View Full Version : Announcing: Loved Ones Lost

04-17-2003, 10:17 PM
Hello Pet Talkers, I know a lot of us have lost, sold, or gave away pets that we dearly love. I had to let my horse go back to her old owner... some people's pets die.... it is sad business, and we need confort because it will last in out hearts forever. In this thread you can talk abouit your Loved Ones Lost, and confort other people.

04-17-2003, 10:30 PM
I was really sad because when I got his cat named Tigger that was declawed and unwanted my dog didnt like her so I had to give her back to the owners that hate her. :(.. *she was an orange short haired tabby*

Also I miss my Angel the dwarf angora rabbit I had for a week, I loved her so much.

I miss my Jag *alaskin malamute* he was put down a couple of years agoe, he was perfectly healthy, he got in a fight with another dog and the pund took him. :(.

And my dear Tikah, she had to be put down after having her first litter of malamute puppies because she came down with Distemper and bit my brother. *she was an alaskin mal*

My dear Mikeya, we had to give her away becase she killed a cat, and we had to hide her from the pound. they were stocking us trying to put her down, we only had her for a short year! :(. *she was a red siberian/malamute cross*

I miss my betta Cheery because my stupid friend sold him at her garage sale without asking me. *cry**he was red*

I miss my cat Salem, he got killed by my dog Jag many years ago, *he was black*

I miss my cockatiel Homer she was so pritty, and kind to everyone, She would always give kisses. I loved her most out of all my birds. Cheeko loved her and plucked out all his feathers whe she died. *sigh* (she was white)

I also miss my first budgie and really pet EVER, named BABY, he was green, He loved my sooo much he would follow me everywhere. He would even fly to me on command, he died many years ago. I miss him dearly.

No I am sad :(

04-17-2003, 11:11 PM
It's okay. A lot of us have lost pets, and understand. I miss my horse Harley a lot! She was chestnut, and had white spots. She was an Appaloosa/Quarter Horse. She was beautiful. Also when I was younger, I had a Springer Spaniel named Gus, and he was just a puppy when he got hit by a car. Me and my sister had went down our 1/2 mile long driveway, and we where carrying our cats. We wanted to switch cats, so I could hold the other one. Gus ran across the road, and sat down by the mailbox. A pickup started coming, and we were begging Gus to stay. He was staying, but I think he wanted to beat the pickup. He raced across the road, and the truck hit him. The truck was going pretty fast, (it was a country highway) and Gus was almost dead. The stupid pickup didn't even stop!:mad: I was bawling. My sister ran all the way down the road and got my dad. It was too late. I also miss my old labrador Darlin who got frostbitten really bad and had to be put to sleep. I miss my Border Collie name Trixie who had to be given away, because she took chickens and different Poultry that was across the street. We have so many loved ones that are lost, but remember they will always be in your heart.

04-17-2003, 11:22 PM
My Teal angel...... I don't really want to get into the whole story, though. I know you all enjoy a good story, but this one just breaks my heart, I loved her so much!:(

04-18-2003, 08:23 AM
Even though I did not know her too well, my mother's dog Rochetta. She was loyal and beautiful. She died in her sleep after 18 years. She was blind, deaf and had arthtritis.

My first dog for a day, named Primo. I had to give him away because we didn't think about it and bought ourselves a collie mix, when we couldn't handle it. We had a small yard and he was already big for "4 months old". (the breeder lied about his age) He also had a large scar where he "got bitten by another dog". We weren't told the real story. It was a stupid descision but we brought him to the SPCA. They said he'd be adopted right away because of his great looks and good temperament. He was raised in a tiny cage in a cold, shed. I only realized later we got him at a backyard breeder. He was gentle, sweet and I'll never forget when I lay down beside him on the balcony and he fell asleep in the sun. I wish I knew how he was doing now. I don't regret what I did, it was better for him anyways.

04-18-2003, 10:41 AM
Thanks for sharing... Sad story prima.:( It was the right thing to do though.

04-18-2003, 02:10 PM
We lost Opus last, last May. He was a stray coker spaniel who was soooo sweet but for some reason one morning bit me in the face. I have memory scars that will last forever. I loved his sooo much ,and I still do, but I know we`re gonna meet again at the RB.http://petoftheday.com/talk/attachment.php?s=&postid=159016

Brut Was The love of my life!! He was like a gentle giant.We got him from my grandpa who use to abuse him,but sadly before I moved here,we had to give him to one of my dad`s friends. He escaped and got hit by a truck. I never got to say goodbye to him. I miss you Brut!

04-18-2003, 03:56 PM
We had a retired racetrack GreyHound named Miss Perfect. She was very nice, until one day she bit me on the head when I was three. :( We had to give her back.

Then our Collie, Cierra, ran away.

Then our cat, Snowball, who we dimb-wittedly let be an outdoor cat, ran away.

I won't get into all of my small pets, but my old Guinea Pig, Smokey, was born the only male of the litter, and had to live in a seperate cage. Until my friend asked if she could have him, and we gave him to them. But my friend developed an allergy to him, and had him put down, only for me to find out three months after. :mad:

04-18-2003, 05:32 PM
Oh, that is a sad story... I am so sorry about all of your pets, but remember, you will see them again someday!:(

04-18-2003, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by Dogz
Thanks for sharing... Sad story prima.:( It was the right thing to do though.

I think so too. Thanks.