View Full Version : Love Nips

K & L
04-17-2003, 11:17 AM
My Bentley will come up and give me the best loving, when he’s in the middle of doing this he grabs my skin between his teeth and will shake it, then release. Boy does it hurt, but I know he’s not being mean when doing this. Does anyone else’s cats do something like this?

04-17-2003, 11:30 AM
Hmmm, I've had the nipping but no shaking. Maybe you taste so good he's trying to pull of a bit of skin! hehe:eek:

04-17-2003, 11:34 AM
I got the nipping as well but no shaking. Kim must be right!

04-17-2003, 11:40 AM
Oh my!

Both Zam and Kia, and now even Little Boy will nip while giving kisses. They've never broken the skin though... thankfully. :D

04-17-2003, 11:49 AM
Mr. Jones has done the 'love bite' thing since we got him almost 2 years ago.
I have greatly reduced it's frequency by giving him the 'opportunity' to bite my knuckle and then if he goes for it, I push my knuckle into his mouth. He does not this at all. So, I know it's negative reinforcement but it works and it doesn't hurt him, he thinks: gee, this it unpleasant.

I would never raise my hand to my cats.

K & L
04-17-2003, 12:04 PM
Maybe there's just so much skin to shake:D I never discipline him when he does this cause I know it's affection. One time I had gotten up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Bentley followed me in there, started loving, purring and rubbing on my legs, then he grabbed a piece of my behind and nipped and shook! :eek: Yowsa did it surprise me! I about flew off the toilet!

04-17-2003, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by K & L
One time I had gotten up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Bentley followed me in there, started loving, purring and rubbing on my legs, then he grabbed a piece of my behind and nipped and shook! :eek: Yowsa did it surprise me! I about flew off the toilet!

:eek: :eek: I just sprayed pear juice all over my monitor!!! LMAO!!


Russian Blue
04-17-2003, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by K & L
Bentley followed me in there, started loving, purring and rubbing on my legs, then he grabbed a piece of my behind and nipped and shook! :eek: Yowsa did it surprise me! I about flew off the toilet!

:D :D :D

I've had my laugh for the day!


04-17-2003, 01:03 PM
Ah, the toilet nip!!! My cats from decades ago did that. As for Speckles, if I pet her then walk away, she will run after me and try to nip my heel. Ouch.

04-17-2003, 01:14 PM
Sounds like just a kitty version of "goosing" ... hehehe!!! :D

04-17-2003, 02:59 PM

Yes Katiebug does this...she stands on the sink and when I try to step into the shower she will love bite my love handles...*L* I have to walk in with my hand on her face to get in the shower safely. And she love bites my hands constantly....at least it always starts loving little nips....with lots of licking in between..then she gets more excited and starts biting harder..I then squeal in pain and she gets annoyed..growls and bites even harder...*chuckle* If I get get ahold of her I hold her on my chest at this point and have a discussion afterwards. Then I ask for a nose lick to seal the deal..she doesnt' get to leave till I get the nose lick. So far she only bit my nose once....*L* Most of the time she gives it a big ole slurp.


K & L
04-17-2003, 03:09 PM
Denyce-that's too funny. Speaking of biting noses....one night my husband was in a deep sleep and our Calvin (now deceased) jumped on the bed and out of the blue just chomped right down on his nose! I'm laughing as I'm writing this. :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-17-2003, 03:17 PM
Great stories everybody! :D :D :D :D

I carry Tubby like a baby (over my shoulder) and when I have my hair pulled back he'll sniff at it, then bite it and rip it out of the barrett. Once it's out of the barrett he'll have nothing to do with it so I don't know what his deal is, but he does it everytime I hold him like that and my hair is pulled back. :rolleyes: :D

04-17-2003, 04:59 PM
Yep, Blueberry will come up to me and give me a nip anywhere, but he doesn't shake. He also bites on to me for a long time, ad it does hurt.

Prairie Purrs
04-17-2003, 05:42 PM
Bob likes to chomp on my big toe. And he always lets out a huge purr while he's chomping. :D

04-17-2003, 05:52 PM
My cat Maya Linn bites my nose early in the morning to be fed. All the cats get on the bed. She's in charge of getting my butt outta bed to feed them. Unfortunately, it's not exactly at a time when one WANTS to wake up (5 a.m., etc.) MooShoo is in charge of scratching my head. It's a conspiracy I tell ya!! :p

04-18-2003, 06:04 AM
Juni grabs the skin of my neck with her teeth an also shakes it, when I raise my voice. Apparently, my voice is not very pleasant then. Or when I laugh about her. Then I laugh harder and she shakes and shakes and shakes.
Lately, she started to nip my legs when she wants food. Or attention. That startles me, she does it very unexpectedly.
My mom's cat, Panterusha, likes to give "love bites" when you pet her, but, he-he, I already know when the bite time comes and I take away my hand :p

04-18-2003, 01:52 PM
We got Yoshi very young and I always hold him like a baby (still do ;) ) He use to suck my earlobes for comfort. One day I forgot and still had my diamond earrings in........yup, sucked that earring right down :rolleyes: :mad: Needless to say, 2 days later we had to go hunting for it in the litter boxes, and with 3 cats we had to go through it all! :eek: That was THE most disgusting thing I ever had to do!

Now he has switched to "kissing" me on the lips, and every once in a while he will chomp down on my bottom lip. Only once did it draw blood.

My very first cat Willie (now deceased) use to get mad every time we went away for a few days. He would snub us for a few hours then come over sit in your lab, get petted, then CHOMP ! He was even.

04-18-2003, 02:57 PM
SO did you find your diamond after all of that digging????:eek:

04-18-2003, 04:53 PM
Oh, yeah, we found the earring, but I still haven't worn it to this day! :rolleyes: :eek: :D

04-19-2003, 01:21 AM
Storm will give me love bites to try to wake me up in the morning. I used to think that it was because he was hungry but this isn't always the case. Sometimes after he's gotten me up he'll then decide to go back to sleep. :) He'll also nip me sometimes to get attention. He usually does this when I've been on the computer for a long time. :) My RB Pepper used to nip me after I would pet him. I've heard that some cats will do this if they are over stimulated.