View Full Version : Update on Sooty....

04-22-2003, 04:48 AM
The Cat Shelter rang about Sooty.

He seems fine.

The ex-owners had taken this friendly and laidback cat home and instead of letting him get settled in a spare room etc.

They had thrown him into the main living room with three hyperactive young children. Strangely enough he started to show signs of stress including throwing up, runny poo etc.

The ex-owners rang the shelter and said
We did not want a cat which needs to go to the vets

What did they think they were adopting a fluffy toy :mad:
Any cat would have to go to the vets for some treatment at some point.

What makes my blood boil is that those people will probually just go and get another cat/kitten at another place. What will happen when that cat needs treatment. :mad:

PS. We won't be adopting him. :( Three cats is our limit.

04-22-2003, 05:42 AM
I for one am glad that those ignorant people brought him back. I'd rather see him get a proper home, than live with those :mad: :mad: people (so mad, I couldn't even find a proper word for them)

I am sorry that you can not adopt him, but if it is not too difficult a thing to ask, could you keep tabs on him and report to us? We've grown quite fond of him.

04-22-2003, 05:51 AM
Yeah -we hope he will now find his furrrever home. With people who know that from time to time even a healthy cat has to see the vet. And that cats are friendly animals but need space to retire and that they hate loud noises (they hear much better than we do).
Please keep us posted:)

04-22-2003, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
I for one am glad that those ignorant people brought him back. I'd rather see him get a proper home, than live with those :mad: :mad: people (so mad, I couldn't even find a proper word for them).....
I am in full agreement with you Jen (I could think of a word for them but couln`t post it here on PT :mad: ) Poor Sooty:(

PayIt Forward, I was wondering about the shelter. Is it an official Cats Protection shelter? Only asking because I know from getting Ebby from one they do have a pretty strict adoption policy, with an adoption fee, a contract to sign, plus a home visit before you can take a cat home and another one after a few weeks to see how things are. I am not saying their methods are foolproof, but, if it is an official CP shelter, they should have picked up that something wasn`t quite right with those people don`t you think?


04-22-2003, 06:12 PM
Oh my gosh, that is horrible!!! I'm amazed that anyone would think like that....so sad. :(

I'm glad they brought him back though....he doesn't deserve that and he was WAY out of their league!!!! :mad:

04-22-2003, 06:17 PM
There is both a Cats Protection Shelter and Cats Protection League, in Sheffield.

The Cats Protection League does require home visits. In Sheffield they only have a few cats at foster homes but none around Milly's age. Just kittens or older cats. I spoke to a nice lady though.

We went to the Cats Protection shelter in Broomhall, Sheffield.
They don't require a home visit. But you have to fill a 2 page form before they let you look at the cats.

I was impressed when we visited as they turned away several people who wanted to adopt. But everyone can make mistakes, they did with Sooty's ex-owners.

I am pleased he was returned to the shelter, than stayed with those ...:mad:... people. If only we could take him :(

I keep thinking things are meant to be. If we were meant to have him, we would :(

I have asked the shelter to keep me updated on him. :(