View Full Version : Atticus

04-18-2003, 06:00 AM
Hmmmmmmmmmm..........can't really see the Lab, but if they say so, I know it to be true! What I do see, Atticus, is 100% beauty. You're so handsome and such a lucky, happy boy! I am just thrilled that you found a perfect home where you can be Dog of the Day, everyday! Their lucky day too! Congratulations, precious one, on being our Dog of the Day, today!! :D

04-18-2003, 06:54 AM
Atticus, you funny dog. That's a saying I just have to say to a dog who touches me, heart and soul. (My own hear it quite a bit.) How I wish you were here to put your paws on my shoulders because then I would say, *Atticus, give me a hug.*

As far as your heritage, I think I see a bit of the Irish in you (Wolfhound, that is), but who cares. What we care about is that you are Atticus, Dog of the Day!

04-18-2003, 07:34 AM
There might be some Airedale Terrier in him. too.

04-18-2003, 07:38 AM
Oh Atti you are a beautiful boy! I can see why you have found such a good home. That face just makes my heart melt!

My owner is 5'9" as well so she is thinking you maybe have some wolfhound in you. Your coloring and texture fall in lines with that.

Anyhow, big or small I am happy to hear you found a home. It is probably quite lonely in the shelter. And not only that - now your Dog of the Day Hopefully you'll get some extra rib tickles today and treats for being recognized as a big, handsome boy!!!

NYCbabi 13002
04-18-2003, 08:01 AM
Atticus...Congrats! You are so cute!! My DoGGie is giving you E-kisses!

04-18-2003, 09:07 AM
You sure have made me smile Atticus!!:D And while your family may never know for sure your lineage, there's no doubting that you are absolutley beautiful, inside and out!! I would be honored and thrilled to receive one of your great big furry hugs!!:) We're all so happy to know that you are now living the life you are so deserving of!! You're a winner, through and through, beautiful Atticus! Enjoy your reign as Dog of the Day precious boy!!:)

04-18-2003, 10:25 AM
Atti!!!!!!!!!!! You are a beautiful boy! From what I have heard, you are a Gentle Giant like we call my labrador Chubby. I sounds as if you have a good life, and make the best of it... even if you are ruled by a Guina Pig! :p

DOG OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

04-18-2003, 02:55 PM
I say maybe part Airedale???? No clue but you are VERY cute. Lotsa hugs,


04-18-2003, 03:32 PM
I really don't see any Lab in him at all. I can really see Terrier, looks to be Airerdale. I'd say he's probably an Airerdale mix, not a Lab.

04-18-2003, 06:31 PM
I'd say there was Irish wolfhound or Scottish deerhound, but whatever mix you are, you could wrap me up in those big paws anytime. Atti you've got a fan here you heart-breaker, you.:cool:

04-18-2003, 07:07 PM
Dear Atticus,

Hello ,You Handsome boy.:) :) I love your beautiful face
sweetheart. If your momma was a Lab, you must look like
your poppa.(Irish Wolfhound) ? Think I would call you a love
hound. :D Happy congratulations sweet boy on being given
a special day of honor as our DOG OF THE DAY.Love Ya Atticus.:)

04-18-2003, 09:22 PM
So handsome!!!! and yeah, I'm gonna have to go with the terrier call.... airdale I'd guess.

so handsome.