View Full Version : Toronto Beaches Easter Parade

04-16-2003, 12:01 PM


Pictures from the Toronto Parade (http://www.501st.ca/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=82)

Enjoy! :D


Andy and I will be walking in this parade with Kropserkel (http://www.kropserkel.com) and the 501st Legions Canadian Garrison (http://501st.ca) .

Look for us! Andy and I will be dressed as Tusken Raiders. We'll be with the Ringwraith (Scott), Orc (Richard), and Arwen (my friend Jess). There might be a Stormtrooper or two... :) Even Kia might be able to be in the parade!

04-16-2003, 04:10 PM
That is sooo cool!!

04-16-2003, 04:22 PM
I don't get it, why do they do it on Easter??

Cool costumes. :)

04-16-2003, 05:18 PM
Cool costumes!

Russian Blue
04-16-2003, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
I don't get it, why do they do it on Easter??

Cool costumes. :)

Love the costume!

Kelly, the Beaches parade is a mish mash of different things. I still think it's just a celebration that we Canadians survived another winter and celebrating a long weekend all rolled into one!!

They are calling for rain on Sunday and only a high of 15C (62F)! Hopefully that will change and be sunny for you. Be thankful that you aren't in Toronto now, we are expecting a mix of snow and rain tonight!


Hmmm....maybe I can rush down there and get Nakita involved in the parade also! I'll dress her up as an easter bunny!


Have fun !!

04-17-2003, 09:06 AM
Russian Blue, we actually leave for Jess's house tonight. :)

I don't mind 62 F if the rain can hold off! That's much better than 30 or 40 F. ;) :D

And I think Nakita would make a CUTE bunny. :)

04-17-2003, 09:40 AM
Kimmy, that is really cool! I have to admit though, your and Andy's costumes are a little scary!! I'm a wuss anyway though!
Have fun!!!

04-17-2003, 09:57 AM
   Your costume is beautiful. However, the imagery of Tusken Raiders and Canadian Stormtroopers in an Easter parade is jarring.

   If you are dressed as Tusken Raiders, how will anyone recognize you?

   Karen and I with the Emperor:



04-17-2003, 10:32 AM
Thanks for the compliments everyone. :) When we don't wear our costumes we display them on mannequins. The plumber was quite startled. ;)

Originally posted by Paul
   Your costume is beautiful. However, the imagery of Tusken Raiders and Canadian Stormtroopers in an Easter parade is jarring.

   If you are dressed as Tusken Raiders, how will anyone recognize you?
LOL! I thought the same thing but they costume in this parade nearly every year. And I can't resist an invite to get all geared up. :D

   Karen and I with the Emperor:


:eek: I bow down to you!!! That is very cool Paul. He's on my list of people to meet. ;)

James Earl Jones was just in Kalamazoo, MI on a Library tour but I couldn't make it. :( My friends got to meet him though. :)

04-17-2003, 09:18 PM
That's us in George Lucas' office at Skywalker Ranch! Amazing place, really cool experience, unbelievable stuff, and we got to go to ILM, too!

Just amazin'!

04-17-2003, 09:54 PM
   If we were not spending Easter with our family, I would consider going to the Toronto Parade. It sounds like a very special event.


04-22-2003, 08:49 AM
Karen, working for ILM has been a life long dream. :) Perhaps someday.... That must of been a very cool experience indeed! :D

Well, I'm back from the land of Canada. Had a wonderful time! The weather was GORGEOUS for the parade. 70's and sunny. :)

Later that evening we went to Jess's aunt and uncles for dinner. Lo and behold, they live next door to a dog park!!! :eek: :D

So of course Andy and I took Kia over there. I wish I had my camera. The place was huge!! Kia even had a boyfriend. A husky/collie mix named Cosmo. He was so enfatuated with her! He followed her everywhere and when his owners tried to leave, he got away and ran the whole distance of the dogpark right back to Kia. :o

Of course Kia didn't seem to notice the devotion. :rolleyes: She had trees to sniff.

I'll share pictures once I get them developed. :)

05-08-2003, 03:08 PM

Pictures from the Toronto Parade (http://www.501st.ca/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=82)