing but cry.

This is our second time being apart since we've been married but it never gets any easier to me. A month after we were married he was off to do a hardship tour in South Korea. He just got back last May from that and so we were reunited in June when he went to Ohio to get me to move me down here with him. During that entire year, we spent about 1 month together while he was home on what is called a mid-tour that he took in December/January. This time seems so much different because I'm no longer living with mom and dad, I've got my own animals to take care of, I'm so far away from family, I've gotten my associates degree when he was in Korea so I'd have it when we moved, and it's such a different situation. I hate being apart from him. I'm not sure how much longer we'll stay in the military because I'm so tired of being seperated. I want to be able to move forward in our life together and I feel anymore like everytime we turn around we're getting seperated so he can go overseas because of the military. Don't get me wrong, I'm so proud of him and I appreciate what the military does for our country, but he has now served for almost 4 years and has a little under 2 years left on his current contract, so I kind of feel like he has done his share of serving our great country. Maybe I'm just being selfish, but like I said, I feel like he has done more for our country by serving 6 years than a lot of teenagers do.

Anyways, thanks for everybody's support, I'm so greatful to my friends, including all of you, for being there for me in these hard times. I can't wait until our service members come home to be back with the families! These deployments really do affect us just as it does the soldier that goes!

04-23-2003, 03:51 PM
oh i do feel for you christy, how hard it must be, thats a long time to be away, i was married to a sailor in the navy, and luckily he got out when we had our son together, i never experienced him being a way for long periods as did other navy wifes, i did not then envey them and i still do not, and they were not going anywhere really dangerous, u take care of yourself, i do hope u have lots of friends and other military wives to help u through this. thinking of you.

04-24-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Dakota's Mommy
Chinadoll, Brian was told to expect that they will be gone between 9 months to a year. We are both really hoping that it's shorter, but we're not holding our breath. I kind of felt the same way about getting him out of here sooner so that he'll be home sooner but it was so much harder after he left than I thought it would be. I thought I could be tough, but I just have those days that I want to break down and do nothing but cry.

Oh Christy...I know exactly what you mean. I dreamed about Joey last night and when I woke up with him not there I just wanted to cry. I too thought I would handle it alright, because you know that them leaving is always a possibility, but the reality is so much more difficult than I imagined. I mean I am alright up to a point...but there are those times when you just miss them so very much.

I don't know how you do it. Other than bootcamp, this is the only other time Joey has been gone. I have much respect for active duty families. Joey is Marine Reserves and a Cop. I don't know what's worse. He's been in the Marines for the last 5 years with one more year left on his contract. I am so hoping that after this he will feel that he has done his duty. His reenlisting is a bone of contention between us. I do not want to raise a child by myself and I just don't want to take the chance that he could be gone for months on end or miss an entire year of our child's life. Although, I do have the utmost respect of military families that do this. Of course, children are a years in the future for us...but still it's a big consideration. *sigh* You're not being selfish. I feel the same way about Joey re-enlisting.

Take Care. ((((HUGS))))