View Full Version : Edwina the Cabinetmaker

Edwina's Secretary
04-14-2003, 10:38 AM
Edwina continues her quest for an appropriate occupation.

We had new dressers delivered (except for the one they loaded incorrectly in the truck and broke and haven't found a replacement for yet...but that's another story...)

Edwina INSISTED on a very close inspection. First...the old dresser...
You could dust a little better in here!
Looks solid to me!
Let's see how well this new stuff is made!
Nice Finish!

She is obsessed with the new furniture and stands in front of it for me to open a drawer. Then she climbs in the drawer and hides!

04-14-2003, 11:07 AM
Isn't that funny. Here we have plain chaos because we are painting the staircase, including the ceiling. I have a kind of dresser for shoes (sorry, no word for that in my head). When I put all the shoes out of it (BTW I never knew I had that many, will apply for the Imelda Marcos prize :)), Tigris and Filou had to check in there just like Miss Edwina. And they are scared and made curious by all the things that happen here.
Adventures for the wild cats of the apartment jungle:D :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-14-2003, 11:28 AM
Ooohhh, new hidy spots for Edwina! Looks like she's not boycotting the dressers like she did the bed. :)

The new dresser is beautiful! It looks like it has kind of that "whitewash" type of look that seems to be really popular these days (I know there's a name for that, but I can't think of it right now). I really like that look - reminds me of the Alpine Oak cabinets we have in the motorhome. :)

04-14-2003, 12:44 PM
First off, I LOVE the new dresser. Very nice!

And I love Edwina's critique of it. :D Edwina, you are SO talented!

btw... has that male been back? ;)

04-14-2003, 01:43 PM
LOL! I love the one of Edwina admiring herself in the finish of the dresser. She looks good even in wood!:D

Edwina's Secretary
04-14-2003, 04:26 PM
Here we have plain chaos because we are painting the staircase

Reminds me of the time my husband and I decide to take the carpet off the stairs, strip the finish on the stairs and restain. We waited until Edwina was asleep and she was SUPPOSE to stay that way. So there I am on my hands and knees, up to my elbows in stripper and here comes Edwina -- marching through the stripper. I panicked -- in the process of taking my gloves off and grabbing her I sat down in the stripper! Now that was painful! She, of course, was crying because she had to have her feet washed and washed! We were quite a pair.

Thanks for the compliments on the furniture. It is supposedly "French Country" style. Maybe that is why Edwina likes it so....;) ;)

04-14-2003, 05:09 PM
What a good little inspector you are Edwina!! :)

I really like your new dresser!

Miss Meow
04-14-2003, 06:45 PM
What dresser? I thought Edwina had ordered herself a new bedroom ;)

It's very beautiful, by the way :)

04-14-2003, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Reminds me of the time my husband and I decide to take the carpet off the stairs, strip the finish on the stairs and restain. We waited until Edwina was asleep and she was SUPPOSE to stay that way. So there I am on my hands and knees, up to my elbows in stripper and here comes Edwina -- marching through the stripper. I panicked -- in the process of taking my gloves off and grabbing her I sat down in the stripper! Now that was painful! She, of course, was crying because she had to have her feet washed and washed! We were quite a pair.

Thanks for the compliments on the furniture. It is supposedly "French Country" style. Maybe that is why Edwina likes it so....;) ;)

Welcome to the club. Last year, when we were stripping the kitchen cabinets, little Jan came strolling in and sat on a paper towel that had been used to clean up drips from the stripper.

I think we were more panicked than her. We scooped her up and ran to the bathroom and shut the door and imediately got her backside into the water - we didn't even wait for it to warm up.:eek:

She was just fine - I think we were the ones really worried. - we would have felt so terrible if we had done something to harm her.

Steffi N
04-14-2003, 08:41 PM
Thank you for getting such a nice new play space for Edwina! Be careful before you close those drawers. :D It is a beautiful piece. Edwina, as we all know, has excellent taste. Perhaps interior design is in her future. The pictures are great.

04-14-2003, 11:53 PM
Edwina you look even more gorgeous next to your new beautiful dresser. :) You are quite a good inspector too. Maybe furniture inspection could be in your future. :)

04-15-2003, 09:32 AM
edwina , you have all the luck!:D :D :D we wish we had a drawer to play in , but we have our Iams beds , so maybe we really arent so bad off! :cool: :cool: Happy easter from yor singing Sensation Juke Joint Joseph!