View Full Version : Rolled, Nylon, 'choker' collars

04-22-2003, 07:19 AM
I am having such a tough time locating these collars!!! All the pet stores carry the belt type..you know, with out the ability to choke up....I am not trying to abuse Binx, BUT, we need something that gives us (read, me) a little more control on which way we go for walks.

Binx doesn't need (at least not yet) a pronged collar...but, I can't find the type of collar that is about 1/4-1/2 inch in diameter, has the metal cirlces at each end, and the collar tightens as the doggie walks further astray. Drs. Smith and Foster have several, but, not the collar I am searching for...ok, little picky, but, Binx and I need some ***style*** in our lives.

Anyone know where I can find these collars? And, hopefully, matching leads....

Thanks in advance!!!!

04-22-2003, 07:22 AM
Have you tried Super Pets? At our store they have slip collars available with matching leads in different colors. Also might want to try Petsmart, they seem to have a big selection.

How is the Binxy boy doing, and when are we going to see some new pics, I bet he's grown since we seen him last;)

04-22-2003, 07:43 AM
Hi Anna,
Thanks for the suggestions. I don't recognize the name of that store...and Petsmart AND complete Petmart seem to carry the same line of collars- the wrong ones!!!!

As to Binxy boy, yesterday was a wonderful eat day for him...probably just under 6 cups of food- pretty close to his needs. This am, wellllllll, we didn't finish half of the breakfast. So, we are going to feed several more times today to make up for it. Let's see what I can post that you haven't seen....

Binx relaxing in the chair while I mow the grass...what is wrong with this picture!!! I thought he was a member of the 'working class'....

04-22-2003, 07:53 AM
Joahana, Binx is just precious!! More pictures, please, please, please!!!

Is this the type of collar you are looking for?

I found one pet supply site that carries them:
Arcata Pet (http://arcatapet.com).

Hope that helps!

04-22-2003, 08:13 AM
That is EGGxactly what I am looking for!!!AND, the color I want!!!!! Thanks, and away I go to look at them.

04-22-2003, 08:18 AM
Those are perfect! And, very inexpensive...more than half the cost of DRs Smith and Foster.... what size does a forty five pound doggie need? As inexpensive as they are, I could just get a couple, but...hate to waste if I don't need it.

Anna, if you are reading this....Binx is bigger than Huney, but, smaller than Angus. Does that tell you what size I need?

04-22-2003, 08:44 AM
OK, I ordered 1-22 inch, and 1-24 inch, plus matching 4 foot lead. We will be stylin' soon!

04-22-2003, 08:46 AM
I love the pic!! He looks so "at home" in that chair! And don't worry, I'm sure even though he's working class, he won't give you much help in the yard, ours don't! But who knows, he may dig you a hole or two, mine are famous for that;)
I just love his tongue!!!

Yep, those are the same type of collars I thought you were talking about. Size wise, Angus has to have a 24" to go over his big ol' head, and Roxey & Huney wear a 16" or 18", I'm not sure which, don't know if that helped you at all. I think they say to measure around their neck and add a couple of inches. Is he going to grow real fast? You might want to get a couple different sizes if he will:p

04-22-2003, 08:47 AM
That's great!

I was checking out their prices and noticed they were inexpensive too! I may have to bookmark the site.

04-22-2003, 09:57 AM
Leather has one of those collars! :D It doesn't work on her though :( We had a prong collar but it got to small, but we have to get another one...It might work on Binx though since he's a puppy :D

04-22-2003, 10:00 AM
I tried a collar like that...not quite the same, I think it was called a "mountain collar." I ony got it because it was on clearance for $1 heh.

It didn't phase Nebo in the slightest...he just choked himself.

I was tempted to try the prong collar but then most everyone on here made me feel guilty for even thinking about it.

So I tried the halti...it works great. He CAN'T pull at ALL with that. He hates it though. :( And I hate all the looks I get when I use it on him.

04-22-2003, 10:11 AM
I have never seen those collars--I would like to know how well it works. Abbey is our puller, but Riley will be getting big soon, and I would be interested in trying one out. I suppose for those prices, it wouldn't hurt just to order one or 2, and figure it out on my own:)

04-22-2003, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q

I was tempted to try the prong collar but then most everyone on here made me feel guilty for even thinking about it.

You know, there isn't anything wrong with the pronged collar. It protects both the dog and walker from any ill fated moves into traffic, towards any moving person/animal, makes walks enjoyable and even possible, for some doggies. It is supposed to be a deterrent. It does not puncture the skin (or it shouldn't!), and is much better than a dislocated shoulder, or a pup that gets hit by a car. It can also be utilized in training the pup to behave.

I don't intend to use one on Binx because he isn't a huge puller, yet. BUT, if I find I cannot walk him with safety for me, him,and the general public, I will go to a prong collar.

My sister resisted the prong for sometime. She now walks, with confidence, at the same time, her rottie and GSD.

04-22-2003, 11:35 AM
So I tried the halti...it works great. He CAN'T pull at ALL with that. He hates it though. And I hate all the looks I get when I use it on him.

I am 100% in favor of the halti or gentle leader collars. I think they are a must for any dog that has the tendency to pull. I also feel better knowing that a gentle tug is all I need to get my dog totally focused on me. Leo also didn't like it at first, but he got used to it pretty quickly and when we used it in training sessions - his learning curve seemed to go way up.

You're right though - people look at you kind of funny like "why is your dog muzzled???" :rolleyes:

Dakota's Mommy
04-22-2003, 11:46 AM
Oh, what a cutie! I love the pic you posted! He's such a cutie! I looks like you really got a great dog there!

04-22-2003, 12:39 PM
I didn't read the other posts cause I have to leave for work ASAP.. but try a Halti, I used it to train the psycho dogs at the shelter & my ex-friends 200 pound rotti... I even used it to train Max... it comes in many colours & costs about $10-$15 canadian.. make sures it comes in a box & its a smooth material.. the ones in bags r a rough material & will cut into a dogs muzzle... I find choakes r useless & take way way too long to train the dog..

I know Pet Value has Halti & the choaker u want too

04-22-2003, 01:10 PM
I am afraid with Binx and his mouth condition that a halter type collar is out of the picture...thanks, tho.

04-22-2003, 01:46 PM
I would STRONGLY suggest using a Gentle Leader instead of that choker. Or a normal harness if he can't wear one because of his mouth. Or get him in an obedience class.

And I hope you don't get a prong collar ever :( You get faster results choking the dog as opposed to training him to walk properly, but your relationship will be a lot better if you take that time rather than using physical brute force.

04-22-2003, 03:02 PM
Sadie has one of those! Her's is red! We got it at our local Pet co, I don't know why your Pet co wouldn't sell them? Good luck trying to find it!

04-22-2003, 03:43 PM
Johanna, You would be better off with this type because of his size. (I hope the attachment works)
I found it at :

04-22-2003, 03:44 PM
We use Nylon slip collars made by Premier (also called Martingale Collars, same maker as the gentle leader) They are good for good for pullers, but may not discoursage the toughest of pullers (read Sadie and Cincy). Once we got them trained those, these collars are enough most of the time. They will tighten when the dog pulls, but never enough to cut off air. The dog also can not back out of them . Here in Toledo, the only places you can by them is at Pups-n-People, where we trian our dogs, and at the Humane Society. They are also available online. May be something to consider as Binx gets bigger :)

I'm one of the few people not totally opposed to the prong collar. I think it is a last resort, and I think you still need to use postive methods to teach the dog how to act whent he collar comes oof, but it can be a useful tool...Cincy was just the most stubborn dog...we tried all the right things, themethods, the training, the halti the gentle leader. Nothing convinced her! There was no reward good enough, no food no toy, nothing that was more tinteresting to her then pulling. She we tried and prong, and kept up with the postiive reinforcement. She no longer pullson a regular collar....and when she needs a reminder the collar goes on, and she doesn't usally need it for the whole walk.

Cinder & Smoke
04-22-2003, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
...ok, little picky,
but, Binx and I need some ***style*** in our lives.

Hey Binx ~

Ya wuntz ***style***?
Klik on dis page... "Bark Avenue" Martingale Collars (http://www.moongazer.com/Boulder/web_store.cgi?category=Canine&page=0003.html&ref_id=&cart_id=9637145_29905)
Course Mom mite tink these got more :eek: *FLASH* than *style* :rolleyes:

You need to look at THIS page to see How the Martingdale Collar (the ones Amy mentioned) is constructed and works... "Martingale Pix" - bottom of page (http://www.moongazer.com/Boulder/web_store.cgi?category=Canine&page=0000.html&ref_id=&cart_id=9637145_29905)

When we went to skwel, our teachers all taught wiffa "Chain Choker" collar - but sed they were mis-named - kuz the handler was NOT supposed to "choke" :eek: the dawggie wiff em...

Dad wuz supposed to give a quick "Pop" by pulling up, then *IMMEDIATELY* RELEASING the pressure onna neck... The idea wuz to "Get our ATTENTION", not punish or prevent us frum doin sumpin! We were supposed to alluz "Look up at Dad's EYES" when he "poped" the collar... Sum of us took a lil longer than udderz to grasp the concept! :rolleyes: The Teachurz all preferred the *CHAIN* style rather than the nylon or leather types - kuz they sed the dawggie could *hear* the chain run through the sliding ring - sorta an advance hint that the "pop" wuz onna way!

And they all stressed that the choker style collar should only be used for training or walkin - never as the general wear - all the time - collar.

For a BIG dawggie - like Mr Binx *will* be - the Over the Nose style "Gentle Leader" might help - they make it pretty difficult for even a strong dog to pull very hard. And that style should not hurt his mouth - if it's fitted properly so that the nose loop is *back* (close to his eyes).

Good Pix of the "Gentle Leader" collar...
Gentle Leader ON 3 different dogs... (http://www.arcatapet.com/gleader.cfm)

Johanna - talk to some of the Saint Club owners -
ask them what works well with other Saints.

04-22-2003, 05:33 PM
What worked with leash training both our Saints (though they were younger than Binx at the time - 10 weeks, tops)? A quick tug on the leash, a firm, loud-enough-to-get-through-thick-skull No! and a "bad dog" when she pulled at all. They are such people-pleasers that you seeming mad is worse than any physical harm! It might take some persitence with Binx, since he is older (therefore thicker skull! ;) ) but I'm betting you won't have to go as far as a prong collar. They aren't the pullers Huskies are, but they WILL test your patience at first!

04-22-2003, 08:08 PM
I hate haltis..Timber has one, but it doesn't stop her from pulling at all :mad: And I'm not allowed to buy her something different :rolleyes: I want to get her a prong collar, Leather's old one worked great on Timber. But Timber still pulls like crazy on that stupid halti...And we've been using it since she was probably about 6 months old..
I also don't like the halti on Leather...It worked good on her the first few minutes, until she figured out that if you pull backwards it comes off :mad: So during the wiggle waggle walkathon she got it off and ran around, me chasing after her. :mad:

04-22-2003, 09:37 PM
We used the prong collar on our Westie for quite some time, and used it for a short time on Chester. But, by far the best thing we've gotten to discourage his pulling is the Sporn No-Pull harness.
What a difference. Night and day change in our walks AND it doesn't choke him at all, so no trachea damage. I've put it on my arm on the soft part inside (by my armpit) and it doesn't hurt, just feels slightly uncomfortable when you pull against it.

Their website is www.sporn.com (http://)

We bought ours at Petsmart for around 17 bucks. :D

I really don't like any type of choker, even the Premier ones. They just don't seem to stop the pulling.

04-22-2003, 09:38 PM
If the Halti is on properly & fits right, it will NOT come off. I trained a Walker Hound who pulled like a mad man from hell. I put the Halti on & he fliped out & I mean "fliped" he pulled backwards for his life, rolled around, he would run so hard that his body went flipping over his head. I thought he was gonna break his back, so I made sure we walked in the grassy ditch & not on the road... it took 2 full day to train him really well on it. & if u have a real Halti the muzzle part tightens & also helps prevent it from comming off.

& for Binx, if he can't have it tighten on his muzzle yet, put it on the side ring (along with the muzzle ring) cause it'll prevent it from tighting but still keep the dog in line. Thats how I use it on Max so it wont tighten on his old face too hard.. But I hardly ever walk him on a leash so it doesn't bother him any longer (Max wont chase or leave my side with permission.. hes trained very well, & his age helps too.

04-22-2003, 10:57 PM
It was on right, it's just that when the dog pulls away from you it slips off. It's hard to explian. Like in the postion of playing tug-of-war, the dog pulls one way, you pull the other, it gets pulled over their head and off the muzzle. Timber's is too small even, so explain that. She has the last size the petshop will sell, it doesn't fit :( Leather has a thinner muzzle so hers came off even more easily.

It's like how a collar gets pulled off. Collars, haltis, they both go over the head, they come off the same way.

04-22-2003, 11:02 PM
See how it's on here? My dogs pull until the strap at the back slides up their head, past the ears and it just falls off their muzzle. Timber's is really tight, so I don't know how she does it :p

04-22-2003, 11:09 PM
Wolfsoul, I have a hard time understanding how the halti could be too small for your dogs? :confused:

Nebo's like a 50 lb dog....not big......and his muzzle is pretty small....and it fits him fine. Actually, the size that it recommended for a husky was too big, so I had to get a size smaller. Same with my friends german shorthair.

The halti has the clasp that you hook to the collar for safety. Nebo has jerked and pulled back, and it has never even come close to coming off of him. When the dog pulls backward, it tightens over the muzzle.

I don't see how a dog can pull with that on. It just doesn't seem possible to me. It's attached to the muzzle, they can't pull with their heads like that....or at least that's how it seems to me. :confused: Lady, the german shorthair, is a HORRIBLE puller, I mean, she'd rip your arm off...she's a pretty big dog, 65+ lbs....and she can't pull at all with the Halti on.

As far as the prong collar, I thought it'd be easier to transition a dog from prong collar to regular collar vs. halti to regular collar, as the halti is completely different from a collar. I don't know though. So far with the halti, Nebo walks good with it on, but just walks the same as before with it off.

04-22-2003, 11:12 PM
Odd cause Jasper (the walker hound I was training at the shelter) pulled like he was playing tug of war, & it stayed on.... one thing I noticed that was wrong with the pic u showed.

Look at the strap that is loose at the front of his throat. Max's is snug.. was urs loose?? maybe that was a factor?
cause that Pic is the one off the box I got Max's Halti...
I'm just bewildered that urs came off & I've trained so many dogs on it & not once did it come off.

04-22-2003, 11:18 PM
It's only too small for Timber, not Leather, probably because Timber has so much more fur than Leather I guess. It's kind of wierd because Leather is larger than Timber. The petshop near me only goes up to size 3 :mad: It's so stupid, I just read that they can go up to five! Well, a ninety pound dog and a size three halti just doesn't seem right at all to me. :rolleyes: Leather is 110 pounds, but she has a thinner head than Timber and it comes off more easily..

I mean it, if she pulls forward, it won't come off, it will just pull her head sideways, unless she pulls too hard, then it will slip from the side and start to come off. When pulled backwards it will come off immediatly.

You should have seen her when she was young, probably no more than six or seven months and I brought her to the petshop...She did that, and the employees were freaking out, Timber was running loose in the store, and when I got to her, they helped me put the halti on. You would think that would have been enough, but when we got outside she did the same thing! :eek: She has obviously calmed down a bit, but if she ever wanted to,I know she could get off..

04-22-2003, 11:21 PM
Look at the strap that is loose at the front of his throat. Max's is snug.. was urs loose?? maybe that was a factor?
Only on Leather, she has such a skinny face lol. On Timber it is waaay too tight, and my family won't be convinced otherwise! :mad: It drives me nuts that I'm the only one who wants to take care of my dog :rolleyes: I wish I could get her a prong collar, the one I put on her before worked so well...:(

04-22-2003, 11:23 PM
Why would it matter if it didn't go up to the largest size if the one you have is too big? :confused:

Does your halti not have the extra clasp that attaches to the collar? Your pic does not show it.....on the ring that's hanging down, on my halti there is another strap that goes to from that ring with a leash clasp on the end that you put on the collar. That way, if the halti comes off, the leash is still attached to the dog, and the dog shouldn't be able to get away.

p.s. I *think* Nebo's halti is a size 2...not positive...Lady's is the same size as Nebo's....

04-22-2003, 11:23 PM
65 pounds, u think thats heavy? Max was 80 pounds between the age of 3-7 & he wasn't fat, I thought he was under weight, but the vet said his weight was perfect for his build..
& the Rotti I trained with the Halti was 200 pounds (thats alot heavier then me) & he use to drag me & my exfriend around as if we wern't even there..

The Halti helped a heck of alot, until her bro got mad & broke it(that Halti was my extra one, for training other dogs)... But we didn't know it was broken until we took him for a walk & it came off.. we thought he broke it. So we decided that the prong choker would be best for him. & it was even better.. but a few days after we bought it her bro told us that Rocky didn't break it, he did. So, I was kinda mad, cause I had 3 & was now down to 2, cause of a stupid fit he had.

04-22-2003, 11:30 PM
No this brand of Halti doesn't have that extra clip. Max wears a size 3, but he has a big head & wide muzzle (he's part Rotti & pitt bull)..

umm size 5 is for great danes.. & size 1 will fit a Jack Russel, I don't think they go smaller then that..

04-22-2003, 11:32 PM
wolf_q, it is too small for Timber, not too big. I think I said somewhere else in the thread (not sure?) that Leather doesn't actually use the halti, I've just used it on her before :) She is using a nylon choker now, I hate that too lol.

It sounds like the one you are describing is a halti outfit? :confused: I would like to try one but am not sure if my pet store carries them?

65 pounds, u think thats heavy? Max was 80 pounds between the age of 3-7 & he wasn't fat
lol, Timber has been 90 pounds since she was one! :eek:
Leather has gained quite a bit, ecspecially since she got fixed, then got cancer and then got allergies blah blah blah lol. And when my dad stopped running with her...:( She's 110 pounds now, probably a bit more than she's supposed to be...My fat puppy lol

04-22-2003, 11:34 PM
Is this what you mean, Amy?
This is a halti outfit..

04-22-2003, 11:35 PM
Cancer.. awww poor puppy.. is she ok?

04-22-2003, 11:39 PM
I hope so :( She has malignant cancer, so it will never go away :( She had a tumor, it was about the size of maybe three eggs, it was on that flap of skin that attaches from the leg to the body.

It was sad, and the surgery was hell for our money problems, but she hasn't gotten any more tumors, probably due to her great food, and she's happy as ever! :D She needs more excercise though, and in the summer I'll get to keep her almost every day at my mom's house, so I'll take her out and build her strength, maybe lose some of those pounds I was talking about! :p

04-22-2003, 11:50 PM
glad she doesn't seem to be in any discomfert... Max doesn't have any tumers or cancer, but he has old age worts & (I have no idea what its called) his skin will grow ontop of its self looking like a tower of just skin, it also kinda resembles a large tick, with no legs & its head burried in the skin. The vet said it happenes to older dogs & they'll just cut them off once a year when he has a vet visit. & when they cut the first one off (which was a test to see if any nerves were in his) & he was fine, he didn't even notice it at all & it didn't bleed... Well since I wasn't there for the vet visit last year he has tines of those things & some r huge... he had one on is lower lip, but it was ripped off (looks like it was never there).. the vet said I could cut them off it I wanted to, but I said HELL NO, I'm not gonna cut my dog up!! But its tempting sometimes... heheh

04-22-2003, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Is this what you mean, Amy?
This is a halti outfit..

No, I don't think so....does the leash come with it and everything?


I don't know if you can tell but there's a black loop coming down from his chin to his collar. It's just like the pic you posted except it has that collar attachment, as an extra safety measure I suppose.

I got it at Petco for about $20. It was just called a Halti headcollar...there was halti's and gentle leaders, that's it.

04-23-2003, 08:36 AM
WOW...leads,leashes and collars, Oh MY!

First, Binxy really isn't a puller...nearly not at all! I was looking for something when we are out walking, and he sees people, kids, etc., and decides at 180 pounds, that he wants to walk over to see them. I wouldn't ever (well, at least not intentionally) 'choke' him or 'prong' him...but, I do think they provide corrective measures for those necessary times. I wear my seat belt all the time, but, don't expect to get in an accident all the time..and quite frankly, those seat belts hurt/burn/cut when you have an accident. But, that doesn't mean they hurt/burn/cut ALL the time. So, while Binx is being coached on walking, and the plan is to have him walk nicely, the fact is, he won't, sometimes.

I am not going with the prong, now, cause I don't see the need for it. But, I am not opposed to them, at all. As to the thicker flat leads...like what Jen posted...I am wondering now if I shouldn't have gotten those instead of the rolled ones... I still have to check out all the other links you guys sent....THANKS~

04-23-2003, 04:06 PM
Bottom line is that diffierent dogs are going to react to different collars...what is right for one dog is completely wrong for another...it really is trial and error til you find what you and your dog work best with :)