View Full Version : Is it just me, or are drunks really distasteful?

04-18-2003, 12:17 AM
Seriously, I'm beginning to wonder why ppl drink, it ONLY makes you look like an idiot..Take this guy as an example. We're going to this movie, and we get there late, and only have these seats at the front. So this guy comes up with his girlfriend, sits down, and knocks my pop over. So I kinda glare at him and put it back, then he does it a very more times, so I move it, and he puts his pop there. No cover. So I'm sitting there wondering when he'll spill it on me. He continues to elbow me as he turns back and forth in his seat to talk to his other friend. I'm getting really annoyed, and I can't hear the movie at all. They he says: "Who am I sitting beside?" to his girlfriend.
Girl: "I don't know, ask."
Him: "Who are you?"
Me: "Uh. No one." (As I do know him, and he's been in like how many of my classes, so I don't bother) Not like he'll remember.
Him: "Ohhh, she's too 'good' to talk to us..ahh..."
Girl: "Are you from the Gray?"
Me: "Yes.."
Girl: "Ohhh.."
Then later he's going on yelling and pointing at the screen like an idiot saying "She's soooo hot! But your just as hot..if you were on screen I'd be saying the same thing you know.."
Girl: "Heh, no you wouldn't"
Him: "Don't say your not, cause you are. Man I have the best prom date. I'd pay for all your stuff but your dress, I'm sure it's expensive.."
Girl: "Yeah, I bought it. It was like 800 bucks"
They continue for a while..
Him: "She's hot!! Your hot too though.."
He goes on like that till we decided to leave. Not to mention the girl asks for my popcorn..so I was like whatever, you can just have it.. And it was for a school thing so its not like they'd be kicked out. At times like that, I'm even more glad I don't drink and make an ass of myself like that.

Sorry if that like offends ppl or something, but I needed to vent :x

04-18-2003, 12:41 AM
I think they can be really dumb....I was at my grandmas 50th annerversary and it took place in the 2nd story of the bar. Well me, my cuz Tasha and my friend Jen where standing on the belcony out side and somebody walks out and say-
Girl 1- "Lets get on the bus."
guy- "duh....."
Girl 2- "What about the car?"
guy- "duh....."
Girl 1- "We have a car??"
guy- "duh....."
Girl 2- "I thoght so..."
guy- "duh....."

It like you are so dumb I just wanted to spit on them...but my mom said not to provoke them :rolleyes: we must have sat there all night listening to the drunks come out of the bar acting stupid.

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-18-2003, 12:45 AM
man those people were rude!!!

Yeah people who get sloppy drunk can be real idiots... BUT one thing I really hate is loud people in the movies!!! If i pay money to watch a movie then you WILL be quiet so I can watch it in peace!!:D

04-18-2003, 12:51 AM
I think you can get drunk.....just dont drive....

04-18-2003, 12:56 AM
Yeah, the first U2 concert I went to.......the people in front of us were totally wasted.....it was pathetic...they had beer with them too, and the one guy ended up spilling it all over himself.

And these were $85 seats. Why in the world would you pay $85 for a concert then not even know what's going on?? :rolleyes:

And then there was the drunk guy at the Olympics.......THAT was fun.....after one of the Olympic concerts we were just wandering around (they had a bunch of stuff set up) and this guy just comes up to me, wraps his arms around me and starts blabbing crap. I don't even know exactly what he said, but he was definitely drunk. My friends thought I knew him!! :eek:

04-18-2003, 01:02 AM
If I had paid reg price for it I would have asked the manager or someone to kick them out..but I just felt like smacking him. And When we left he was like "I think we made them leave..hahhaha" He kept saying "This movie is fun..even better then your drunk" Its like how the hell would you know, your not watching it! lmao

04-18-2003, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by iceyshiver21
I think you can get drunk.....just dont drive....

I agree, I just personally don't like it myself. I don't drink cause I don't believe I need alcohol to have fun, which is true. Mind you at some points ppl might THINK im drunk ;] lol But whats the point if you don't remember it..

04-18-2003, 01:11 AM
Ahhh drunken idiots...gotta love them :rolleyes: It could be people like the drunken idiots (my sisters included) that made me not want to drink. I've had four or five drinks since becoming legal four years ago, I just don't like it...it's not me, besides the people that I hang out with when they drink they get rather um...dumb...so it's best that one of us stays able to think...that and well I don't want to turn out like my grandma.

04-18-2003, 01:28 AM
I think there's a big difference between people who drink, and people who get drunk.

I don't see the harm in an occasional alcholic drink, I know many people enjoy that. But getting completely drunk and not having control over yourself...that's just stupid...in my opinion.

I have kind of a messed up liver (as do my brother and sister...I think it's a genetic thing) and the doctor said I better not ever drink alcohol, as it could do some serious damage real fast...soo...guess I don't ever have to worry about drinking, not that I planned to anyway.

04-18-2003, 01:53 AM
I "drink" not much just a few sips....and yes it is leagal as long as you are in your house, your parents know, and you dont leave the house until you are positivly sober.

04-18-2003, 07:07 AM
Drunk morons--how rude!!
I worked in a sports bar for 4 years--talk about a bunch of drunks. There was a loft that overlooked the bar in the back, and there was a private party (of adults, mind you), and they were so blasted they were pouring pitchers of beer off of the balcony:eek:
When Penn State had a home game, we had to wear these dumb shirts that said "Joe knows football", and there were these guys in there and they saw a girl who was particularly well endowed, and he looked at her and said "Joe knows D-cups":rolleyes:
And then there are the riots that have occurred here at Penn State a few times, because of drunken idiots. There was damage to city property (they knocked down lampposts), turned over a few cars, and started a fire--why?? because they were drunk!!!
I could go on and on, but I won't. My husband and I used to go downtown sometimes around 1-2am when the bars got out, and just laugh at all of the idiots.

I don't drink at all due to medication, and my husband has a drink once in a while (wine with dinner, a beer with friends). I don't think there's a problem with it, people just need to know when to stop.

04-18-2003, 08:36 AM
When I was very little, we had a neighbor who would get wasted all the time. I remember watching him out my window (I was only 5 or 6) smashing the windows of his car with a baseball bat, throwing the BBQ around the yard, overturning the patio table etc.etc.etc. I was terrified of him. Very bad memories. Laying back in bed, I was so afraid that he was going to come into my window. *shudder* And this happened so many times!!

Then, a couple of years ago, we were living in a 3 apartment house. We woke up with a start around 3 am...the woman next door was stinking drunk, tearing up and down the porch stairs. She broke a window, overturned her 20 gallon fish tank, smashed all her glass dishes. It was some night. After that episode, our landlord had a tough time kicking her out.

So, no, I don't drink. At all. It's stupid, it's a waste of $, and a waste of my life. I've seen what it does to other people, and i've learned the lesson that they should have learned.

04-18-2003, 09:00 AM
That sounds scary Cookiebaker :x My mom manages a bar, and I remember non violent drunks I was afraid of lol.

I agree with you Amy, I think theres nothing wrong at all with a few drinks, but getting wasted is just stupid. I don't know how many times my friend said someone got pregnant at some party cause she was to drunk to think straight. She even said she almost went off with some guy once..and she still drinks. She keeps telling me she's going to make me get drunk sometime..yeah, I doubt it. I've haven't had anything more then a very sips of anything alcoholic in my life.

04-18-2003, 02:53 PM
I agree... drunk ppl make me mad. It's so dumb! What's the point of getting wasted, throwing up all night and being hungover in the morning? I just don't get it.

04-18-2003, 04:40 PM

yes it is leagal as long as you are in your house, your parents know, and you dont leave the house until you are positivly sober.

No it's not. Underage drinking is illegal. That is unless the laws where YOU are are different. Then I stand corrected.

04-18-2003, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by moosmom

No it's not. Underage drinking is illegal. That is unless the laws where YOU are are different. Then I stand corrected.

Actually I heard that what Iceyshiver says IS true. I worked in a grocery store where a rep. from the state tobacco/alcohol prevention would come and talk to us about carding people. HE said that it is illegal for underage persons to purchase or have "possession". But if it is a teenager under their parent's roof with the parent's consent, (note: NOT a group of teenagers alone or teenagers that are not with their own parents) then the law stops there. :eek: So no, it is not illegal for a child to drink with the parent's consent

The laws make me so mad, and in a way is one reason why I quit working in the grocery store. One time, a coworker, Mike, was on shift, and 2 teenaged looking kids came up. The first one (girl) asks for cigs. and Mike carded her. She passed (barely) and he went and got the cigs. She opened up her wallet and said "Oh yikes, I don't have any $" and the 2nd kid (guy) says "Oh I do, here!" And handed Mike the $. The 2nd kid WASN'T of age, and Mike got severely fined and on suspension for 5 days because to the letter of the law, Mike "sold" cigarrettes to a 17 year old. It was a setup by the state. And yet how many times do you see a teenager getting fined for smoking a cig?? It just doesn't seem fair!!!! :mad:

04-18-2003, 05:24 PM
I give money to M.A.D., so I guess that tells you
how I feel about people getting drunk. :mad:

I do not condem anybody who takes a
drink once in awhile, (as long as you do not drive)
but to drink so much as to loose your sences is just plain stupid.

04-18-2003, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
Actually I heard that what Iceyshiver says IS true. I worked in a grocery store where a rep. from the state tobacco/alcohol prevention would come and talk to us about carding people. HE said that it is illegal for underage persons to purchase or have "possession". But if it is a teenager under their parent's roof with the parent's consent, (note: NOT a group of teenagers alone or teenagers that are not with their own parents) then the law stops there. :eek: So no, it is not illegal for a child to drink with the parent's consent

Not so. That's contributing to the deliquency of a minor. It is unlikely that the parents/kid will get caught if it's in their own home but it is still ILLEGAL. InNM, if the parents are caught, they'll faces HIGH fines, 72 hrs in jail, and 30 hrs of community service. More than likely, they'll have to undergo an alochol screening as well.

re: the ciggie sting
I don't know what the fine/punishment is for children. Here in NM, if you sell cigs to a minor you automatically get one year in jail and x-amount of fines.

There are STRICT laws mandating the treatment of minors -- that's *probably* (ie sheer guessing on my part) why not many underage ppl are fined -- some officers may feel it's not worth the hassle when there are "bigger fish to fry" so to speak (and again, that's sheer guessing).

Becareful with what you believe from the alcohol company/representatives... they're out to make money in ways that don't necessarily comply with the laws.

I work for the DWI Office as an Intensive Supervisor and see this stuff everyday. :(


On a lighter (if DWI can even remotely be considered "light") note, we had an officer who got two DWIs out of the same car! lol The driver (who was suspected of being under the influence) spotted the cop behind him and pulled into a gas station next to the pump. The driver then got out and stumbled into the building. Meanwhile, the passenger got into the driver's seat and pulled to the front of the convience store. :rolleyes: The driver comes back, talks to buddy, goes back inside, comes out and swaps seats with his friend. Instead of taking off, they just sit in front of the store. Finally, the cop gets out to go talk to them. Their words? "We didn't want to get arrested for DWI so we gave the keys to the clerk."

04-18-2003, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker

Mike "sold" cigarrettes to a 17 year old. It was a setup by the state. And yet how many times do you see a teenager getting fined for smoking a cig?? It just doesn't seem fair!!!! :mad:

I "think" (and, please, correct me if I am wrong) that is is not illegal to smoke under the age of 18, only to purchase the cigarettes to those underage. Again, but it is something we areled to believe, and I could be way off, but it seems i heard that somewhere before.

One night Ralph and I were buying a bottle a wine, did not get carded at all ( we are both of age). In the next aisle over two "kids" (I'g guess17 or 18) were carded for buying grenadine. This has NO alcohol init, but is sold inthe same dept. becuase it is a mixer. the clerk did not want to sell it to them becuase they were underage. Prob. the clerk did not want to get in trouble ( and I understand that), but how silly is that? Grenadine is what is in "Shirley Temples" !!! Anything that is a "mixer" can't be sold to those under 21? Does this include Coke, jello, orange juice, cranberry juice etc etc etc...

04-22-2003, 10:30 AM
I don't know the law in other states, but, in Ohio, an underaged child can drink, with his parents, in the home. It used to be they could drink in public, with their parents, and I don't know if that has changed.

As to drinking in general, it is like most other things, ok in moderation. I don't see the reason to avoid alcohol...I drink. I don't overdrink. It doesnt make me a better or worse person...just one that enjoys the taste. Absolutes, as in "I never..." or "People shoudn't ever..." or "all people that do...." are usually inaccurate statements. If you like to drink, do it. If you don't, don't.

04-22-2003, 01:29 PM
amen cataholic.

Drinking for the enjoyment of it, for the taste, for the social interaction, for the relaxation- I don't care the reason. If you want to do it, and you do it safely, then there is no reason for anyone to condemn you.

Yes, there are people who overdo it and act silly, but they are stupid on levels other than alcohol influence. They do not reflect on responsible drinkers.

Drinking is neither illegal (for those of age) nor is it morally wrong. Personally, I enjoy a drink and (gasp!) sometimes two or three. I'm safe and responsible and well over the legal age. Also, one of my dearest friends chooses not to drink- and we still manage to go to the clubs when the need for a Saturday Girls' night out hits us. Both of us having a great time.

04-22-2003, 03:28 PM
I agree, I didn't mean to say you shouldn't drink at all, its so wrong or whatever, I just ment getting totally wasted is just stupid. I don't see anything wrong with a few drinks