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04-18-2003, 01:10 PM
a talk show host did a segment on WHO would be cast in the
roles of some of the people that took part in the war.

let's see who WE can come up with.....

as many nominations as you like and a reason why.

Robert De Niro as baghdad bob.....

04-18-2003, 09:04 PM
Tim Robbins as Saddam! lol

Danny Glover as Franks! hehehe

04-18-2003, 11:02 PM
They could get Bubbles the Chimp to play Shrub!:D

04-18-2003, 11:12 PM
How about Eugene Levy as the Information Minister?

04-19-2003, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
How about Eugene Levy as the Information Minister?


04-19-2003, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
Tim Robbins as Saddam! lol

Good one! LOL! :D :D :D

04-20-2003, 03:16 AM
Robbins as Saddam? They don't look alike at all. Oh, I get it. Since he disagreed with the war he automatically loves Saddam. :rolleyes:

How clever.

I personally think Bubbles has the looks, range and depth to play our fearless leader. I guess I am not alone.

Bush or Chimp? (http://www.bushorchimp.com/index.html)

04-20-2003, 08:54 AM
Ok Soledad, would Martin Sheen with his hair dyed and a moustache make you happier for Saddam Hussein?:rolleyes:

04-20-2003, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by mugsy
Ok Soledad, would Martin Sheen with his hair dyed and a moustache make you happier for Saddam Hussein?:rolleyes:

hehe! Keep 'em coming Mugsy! I do think you have a career as a casting director. :p

04-20-2003, 03:40 PM
I have not been a big Bush fan, but I don't think the comparison to a chimp is the right thing to say about our President...:rolleyes:

04-20-2003, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by marysmerrycats
I have not been a big Bush fan, but I don't think the comparison to a chimp is the right thing to say about our President...:rolleyes:

Ah, well. To each his own!

We get to live in a free country where we are allowed to poke fun of our leaders. In fact, it's a great American tradition! He's a president, not a king or a dictator.

I think someone should cast the guy who played Darth Vader as Dick Cheney.

04-20-2003, 11:57 PM
yes i know he is not a king or dictator... but he is trying to do whats right for this country, and no one is perfect...

04-21-2003, 11:04 AM
lets see,

we could get someone totally opinionated, confused, always trying to turn a funny thread into a miasma of nastyness, ill will and political constipation, also they should have the charisma i have in my small toe--that's who i cast to play susan sarandumb..........

i'll keep you all guessing...


oh oh oh.....

remember that al gore COULD NOT EVEN WIN his home state so that automatically makes GWB an emperor, king, dictator and annointed person at the top of the food chain!

i mean gosh darn........
sound like someones been drinking wine, made with those same sour grapes that the fox turned down.

(that last sentence was brought to you by aesop and his fable factory!!!)

04-21-2003, 09:31 PM

04-22-2003, 12:35 AM
I wasn't making this thread nasty. You did that all on your own, RICHARD, by saying this about me:

we could get someone totally opinionated, confused, always trying to turn a funny thread into a miasma of nastyness, ill will and political constipation, also they should have the charisma i have in my small toe--that's who i cast to play susan sarandumb..........

You just can't help yourself! I find it enchanting that you're so hung up on me. I do pretty well for someone with no charisma. :p

04-22-2003, 12:49 AM



04-22-2003, 01:47 AM
Oh, okay. I'll make sure to send you a lock of my hair so you can have a few whisps of intelligence and logic.;)

04-22-2003, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Soledad
Oh, okay. I'll make sure to send you a lock of my hair so you can have a few whisps of intelligence and logic.;)

hate to shock your world but the intelligence and logic move along
the neuroglia and synaptic connections inside your head.

i'll pass on the hair, thank you.......the cat's shedding right now and it's more than i can handle.

you are a pretty decent person, with a sense of humor to boot.

what happened?


04-22-2003, 03:09 PM
sheesh, back to your corners you two!
stop picking on each other LOL!:rolleyes: :p

04-22-2003, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by marysmerrycats
sheesh, back to your corners you two!
stop picking on each other LOL!:rolleyes: :p

wanna referee?? lol

04-22-2003, 03:53 PM
you are a pretty decent person, with a sense of humor to boot.
what happened?

I'm not sure, but I the doctors are running tests as we speak.