View Full Version : terrible nightmare

04-17-2003, 11:25 AM
I had a nightmare last night, that Patches got outside, and then was choking on something...and he was dying and I was crying and saying oh no, no Patches! I was trying to open his mouth and see what he was choking on, then somehow it ended, where he had not passed away, its like it ended with no ending, if that makes sense. when I came home yesterday he did get outside, maybe thats what made me dream it? who knows. I also dreamed I was getting married and was wearing some weird, frilly Easter-type dress! with a matching purse!
I have no idea what that means!:eek: :confused:

04-17-2003, 11:28 AM
Don't eat food before bedtime!!! hehehe;) :D

04-17-2003, 11:44 AM
I hate nightmares where someone I love (either animal or human) is being hurt. :(

Russian Blue
04-17-2003, 12:39 PM
After my Siamese cat died, I had many really horrible dreams of her. In my dreams, she would always be in danger and I always was trying to save her but couldn't get to her in time. In other dreams, she would be very vicious, and keep attacking me.

They were all so vivid and emotionally charged. Thank goodness those dreams are over!!


04-17-2003, 12:58 PM
Eating cheese at night give me terrible dreams. Very disturbing.

04-17-2003, 12:58 PM
eek - a matching purse:eek:

04-17-2003, 01:22 PM
My friend Carol, who adopted our Sam cat and made her an extremely happy only cat, had to go away for a few days last summer. While she was away, the catsitter had a dream that Sam got out. The dream was so realistic that she got out of bed and drove to Carol's house...at 2:30 in the morning...to make sure Sam was ok. She was. Dreams can be very alarming at times...

04-17-2003, 01:56 PM
wow, I would love to have that lady as my cats sitter! she cares!

and , LOL yes, the matching purse, now theres a nightmare!

04-17-2003, 02:54 PM
I often dream of Filou and Tigris running away and getting in some danger -car or dogs and I am somehow paralyzed -and things get mixed up -as usual in dreams. I do not want to know what it means and prefer to think it's just to much food in the evening:(

04-17-2003, 02:57 PM
I've always heard that the way to intrepret your own dreams is to figure out what each "object" or action means to you personally.

I hate dreams like that. :(