View Full Version : stupid people!!

04-21-2003, 01:19 AM
I was at my brothers and sister in laws house for Easter today, and some were talking about cats....from now on I am just going to walk away, I don't want to hear these things any more, it upsets me too much!

first someone was saying how there is a pregnant stray cat in their neighborhood, and it is destroying property(yeah right)
and they called the humane society, and they won't come out because it is county not city. ok what about rescue groups? he said he tried that, the neighbors have all tried and no one will come out...I find that hard to believe, cat resue groups would come out, don't you think? then he says it is spraying... well female cats don't spray do they?
so if it is pregnant, another cat that will have cats, and more and more, on and on...:mad: :mad:

then my sister in law told us how there is a neighbor of hers that has a couple (OUTSIDE!!) cats that just had kittens... well why werent they fixed? oh because they thought they were two males!! well so what, you are still suposed to get them neutered, there are female cats around:mad: :mad:
then my sister in law goes on to say, that she might take some of the cats, and keep them in the backyard in a cage til they are older then she would keep them as outside cats!:mad: :mad:
this is just TOO MUCH! :mad: there are coyotes in the area and also javelinas!(wild pigs) and my nephew would still play with the cats( he is allergic, thats why we have Muffin) even in a cage a coyote could get to them!

people just do not GET IT, thru their thick skulls!
:mad: :mad: :mad:
I think they are selfish and uncaring!:mad:
she is determind to have cats, even though she has to keep getting rid of them, several years ago they had one, and it was an older cat, they had it put to sleep because my nephew was allergic. then a couple years ago, they got 2 other cats, a friend took one and I took Muffin. now she is going to get another cat? guess who is going to want the cat, me! every time I go over there and see it.. Im not going there anymore if she does that!

04-21-2003, 01:52 AM
I deal with stupid people in my family too.

They like to tell me if they ever come over (they don't because I am a CAT person not a DOG person) that they are going to catch Bastet and drown her in a gum boot.

My family like to make sure that there are no ferals around their place. They would prefer dogs that attack humans (and cats) rather than have anything remotely sensible.

I come from a family of hoons, rev heads and well a few words I don't care to use here. I hate going there. In fact I will feign illness so I don't have to go anywhere near my family.

At least though they do use humane catchers and give them over to the Council to dispose of. Feral cats or strays in au are immediately put down due to the protection rights of wildlife.

It just annoys me though that they see cats as a pest rather than as pets. Its not the cat's fault that owners are irresponsible. They say dogs don't cause problems. I can tell you none of them have ever seen a mauled calf before from irresponsible dog owners.

I wish I could *drown* them all in gum boots. They make me mad - but that is my 2 cents worth.

04-21-2003, 04:33 AM
I am very sorry for both of you. Marysmerrycats -your family just sounds irresponsible, Bastetsmum -it is so cruel to make jokes like that about Bastet.

I know and I have made experiences in my life (though not by my family who is crazy about their pets whether they are dogs or cats) that there are many people around like them and I am glad to meet others here at PT who accept that we are responsible to give the animals a good life as we are the ones to determine their life circumstances.

04-21-2003, 04:57 AM
Thanks Barbara,

Its so nice here that everyone is responsible for their pets and their actions.

My family really like to bait me with horror stories of what they have heard done to animals. It makes me mad. I think they find it funny to do that. It doesn't matter as long as I am happy and Bastet is safe with me :D

04-21-2003, 07:52 AM
It just annoys me though that they see cats as a pest rather than as pets. Its not the cat's fault that owners are irresponsible.

Me too!! My family thinks I'm weird cuz I have 7 cats. Poo on them!! My cats have been there for me through thick and thin. Can't say that about my family. What does THAT tell ya??

I'm sorry you had to go through that, Mary. Sometimes it's just best to walk away, as difficult as it is. That's one of the reasons why I moved to Michigan. My family didn't care about me when I was there (in CT) so what's the point in staying?? Besides, my family are the most materialistic, self-centered people in the history of the free world. Almost like buzzards on a dead carcus. They don't even wait till the bodies cold before going in for the kill.

That's why I'm glad I have everyone here.

04-21-2003, 09:52 AM
gosh why is your family so mean to you about cats?

it was really my sister in laws family, well, her stepdad, the idiot, I have never liked him, he's so annoying!(I'm not the only one that feels that way either LOL) he said, well that cat is just going to disappear.. what the hell does that mean?? I wish HE would disappear. I swear if I ever see or hear of someone hurting a animal, Im going to go off on them!

and she made me mad with that cat in cage crap!:mad: it just makes me want to slap their head, get a clue!:rolleyes:

04-21-2003, 10:07 AM
If I say my family is crazy about pets then it is positively crazy -I have said before that my parents love their dog more then they ever loved their children, my sister loves her cats and dogs more then she loves her daughter and my niece loves her cat more than she loves her mother:D :D

No -I think you mixed me up with Bastet's mum?

04-21-2003, 02:56 PM
ooopps! sorry about that... my mistake! I did mean Bastets mum not you Barbara!

I don't understand people that are cruel to animals or that don't know how special they are!

04-21-2003, 05:23 PM

They know it gets my heckles up because I defend why I have a cat as a pet. They wonder why I don't ever go there for family visits. They are a bunch of morons basically.

I moved to the city to get away from them.

Nice feeling when you know they won't come and visit :)

04-21-2003, 05:42 PM
Wow, I never realized that so many people would give others a hard time for being cat owners. I get flak for being a reptile owner, and a rat owner, but nobody ever says anything like that about Cupcake.

There are however, unfrotunately, idiots everywhere. I've heard my share of horror stories as well.

04-24-2003, 07:30 PM
:mad: :mad: I was at the beauty salon today, I got a pedicure (:) ) and while I was there, someone brought in 2 st. bernard puppies, 2 months old, gosh they were so big already! the owner was a breeder,(and you know how I feel about that:rolleyes: ) I didn't see the owner from where I was, but I would not have said anything anyway, but what did make me mad was what the lady that was doing my pedicure said...she said oh what a great way to make alot of money!
I sat there for a minute thinking but then of course I could not hold my tongue! I said very nicely that oh theres already so many homeless animals, and she just laughed and said oh I was just joking. well fine but then I put half the money of what I was going to tip her, and put it back in my purse, and I shouldnt have tipped her at all, should have told her here's your tip, care about animals! ok that would not have been too imaginative, but I can't think of anything clever to say rioght now.

anyway it would have served her right...
or am I just over reacting?:confused:

04-24-2003, 10:05 PM
Nope, not over-reacting in the least!!! Sadly that is why alot (not all) breeders are in "the business"! I'm sorry about all you have to deal with regarding your family! It really stinks how many careless people there are out there! :(

04-24-2003, 10:16 PM
well my family is ok, they think Im weird about the cats, but they're ok. it was my sister in law and her step dad...:mad:

smokey the elder
04-26-2003, 08:42 AM
I'm lucky that my family gives me funny looks and rags on me a little, but they have no malicious feelings about my rescue efforts. In fact, my stepsisters and my niece all had lots of animals, and one of my stepsisters did dog rescue.