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View Full Version : Outdoor to Indoor Kitty Transition

04-15-2003, 07:12 PM
Anyone have any good tips to turning an outdoor kitty into and indoor one? Boo has always been a homebody, so I imagine it won't be too hard, but any tips would be welcomed.

He will be a strictly indoor kitty when we return to the States at the end of May, so I want to wean him off of being outside too much now.

04-15-2003, 09:01 PM
when we made a stray into an indoor only, it was tough, but bearable. Make sure you have lots of perches for him at the windows, and maybe put out some bird feeders so he can watch "TV" :) Also, for the first little while in particular, watch that he doesn't try to dart out doors. But I think overall, with a bit of extra attention, he will do just fine :)

04-15-2003, 09:18 PM
I think our biggest challenge is going to be keeping Boo active and stimulated. I do not want him piling on the weight and sleeping all day because he's indoors. He is far less active when we keep him in for the day. Besides walking, are they any tricks or toys you guys use to keep your kitties stimulated and active?

Miss Meow
04-15-2003, 10:02 PM
Another cat, hint hint! Seriously, if he has a friend they might play and run around more often to keep each other entertained.

We have a new interactive 'toy' at the moment. I have some helium balloons tied with some silvery tinsel and the breeze blows them gently around the room. The cats follow them around and grab the tinsel for ages :rolleyes:

04-15-2003, 10:09 PM
Shiloh gets a TON of exercise with her "fishing pole" toys. Or if I give her a little catnip, she'll dart around the house jumping on the dogs for a good hour :D

K & L
04-16-2003, 03:09 PM


04-16-2003, 03:21 PM
12 years ago we decided that Fluffy was now going to be a indoor kitty. We moved to a new neighborhood with coyotes. It was fine during the day, but night time is the worst......they like to prowl at night. My best advice: do NOT give in to them (don't let them out!) and close your bedroom door. Also don't have breakable things around for them. If Fluffy didn't get his way he would find a vase or something and knock it over, he remembered at the old house if he acted up, his butt would be outside quickly....:rolleyes:

Patience, and understanding........you will need a lot!!

04-16-2003, 03:35 PM
Lucas and Biddy came right off the street and never even cared that they never went outside again. As the saying goes.....Just do it!

04-16-2003, 04:18 PM
Thanks for the info! I'm sure it will go smoothly, but I just want Boo to get plenty of exercise and stimulation.

04-16-2003, 04:50 PM
I would keep toys around the house while you are gone. Our cats love to play while we are gone.

I know this may sound dumb, but ever since we got a fish tank, Noah spends most of his time during the day on our desk chair staring at the fish swimming around. :D

The bird feeder is GREAT! Noel spends almost the whole day staring outside, chirping at the birds.

I'm not sure if its an option for you now or in the future, but another cat would help A LOT! I am greeted at the door daily by Basie and Micah, so I know they are playing during the day as well.

I don't remember how old Boo is, but cats sleep a lot during the day, even if they are outdoors. As far as keeping him fit, make sure to limit his food to his recommended amount.

Hope that helps. :)

04-16-2003, 05:02 PM
Boo is just a year old. He's a really good cat who doesn't get too fussed about much.

The thing is, when he's outside during the day (we never let him out at night) he plays A LOT. So much so, that when he comes in around dinner time, he's pooped (yay!) and sleeps through to the morning. I fear this will change when we convert him to indoors and he will be doing all sorts of horrible stuff while we sleep.

And, yes, another cat is an option. But not till we find our own place in the States. :)

04-16-2003, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
The thing is, when he's outside during the day (we never let him out at night) he plays A LOT. So much so, that when he comes in around dinner time, he's pooped (yay!) and sleeps through to the morning. I fear this will change when we convert him to indoors and he will be doing all sorts of horrible stuff while we sleep.
It may be hard the first few nights, but I would suggest pulling everything out of his reach that is breakable. Otherwise, he'll be fine. I would also suggest getting him tired out before you go to bed as well. That helps A LOT at our house. ;)

Something we like to play with them is with the laser pointer. You can lay in bed or wherever and shine it anywhere and they go crazy. It really tires them out. :)

04-17-2003, 09:23 PM
Sounds like deliciously evil fun!!!;)