View Full Version : More on puppymills, please read...

04-18-2003, 12:02 PM
This info came from "Hearts United for Animals":

"The federal government is supposed to protect the dogs in commercial kennels, but agribusiness donated $ 249 millions to congressional/presidential candidates so the government gives the puppymills a pass. The US Dept.of Agriculture even gave an enormous loan of $ 4.4 million to the largest puppy broker in the country. (Your tax dollars at work!) The Senate passed the Puppy Protection Act which would have provided some protection for dogs in the kennels, but it was killed in conference committee. It is no surprise that the agribusiness lobby donated over $ 4 million to members of the Agriculture Committee. Some state governments have agencies tasked with protecting the dogs, but they consistently fail to take action... In one state the head of the agency was the owner of a large kennel...In one Pennsylvania county (Lancaster?) with an abundance of puppymills the humane society has never obtained a search warrant for a commercial kennel and never issued a citation.
The dogs don't vote. They do not donate money to politicians. Thay have no voice. This is an industry driven by greed. It's an undustry that can be stopped by the TRUTH. Hundreds of thousands of dogs trapped in cramped cages in puppymills bear witness to the TRUTH about greed. The TRUTH can set them free.
The solution is simple: If the public knew the TRUTH about the parents of the puppies in the petstores, they would stop buying the puppies. Then the puppymills would close."

This animal welfare organization will provide anybody interested with brochures and posters to educate the public.
They can be reached at:
E-mail [email protected]

Also, we can't donate outrageous amounts of money to candidates but there is an election coming in 2004. Let your representatives know how you feel, then go out and vote!

04-18-2003, 07:31 PM
Thank you for sharing the info. It has always been a mystery
to me how the majority of people in the United States can let
this stuff go on & say and do nothing about it. People probably
feel helpless to change things, but that's far from true. As said,

"If the public knew the TRUTH about the parents of the puppies in the petstores, they would stop buying the puppies. Then the puppymills would close."

I wish the TV network who once showed an expose on the
commercial breeding association & showed film of a typical
"dog factory" would re-broadcast the original show or do an
update on the problem.People need to see the truth as well
of heard about it. Make your feelings known & ask questions
of anyone running for local or national political offices.