View Full Version : Horror in Massachusetts

12-20-2001, 05:43 PM
I was sitting here catching up on Pet Talk as the local T.V. news hummed behind me. I wasn't listening really. Except when I heard about an upcoming story of animal cruelty in a town outside of Boston. I thought, "Oh, no. I don't want to hear this." I wanted to plug my ears, but thought myself a coward. I wish I hadn't, because the story is so incredibly sad. Apparently, a beautiful "golden" girl named Chloe wandered off her property into her neightbor's yard. The porch door was opened and she went inside. The neighbor's dog was eating, and a "dog fight" ensued. The neighboring dogs' owner picked up a high powered bow and arrow and shot and killed beautiful 4 year old Chloe on the spot. The man was in court today, charged with felony animal cruelty. He claims to be a dog lover and was, I must admit, visibly upset, shaken and in tears. Still, was this type of action necessary to break up a "dog fight????" The guardian of Chloe was interviewed and inconsolable. They showed a recent picture of Chloe at a 4th of July party with the grandchildren, dressed in an "Uncle Sam" type hat. What a beautiful girl. I just had to tell someone. I couldn't stop crying.

12-20-2001, 05:52 PM

What a tragedy. So sorry for everything -- that you are hurting, that it happened, that lovely Chloe (?) was killed, that man handled the situation so 'over the top', ... everything.

You've been having some tough things happen lately. Any chance you can take some time for YOU and get a little cherishing time for Sandra in?

Warm wishes,
Livvy's mommy

P.S. The insatible (sp?) one is constantly asking after her 'Romeo'. Is Oliver feeling better now?

12-20-2001, 06:02 PM
I am so sorry you had to hear that story, but I just don't understand why people have to use weapons like that on dogs. We had a case in Tennessee of a Bulldog that never left his property, but a neighbor complained that he "scared" her and one of the local sheriff's deputies came onto the OWNER'S property and shot the dog in front of God and everybody. Where is the rightness in that sort of thing????? Tennessee has a tremendous derth of Animal Control laws and enforcement people and it just does not make sense to me.

My heartfelt condolences go out to you for witnessing that and to Chloe's owners for haveing to deal with it. What a tremendously stupid thing to do. The only good thing I see here is that they are actually enforcing an Animal Cruelty law. With all the laws pertaining to pets that keep cropping up, it's nice to know that someone somewhere is enforcing a law that's on the pet's side, even if the pet is at the Bridge and can't be helped with it.

Hugs and prayers to you!

12-20-2001, 06:04 PM
Pauline, please tell precious Olivia that her Romeo is 100% His only malady being a heart that is "sick" over his love for that jewel of a fur muffin, Livvy. And I too am better for having read the kind and very comforting words of my very special friend. I hope your tummy is better as well, dear friend! :)

12-20-2001, 06:04 PM
Oh Sandra, what a sad story.
The man who shot the dog clearly over-
reacted..Dog fights are terrible things
to see, but it doesn't mean the end of the
the world or death for either dog.
Given the circumtances, I understand the
dog's reactions, but not the guy's solution.
Really sad...Sorry you had to hear about
it.I try not to watch when these kind of
stories are shown on the news , but when my
ears hear'animal abuse', I do listen..

[ December 20, 2001: Message edited by: lizbud ]

12-20-2001, 06:26 PM

I'm very sorry to hear of Chloe's tragedy and even more sorry that a sweet person like you had to hear/see it. I hope that justice prevails against the neighbor.


12-20-2001, 06:33 PM
Thanks pals. The man accused does face a 5 year prison sentence. So, in that, perhaps, there is some solace. Yes, dog fights can be VERY scary to witness. Occasionally, when two dogs "escape" at the kennel there is such an altercation. But, we are trained in methods to seperate the dogs as safely as possible. My beloved Rainbow Bridge Fur Angel Jingles was attacked by my friends' very dominant dog. I was horrified. But, I did manage to throw my body between them (stupid move; got a broken finger for it!) and finally with a hose and some sharp words, it was stopped. Thanks for just listening. You guys know what I'm feeling. You see THAT FACE and feel the guardian's pain so strongly. Some good news though. Our local shelter has only 7 doggie guests this Xmas (max. is 40!) no kittens and only 2 adult kitties. We are having a Xmas party for the "guests" on Xmas Eve and I've been shopping all day for the event. I even made little Xmas bandanas for all of the "guests." Still, it will be bitter- sweet.

12-20-2001, 07:40 PM
Just yesterday, on a GSD BB, someone recommended a way to stop a dog fight. Each person grabs the back legs of the dog and lift them up like a wheelbarrow, direct them away from the other dog and calm them down. Of course you need two people. I hate animal abuse stories. So sorry that it had to happen. :(

12-20-2001, 08:45 PM
I think both the nieghbors sre to blame....I mean, I fell very, very ,very, very sorry for that poor Golden owner, but she should have been making sure that the dog didn't go off her property, although, I have made this mistake as well ( my dog wandering off our property).... And I think that the guy who shot the dog should have broken in it up much easier......by simple pulling them apart.... any responsible person would have done that as long as the dogs were not dangerous together.

12-20-2001, 09:01 PM
Oh Sandra, now I'm crying! That's so sad. :( How awful, for a person to do such a thing, to a sweet animal! I'm really sorry, about poor Chole.

12-21-2001, 08:16 AM
OMG!! I share your anger. I am so upset! I cannot believe someone would do that and then claim to love dogs! WHATEVER! It is sick and wrong and that man needs to be charged. I feel for that family so much! What a terrible loss and a terrible WAY to lose their poor dog. Right before Christmas.... my goodness.

12-21-2001, 11:29 AM
:( :( :( So sad... :( :( :(

12-21-2001, 12:03 PM
how horribly sad :( And just before Christmas, of all times :( My heart goes out to the poor family who had their sweet "golden" furbaby taken away from them so violently :(

Golden Smiles
12-22-2001, 02:44 PM
:( The whole situation was so unfortunate! That poor golden girl, just wandering, looking to share some food. That is so sad. And from what you had described, the man was upset, and made a stupid, violent decision when he saw his "baby" being "attacked". Terrible. Dog fights are terrible things to witness(human fights also), I have had to throw water on my golden girls several times, each over food!!

12-22-2001, 06:05 PM
I just heard an update on the news. It's worse! Apparently, the dogs were not fighting at all. The man was fearful that the golden MIGHT attack him! :(