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View Full Version : Separation Anxiety

04-14-2003, 04:45 PM
Hi all - a co-worker just adopted a 5 mo old Lab/GSD Mix from the Buffalo Animal Shelter and she seems to be suffering from severe separation anxiety. I told her that it would probably take a while for the dog to realize that she will always return (you know how hard it is for some shelter dogs to learn to trust), but I thought some of you out there would have some suggestions. I suggested a peanut butter filled kong to keep her occupied as well as covering her crate with a blanket to make it feel more den like and secure. Any other ideas?? Any help would be appreciated.


04-14-2003, 07:11 PM
I read in the AKC gazette that classical music is effective in reducing anxiety and helping keep animals calm. There is also a new product on the market that plugs in like an air freshener. I'm sorry that I don't remember the name of it. It emits a scent that helps dogs calm down. I think I saw the ad in Dog Fancy. PetSmart or Drs. Foster and Smith might know what it is. Hope that helps!

Oh, maybe giving the dog an article of clothing with the owner's scent on it might help. I've also heard that giving the dog a crate or special place of their own also helps.

04-14-2003, 08:11 PM
I agree with gotta_hava_dog
ideas. Here are a few more you can try with the
ones already mentioned.

Approx. 10-15 minutes before I leave the
house, I will put all the dogs inside, and
ignor them.
My dogs don't even bother to get up when I leave
anymore. :rolleyes:

Sheba stays in the family room and
Rocky will go straight for his crate and lays down.

(some tips from one of my favorite paper-back books,
The Dog's Mind from Bruce Fogle D.V.M.

1) to try to reduce the intensity of their relationship.
Ignore the dog for the first 30 minutes or so before
she leaves. (I personally would start with short departures and
work your way up to longer lenghts of time gone.)
2) re-enforce the basic obedience of Sit,stay and down.)
3.) excercise the dog at least twice a day.

04-15-2003, 11:53 AM
Oh gosh, I just typed a REALLY long reply and my cat walked across the computer and deleted it :eek: :eek: :eek:

I was just mainly saying the same stuff I've said on other threads though. So if you do a search for seperation anxiety, you'll find lots of great info from lots of people!! :)

I had to battle SEVERE seperation anxiety with one of my dogs and a ton of fosters. It is fixable ... just takes time and patience! :)