View Full Version : Lily, the Frequent Flyer

Prairie Purrs
04-21-2003, 08:00 PM
Does anyone else have a cat who likes to jump from the floor into your arms? My (fortunately) little Lily does this all the time--she circles around in front of me and takes a flying leap. I can generally tell it's coming so I can catch her, although once she ambushed me from the cat tree and managed to land claws-first on my back.

Once I catch her, she crawls up and sprawls across my shoulders to ride around the house for awhile. She's such a tiny little thing that I don't mind being a mode of transportation. Let's just hope her brother Hagrid doesn't come flying at me, though, 'cause he'd knock me flat!

04-21-2003, 09:28 PM
That's exactly what my Tucker does..... my hubby and I just pat on our chest and he jumps right up into our arms and over the shoulder! I LOVE IT!!!

Ally Cat's Mommy
04-22-2003, 02:08 AM
Ally does that sometimes. I LOVE it when she does, but she has to be in the right mood.

I pat my chest and say "UPPIES" and sometimes she jumps up - other times she just looks at me like I'm MAD. (Of course, having a 14 year old teanage boy in the house I am used to being looked at as if I am mad!!!)

The downside to the UPPIES thing is when I am bent over bgloading up the washing machine she jumps on my back, and if I try to stand up straight she hangs on for dear life and sticks her claws in - OUCH! So I have to shuffle through to the lounge bent-over and let my son or husband remove her LOL!!!:D

04-22-2003, 08:03 AM
Filou does that -but he jumps on your shoulders from the bathtub or from a chair. You can see it in his eyes and when you see it and are naked (e.g. in the moment you come out of the shower and he stands on the rim of the bathtub with this special look) you better run for cover.
My shoulders show many thin red lines:(

04-22-2003, 10:30 PM
How cute. :) None of my cats have ever done this but they are quite large so if they did they'd probably knock me over. :)