View Full Version : I may be getting another dog..

04-14-2003, 04:51 PM
A friend of mine knows someone who had a black cocker spaniel puppy dropped off in her yard. She can't keep the puppy because she has a german sheperd that doesn't like other dogs and she's afraid he well hurt the puppy.

Anyways, my friend is begging me to take the puppy because she knows for sure I'll take good care of him. I said no, but the more I think about it, it does seem weird around here without a dog in the house anymore. I have Valientine, but she hates to come in the house and since my boxer Blitzkreig went to the rainbow bridge last year, it's been a little strange not having to step over the dog while walking through the house or having a furry dog kiss you awake in the mornings.

Of corse, I have to ask my husband first and see if he's ready to have another dog. He took Blitz's passing really hard and it still pains him to even talk about him. So it's all up to my husband.

If I get him, I'll take lots of pictures and post em.:)

04-15-2003, 01:18 PM
aww i think u should definitly take him in no questions asked!! im sure u will take real good care or him/her.. Aww.. cant wait to see pics!! post soon.. Oh yeah did u think of a name?? im real good at names if u need help :D

04-15-2003, 01:29 PM
awwww he or she sounds lik ea good dog.:eek:

Dakota's Mommy
04-15-2003, 03:05 PM
Keep us informed as to what happens!

04-15-2003, 05:38 PM
awwwwwww! a cocker! :) I seem to have a speical place and a soft spot in my heart for those sweet cocker babies. :) I really hope you can get him! it would be wondeful. poor little guy, dumped at her house?:( he must be traumatized! once again i hope you can get him and take good care of him, otherwise, i will just hope for the best! please keep us updated. thanks!;)

04-16-2003, 05:47 PM
My husband says we can have the dog! I get to go pick him up tommorrow, that is if he hasn't wormed his little way right in to the woman who found him's heart by now.:)

We only have one problem. The dog was already named Max. My husband says he wants to change the name, something about that being to common of a name.
:confused: Anyway, he wants to name the puppy after a bass gutiar that some dead guy in some old band played. I think he said it was called a Dubar or something like that. Who would name a dog Dubar?:eek: I told him if we had to change his name that I liked Charlamaine. He said it was a girl's name, but wasn't Charlamaine a king or something? I don't know..

I personally like the name Max.:D

04-16-2003, 05:52 PM
me too i like the name max... Its simple.. How about jasper?? i love that name for a dog!! :D Well what do you think Max, Rubar or CharlaMaine looks lyk?? Does he look lyk a jasper?? or does he look lyk a max??