View Full Version : I have to give Jupiter back.... :(.... I am so sad!!

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-21-2003, 05:30 PM
When we first took Jupiter last March.. it was on the conditions that my sister could get him back when she got a house. She needed someone to take him cause her apartments wouldn't allow pets.....

Well..... she moved this weekend. We talked about it a while ago and she said that it would probable be better if I keep him so him and Tinky wouldn't have to be seperated.

Me and Eric went over to her new house Saturday and IT WAS SOOO NICE..!!!! I am soooo happy for her. I am so glad to see her get blessed with this house. It was the model... so she got a free sofa and chair, free table and chairs... AND a free refridgerator!!....

Me and Eric were talking to her on the porch and she was telling me about a four year old cat that she was thinking about getting... and Eric said.. why don't you just take Jupiter back... and she said REALLY?.. and I almost couldn't say yes but she started crying.

SOOO... now I have to give my little boy back to his mommy.....:(
I didn't realize how attached I was to my Mr. Kat...:(

Him and Tinky were playing last night and it made me sooooo sad. I don't want him to be lonely over there. I am going to miss him SO MUCH!!!.:(
I feel so selfish!!!

On a little better note...
My friend called me the other day and told me she got a cat. I was kinda mad at first cause they are not pet people. I have seen them go through 2 dogs..... when they get tired of them they just give them away. She told me Brian brought it home and she was telling me how she didn't want it. She just didn't see herself loving a cat... I got soooo upset and cried about it to Eric.
WELL.... Saturday before we went to my sister's .. we went to Candace's.... THAT LITTLE KITTEN WAS SOOOOO CUTE!! and tiny!! I think it has to only be 6 weeks old. It kinda reminds me of Lut's Maya. I felt even worse after we left their. She has two small boys and they were wresteling and flipping around and no one cared about the cat.... and when i got there SHE HAD IT LOCKED IN THE BATHROOM.... and it was crying....:mad:
anyway... Eric played with the little kitten (they havn't even cared to name it yet :rolleyes: ) and now Eric is in loooove with it.. So I am going to call my friend and see if we can have it....

I don't know .... I am having mixed emotions about taking that kitten.... maybe I can just find it a good home....

i really wish i didn't have to do this.

04-21-2003, 05:46 PM

I'm not trying to be unsupportive, but do you really HAVE to give him back? My concern is for Tinky....cats totally bond and separating them can make a huge difference in their temperments. Can't she find a home for a kitty that actually NEEDS one???

Why doesn't your sister take the kitten??

I hope I'm not sounding mean. Its just that my heart sunk when I read this thread. :( Maybe if your sister can understand how it will effect Tinky AND Jupiter, she'll change her mind.

I know that I couldn't bear to have any of my cats sad even for a second....please, can you try and see if your sister will change her mind?????

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-21-2003, 05:55 PM
I want to ask her but .... she got so excited she started crying when I told her that she could. Even my little brother asked me after he got there why I wouldn't give him back... so she must have been talking to them about wanting him back before I got there.... :(

I would feel bad with her taking a new kitten and having to spay it and all...
I guess I could offer to pay for the operation?!?!!?

I don't know I just want to be fair.... to her and the kitties!!:(

04-21-2003, 06:03 PM
Look, she is your sister. Talk to her. If you tell her how deeply you feel, she might take the kitten instead. It's not like she won't see Jupiter again ?

As my mum says to me 'If you don't ask, you don't get' The worst result is your sister wanting Jupiter back.(i.e. where you are now.)

I do believe in fate. Things will work out for the best whatever happens. Thinking of you.

04-21-2003, 06:03 PM
I know you want to be fair. That's what makes you such a wonderful person. :)

But, think of it this way....the kitties depend on you for everything, including their happiness. Your sister can get over it...I'm not trying to be mean, but she's an adult, right? And an adult would want the best thing for a cat she loves, right?

Yes, you can offer to pay for the kitten's vet bills, but did she reimburse you for Jupiter's??? I mean, you fed and cared for him for a year.

I know it doesn't seem "fair" at first, but it REALLY isn't fair to poor Jupiter to have his life disrupted like that. I mean, it wasn't his fault he wasn't allowed in the apartment she lived in....she shouldn't have adopted him if she wasn't allowed to have him. I mean, what if you weren't around? Jupiter would have gone to a shelter.... :(

This sounds harsh when I re-read what I wrote. I just feel so bad for Jupiter....he wont be able to understand the situation.

04-21-2003, 06:04 PM
This is the saddest thing I've ever heard of! I know that when an agreement is made it should be stuck to, and if that was the original agreement then I guess sticking to it is the right thing to do. But I, personally, would not want to do it. After all, Tinky and Jupiter are bonded, and even though you could get another kitty in need, so could your sister. And if she was the one to get the new kitty in need, Jupiter nor Tinky would have to be disrupted by introdutions to new situations. Since I do not know the relationship that you have with your siste, I do not know if my suggestion will be possible, but what I'd like to see you do is to try to at least talk to her about how Jupiter would need to adjust to a new home, Tinky would have to adjust to a home without his buddy, You would have to adjust to life without Jupiter and if you wanted to get a new kitty then Tinky would have to adjust all over again. BUT, if SHE got a new kitty, no one would really have to adjust and another cat would find a forever home. This is my suggetstion, after all.....you are just asking her to consider it.

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-21-2003, 06:19 PM
You guys are so great ... I would be so lost now If I couldn't turn to yall for advice....

I am going to ask her if she wants Candace's kitten... the only thing is that I called Candace and she don't know if Brian is willing to give it away...:mad: :mad: :mad: (like he really cares about it)

The thing that makes this so hard is my sister really wants him back and loves him soo much.. When I got him she offered to pay for all his food and came by to visit him... (even came to their birthday party ;) ) I would love to see him back with his mommy but I don't want him to be lonely... or Tinky to miss him either.
(I didn't have to pay to neuter Jupiter... he had already had the surgery when I took him)

I really don't know what to do... Candace is supposed to call me back later.. she said she is going to talk to Brian... maybe he will be ready to let go of that little kitten.:(

04-21-2003, 06:19 PM
Sara -

Kelly has given some wonderful advice and I don't have much to add on except I am thinking of you during this time. I hope something can be worked out so that everyone can be happy. Good luck!

04-21-2003, 06:21 PM
Keep us updated when Candace rings you. Fingers crossed.

04-21-2003, 06:28 PM

Since she is your sister, ask her. The worst she can say is no. I would also let her know how bonded Jupiter and Tinky are and how lost both of them would be without each other.

Good luck honey. Let us know what happens. Also know that you can ALWAYS come to us. That what friends are for! ;)

04-21-2003, 06:59 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that, I know how attatched you are to Jupiter, he's your baby. I really think you should talk to you sister. I remember when Zasper passed away it was so hard for Corkscrew, he didn't handle it very well. All he knew was that his best friend was gone. Cats get very attatched to each other. I hope everything works out, good luck.

04-21-2003, 07:10 PM
thanks jen!
you saved my alot of typing;)

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-21-2003, 07:25 PM
I just talked to my mom and when my sister went to her house Saturday to pick up my neice and nephew... my mom said she was sooo excited and told my neice "guess who is coming back home to live with us."

and the BIG DELIMA.... that I can't believe I forgot to mention.. is Eric REALLY WANTS THAT BABY KITTEN.... I don't know if he will go for us keeping Jupiter so my sister can have the kitten...

I am confused... I wish I could talk to the kitties and see what THEY wanted..... I just want everyone to be happy..


Sara luvs her Tinky
04-21-2003, 07:27 PM
AND... my mom also suggested to ask my sister if she wanted the kitten... just approach her in a way that she knows it is her decision... (which it is)...
so as soon as Candace convinces Brian to give me the kitten... I will call her and ask her....

(where is the confused/frustrated/sad smiley?)

04-21-2003, 07:54 PM
Sara, I do not envy the position you are in right now, and I don't know what the best answer for everyone involved is (other then to get the kitten away from Candace's family!) Be honest about your feelings, remember things happen for a reason, and that we are all here to support you.
And in the meantime, we'll be praying things work out for the best!

04-21-2003, 11:15 PM
Me and Eric were talking to her on the porch and she was telling me about a four year old cat that she was thinking about getting... and Eric said.. why don't you just take Jupiter back... and she said REALLY?.. and I almost couldn't say yes but she started crying.

I can't believe Eric said that! Isn't he attached to Jupiter? :(

Sara, my heart has broken into a million piece after reading this thread. It really broke my heart.

I had never known Jupiter was your sister's. I thought she "gave" him to you, and that you were his mommy. I know that she and her family loves him very much, but she is your sister. She can always visit him and so can her kids. Jupiter can be their "cousin" kitty. He is still part of the family. I don't understand why you must break Tinky and Jupiter's hearts after they've gotten so attached to each other. I just don't think its fair. :( Its not Jupiter's fault that she couldn't keep him back then, and its not fair to Tinky OR Jupiter to lose their best friend for no reason. She is your sister and I believe you are very close. You can talk to her. Tell her how much you love her and tell her how welcome she is to come and see Jupiter at any time. I know that I can talk my brother out of anything, simply because he is my brother. He understands. I'm sure your sister will understand too. Tell her how much Jupiter and Tinky love each other and how hard it would be for them to seperate. Tell her that its not good for them to be away from each other, and could have a bad effect on their health. Its just not fair to either of them or to you either. You've had Jupiter far longer than your sister. He's your baby. :( I hope I'm not sounding mean. I just don't want Jupiter and Tinky's hearts to be broken. They grew up together. They love each other. You sister can always see Jupiter at your place. Please talk to her and try to convince her that getting another kitty will be a better option. Please talk to her. I understand that you don't want to upset your sister, but I hope Jupiter and Tinky won't have to go through such a painful change. :( Good luck and keep us updated!

04-21-2003, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky

I am confused... I wish I could talk to the kitties and see what THEY wanted..... I just want everyone to be happy..

I think you already know the answer to that. Tinky and Jupiter obviously love eachother, and I'm sure they would not want to be separated.

This is so heartbreaking. :( How long did you sister have Jupiter before you took him? Having a pet for a year is a very long time, I know you are so attached to him...I would be too. :( Please talk to your sister. I hope she will consider letting you keep him and finding another special kitty for her family.

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-22-2003, 12:03 AM
originally posted by Wolf_Q
How long did you sister have Jupiter before you took him?

My sister had him for 6 months......

originally posted by Popcornbird
I can't believe Eric said that! Isn't he attached to Jupiter?

Yeah.. .he just really fell in love with the baby kitten...... and he fells like more than two animals is too much... so he figured that if Melissa wanted Jupiter back then we could rescue the baby kitten.... THEN .... on the way home he started to realize how much he would miss Jupiter.... BUT.... he really wants the baby kitten.

04-22-2003, 12:40 AM
Sara, I sure hope that you can keep Jupiter. Please try to talk to your sister and explain how you really feel about him and how Tinky loves him too. I just can't imagine Tinky without Jupiter. :( I also hope that you can rescue the kitten. I sure hope that your sister will realise how attached Jupiter is to your family and will reconsider and decide to adopt the kitten instead. Then your husband can visit the kitten. Please keep us updated. Good luck.

04-22-2003, 12:49 AM
Oh, this is awful... I can see both sides of the story and agree with them both >_< I think your sister should be able to get back her cat (it's obvious that she missed him a lot, and something like that would be hard to get over) and I think that you should get to keep him, since both you and Tinky obviously love him a lot... Since I'm that split myself I honestly can't give you any useful advice. I hope for the best for all of you, including that little kitten.

04-22-2003, 05:55 AM
That's heartbreaking to read, and it also makes me a bit angry that Eric has said that. I'm sorry for that, but I just feel it's a bit selfish of him.

I absolutly agree with NoahsMommy! It would be hard for Tinky and Jupiter to be seperated now, they wouldn't understand it. Tinky would mourn the loss of a friend that CAN NOT be easily replaced by a new kitten, and Jupiter would be confused, too. After all, he spent more time with you than with your sis. And there are so many kittens in this world who are looking for a good home now, so your sister could get one (for example that little kitten your friend has, 'cause THAT one definitely needs a better home!)

It's not an easy position you're in right now, and I hope you'll find a way. Good luck!


04-22-2003, 06:15 AM
1st. Does your sister have computer access? I think she needs to read this thread!

2nd. (and I know this is not the time to be critical, so I apologize in advance) BUT....I think Eric is not being really right here, either. How heartless of him to say "Take Jupiter back" while he's thinking "Now I can get what I want!". I think HE needs to read this thread, too.

3rd. Just one last thought...........Sometimes you need to give yourself permission to be selfish. (Take that for what it is worth)

Good luck

04-22-2003, 06:49 AM
Sara, I know what I've told you before, but, after thinking about it more, I say - Do what your heart tells you.
I am sure, your sister is a great person and she will take good care of Jupiter or the other kitten if she decides to take him. Talk to her.
I know how complicated it would be, if we had to separate with my sister and brother. Who will get the cat???? I wouldn't want to give my Juni, but still she's not only mine :(

04-22-2003, 09:35 AM
That is a tough one , after all you did promise. But i know how much Cats can get attched to one another My sheba never did get over the loss of her dear Friend Mr.Whiskers. She mourned him the rest of her life, maybe you can find a shelter Cat already fixed that really needs a good home , maybe an older Cat that normally doesnt stand a chance!

04-22-2003, 10:04 AM
Take a few steps back, and think about things for a moment. The first concern ***should be**** from the kitties perspectives- all THREE of them. I think that is the way you approach it with your sister. No question Jupiter will have a great home, either with you or your sister. So, think what would make Jupi happiest...and that is probably with Tinker. THEN, let your sister know how you are thinking/feeling - for poop's sake- she is your SISTER- not some stranger. So, lay it on the line, honest, upfront, and from the kitties welfare. Let her know that there is a KITTEN that needs a loving home...and maybe she could see her way to adopt him/her....to make a better life for all three kitties.

As to your BF(or husband? I can't recall) 'wanting' the kitten...well, that is only confusing the situation. That is the second concern, once Jupi's home issue is worked out. THEN, the kitten's home can be resolved. Same thing with the kitten...either you or your sister would make a great cat mom...so, think of it from the kitten's perspective, first.

I agree with Jen, let your sister read this, and see where you are coming from. End result, this will all work out. Better two people stepping up to the plate to adopt a kitten...then, none, as is all too often the way.

04-22-2003, 01:19 PM
I agree. I think it was selfish of your husband to say why don't you take Jupiter back. :( After all, your sister didn't ask for him. Eric told her to take him back. I think THAT'S the main problem, and the cause of it. Now your sister may think your family wants to give Jupiter back, when she wasn't the first to ask. Maybe she realized it wouldn't be right to take him from Tinky, but when Eric said that, perhaps she now thinks that Eric doesn't want to keep him. I don't mean to hurt you in anyway, but I really think what Eric did was wrong, JUST so he can get a new kitten. Really, that's sad.

I could NEVER in my life imagine seperating Popcorn from Muffin. I think that is cruelty. After an animal has been such bonded with another, its wrong to seperate them. You wouldn't like to be seperated with Eric, having no contact with him or not knowing where he is would you? Put yourself in Jupiter and Tinky's place. Imagine yourself sitting at home peacefully, enjoying your life, when all of a sudden Eric, or someone you love is taken away by someone else. You cannot contact him, and you have no clue where he is. How would you feel? This is something that would be VERY VERY hard for your kitties and painful for them at the same time. I still cannot understand why Eric said that. If it was a joke, I would understand, but serious? OMG Sara, PLEASE don't get offended by this post. I am only trying to tell you that its wrong to seperate them. If you seperate them, I don't know if either will ever forgive you. PLEASE PLEASE think this over. If I was in your place and I HAD to give Jupiter up, I would rather give both of them so at least they could be together. I know it would be hard, but you need to think in the best interest of the kitties. She is your sister. Its not like she left Jupi with some stranger kittysitter and now wanted him back. A sister is a sister is a sister. Sisters are one of the closest family members you can have. PLEASE talk to her AND Eric and tell them how very wrong and painful it would be for the kitties. I'm sorry you've been put in this situation. I seriously believe your husband needs some talking to. I hope you can get him to read this thread.

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-22-2003, 01:51 PM
She is on her way to pick Jupiter up.:(

I talked to her about what I think... and she said whatever I want / think is best... but I told her it was her decision....

I mean.... (I tried to put myself in my sister's shoes)... if I raised Tinky for the first six months of her life and I had to have someone else keep her untill I could have her in my house ... in this case my sister... and I finally had a house and could get my little girl back... I KNOW i would really really want her back.....

this is so hard... :(

BUT.... she did say that if Jupiter acts sad and misses Tinky and she said if Tinky looks around for Jupiter and misses him that she will bring him back and she would take the kitten.....

So yall please pray for me, Tinky and Jupiter....

And.... another thing... she said there is a stray cat around their house they are talking about taking in... so he will have a friend...

:( .................:confused:................. :(

{(I think I am gonna end up in worse shape than the kitties :eek: )]

04-22-2003, 01:58 PM
I'm so sorry. I hope that things work out, I know it must be so hard for you. I can't even imagine what you are feeling right now, but I know you must hurt. I don't really know what else to say, other than I'm really sorry this is happening and I hope that everything will work out.

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-22-2003, 02:07 PM
I just talked to Candace..... Brian will not give up the kitten.
:( ..............:( ....................:(

04-22-2003, 02:18 PM
God, all this is so sad - for you, and for all three cats involved! :( :( :( I really don't know what to say at the moment... Poor you, poor Jupiter and Tinky, and poor kitten! :(


04-22-2003, 02:25 PM
Once again I'm so sorry for everything that has happened to you. I'm still in amazement that your sister took Jupiter I know she loves him, but still. I have joint custody of a dog, I go and see her everyday and take her to the park a few times a week. And we sort of had the same agreement that if I moved into a different living situation I'd take her. Well this summer I was planning on moving and Bev asked if I was going to take Missy, but when I saw how sad Bev looked I knew that it wasn't fair to her, even though Missy is my dog I knew that Bev loved her just as much and Missy is very happy living with Bev because she has other dogs to play with. So I thought about it and realized it was fair to Missy or Bev because as much as I love Missy it's just wasn't right to separate them. But I know you are feeling so hurt, and I'm so sorry. But there are many other cats that need homes, and you are such a wonderful kitty mom. But maybe things will work themselves out, God has his ways of making things work out.

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-22-2003, 02:48 PM
He is gone.:(

I can't stop crying.:(

But hey... this opens up a door for us to rescue another animal right!?!?

04-22-2003, 02:54 PM
Oh Sara, how absolutely sad...:( ! Reading all this made me cry... Tinky and Jupiter were so beautiful together....! You must be crying your eyes out now..:(
I don't know if this makes me a bad person, but I wish so much that Jupiter will miss Tinky so very much and act soooo sad, that your sister will decide to let him come back to you...!
Be strong Sara, we are all here to chear you up. Please keep us updated ...:(

04-22-2003, 03:21 PM
I can only second what lut has said! And I'm feeling so sorry for you! :( :( :(

You're right, maybe this is a new chance for another animal to rescue, but I still can't believe that things have turned out this way! I'm so sad! :(


04-22-2003, 03:25 PM
I miss Jupiter, too.:( But, deep down, I can assure you that EVERYTHING in life happens for a reason. We usually do not know that reason right away, but you will find it out and then you can be at peace again. My thoughts and prayers are with you now. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

04-22-2003, 03:34 PM
I'm so sorry. :(

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-22-2003, 05:21 PM
Melissa called me on my way to work and said that she wants to go ahead and bring Jupiter back.... that he has been hiding ever sinse they got home and he wont play in his catnip or anything...

I feel like such a heel.... I feel like I stole her cat.....:confused:

AHGHGHGHG.... this is soooooo hard...

But in a few hours I will be taking an early lunch.... and Mr. Kat will be coming home....

why do I feel soooooo terrible though?!?!?!?!?!:confused:

04-22-2003, 05:28 PM
Don't feel terrible. You did what you felt was the right thing to do...and your sister is doing what she feels is the right thing to do....and two rights equal a happy cat and a good relationship between sisters. Your sister cares more about Jupiter's happiness than her own cause she's a good-hearted person. I'm happy this has all resolved itself in what's best for Jupiter. Now your sis can adopt that stray and he will bond to her.

04-22-2003, 05:28 PM
I'm sure your sister realizes now that Jupiter belongs with you! She hasn't had him all these months.... she'll be alright!
GIve Jupiter a wonderful big welcom home hug from me!:D

04-22-2003, 05:32 PM
Oh, now I have tears of joy in my eyes. (kind of bittersweet, but I'll admit that I am glad)

04-22-2003, 05:33 PM
Your situation reminds me of that butterfly analogy....if he was truely yours, he'd come back to you.

Your sister cares more about Jupiter's happiness than her own cause she's a good-hearted person. I'm happy this has all resolved itself in what's best for Jupiter. Now your sis can adopt that stray and he will bond to her.

I can't even tell you how happy this makes me. When I read this whole thing, I was very upset for Jupiter. I'm glad he's coming back to his rightful home, with his Tinky and his meowmie.

You're sister will be fine. There are a million wonderful cats out there to give a good home. :)


04-22-2003, 05:35 PM
yay! jupiter's coming home!!!

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-22-2003, 05:37 PM
If I know anything... I know I would have been half past crazy by now if I didn't have you guy's shoulder to cry on.....

My sister is in love with a cat named Milo.... he/she is a four year old cat in a shelter... so I am sure she will be adopting it....
I still feel like a heel though.... Im thinking I will help pay the $100 adoption fee.... for Milo...

I just hope nothing crazy happens in the next few hours...

:eek: BOY... will Eric be surprised when he comes home from school and finds Jupiter there...:eek:

04-22-2003, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
BOY... will Eric be surprised when he comes home from school and finds Jupiter there...:eek:

04-22-2003, 05:42 PM
Best kitty friends are hard to come by.

No pain, no guilt, just happy cats. And more to love.

Prairie Purrs
04-22-2003, 05:49 PM
Tinky and Jupiter get to stay together and Milo gets rescued from the shelter--sounds like a happy resolution to me! :)

04-22-2003, 06:04 PM
I am so happy your furkids will be together again.
What a great sister, to realise that he belongs with you.

Best wishes on your sister adopting Milo (excellent name.. lol)

04-22-2003, 07:06 PM
i think the thread name needs to be changed!!!!!;)

04-22-2003, 07:34 PM
I'm so happy to hear that Jupiter is comming back home to you. I think he really belongs with you, and you sister is going to be able to help a cat that really needs a loving home.

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-22-2003, 08:29 PM
i think the thread name needs to be changed!!!!!:)

(I cant't figure out how to change it?!?!?! does anyone know how?)

HE IS BACK HOME NOW!! This has been the most emotional day I have ever had...:eek:

My sister brought him back over and Eric beat me there so he let her in.... she told him that she felt so bad for him that he sat in a corner for a couple of hours and she new I missed him ... so she thought it best to bring him back.....

After she left he sprawled out on the floor like he knew he was home...:)

Tinky on the other hand is hissing and pitching a fit... so I put her in the spare bedroom and let Jupiter roam so he can get our smell back on him...

My sister looked heartbroken though... I know she loved him SO MUCH!!!.... But on the way home I stopped and got her a card that had a little puppy on it and it said... "I will love you forever and ever... and thats a promise" and I signed Jupiter's name on it and drew a little kitty paw print... and I gave her some money to help pay the adoption fee for Milo...

Thanks guys for helping me through this.... :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-22-2003, 08:31 PM
originally posted by Uabassoon
and you sister is going to be able to help a cat that really needs a loving home.

Yeah... I am so happy for Milo... it is four years old and my sister wanted to be able to rescue a cat that doesn't have a good chance at being adopted.... and the cat is used to being around children and dogs too.... :)

I can't wait to meet Milo.... I hope that he/she fills in the missing gap that my sister is feeling for Jupiter.

04-22-2003, 09:29 PM
OMG! You don't know HOW happy I am now! :D:D:D

It must have been a hectic day for Jupiter, but I'm sure he's happy to be back home. Please don't feel bad. You did not steal your sister's cat. She can come to your house and see him whenever right? You told her it will be her decision, and she made the decision. Be happy. :)

I'm so glad Milo will be getting a home he deserves and that Tinky and Jupiter's hearts didn't have to be broken! Glad this story had a happy ending! :D

04-22-2003, 10:06 PM
Yeah!!! :D Sara I'm so glad that Jupiter is back home with you and Tinky. :) I'm also glad that your sister looked at Jupiter's needs before her own and that she's now going to adopt a cat from the shelter. :D

04-23-2003, 12:24 AM

I'm so glad Jupiter's home. What an emotional rollercoaster this thread reveals!

04-23-2003, 03:57 AM
Woohoo!! I am so happy for you AND for Tinky & Jupiter!!
My wish worked;) ;) :D

04-23-2003, 04:26 AM
Now I have tears in my eyes, these are wonderful news! :) I'm so happy for you and Jupiter now, and your sister is a great person! I'm sure she will love Milo as much as she loved Jupiter, and Milo will get a good home!

It's so wonderful that things have turned out that way! :)


04-23-2003, 04:49 AM
My sister looked heartbroken though... I know she loved him SO MUCH!!!.... But on the way home I stopped and got her a card that had a little puppy on it and it said... "I will love you forever and ever... and thats a promise" and I signed Jupiter's name on it and drew a little kitty paw print
YES. She loved him enough to think of HIS needs! That is a very sweet ending.:D

The card is a very nice idea. I know she will love it.:D

Miss Meow
04-23-2003, 05:10 AM
Your sister loves him enough to know what's best for Jupiter isn't necessarily what's best for her. It's a very selfless thing she did when she saw the Jupiter wasn't happy :) It's been harrowing to read this thread in one hit; I can only imagine the emotional rollercoaster you've been riding the last day or so! I'm glad that Tinky and Jupiter are together again and perhaps Milo will get a chance at having a loving home - maybe that is the win/win for everybody :)

04-23-2003, 06:13 PM
I also have tears in my eyes catching up on this thread. You are your sister are the sweetest, kindest people in the world. It sounds like you've both been thinking of everyone's happiness but your own. You both did wonderful things and I'm so glad Jupiter is back home :D And very glad about Milo!! How sweet of your sister to adopt an older cat with no chance. I CAN't WAIT FOR PICS!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-24-2003, 01:36 PM
Whew! Boy, did I miss all the action! I'm so glad it all worked out, but I think both of you knew - deep in your hearts - that this was the way it should be. This is the best for Tinky & Jupiter, and I think your sister knew that, which could be why she brought him back so quickly. There was no way Jupiter was going to just instantly feel comfortable. It was a new place for him and he would have been a little scared, even if he had been with them the whole time.

Anyway, I'm so glad things all worked out for the best and now there can be no hard feelings between you sisters because you both tried and ended up doing what was best for Jupiter.

Welcome home, sweety!!! :D :D

smokey the elder
04-26-2003, 08:13 AM
I missed this whole thing because of work. Anyway, maybe your sister had to see for herself just how bonded Jupiter was to Tinky, and didn't waste any time returning him to you. I'm glad she is going to adopt another cat.