View Full Version : Conures

04-13-2003, 12:39 AM
Does anyone here have a conure? I just watched Polly, and I haven't seen that movie for quite some time, and I just thought it was so cute! :) Conures are really pretty birds! I would love to have one, I just wish I could :( Maybe when I'm older...;)

04-13-2003, 01:37 AM
Conures are SUCH funny birds! LOL! I would LOVE to have one. :) One of my best friends has a half moon conure named Kiwi! Here's a pic of him that I took when we were birdie sitting him a few weeks back. :)

04-13-2003, 06:55 AM
oooooooo PCB that is a great pic!:eek: :D uh oh... your gettin tiki excited:rolleyes: lol

awww no conure here :( but they are soooooo cute and funny!:p we were going to get a sun conure but my dad said no because of how loud it was screaming:rolleyes: lol im glad though, because we got tiki instead!:D

04-13-2003, 10:24 AM
My cousin used to have one. His name was Manook. My cousin adored that bird. It had a great personality! I got to birdiesit Manook once when my cousin had to go out of town for work. He was so much fun :D

Cisco's Mom
04-13-2003, 11:23 AM
Yep! I have one. In fact, I have one that looks very similiar to popcorn's pic. that she posted of a friend's bird. His name is Ringo. This is the only digital pic. I have right now of him, but when he gets all his new feathers in I will take some more. I wish I had a scanner, because I have alot of prints!

04-13-2003, 01:09 PM
oooh they are all so cute! I wish I had a bird that I could teach to talk, I always thought that would be so neat! :)

04-13-2003, 01:10 PM
Ringo is gorgeous!! I love how he looks so proud in that photo! :D He's a cutie!

04-13-2003, 03:44 PM
aaaaaawwww! i loovvee ringo!:D

04-13-2003, 05:37 PM
I've never had a conure, but I get to work with them at work, and they're a lot of fun!! Sun Conures are such little clowns, and our Blue Crown was an irresistable cuddler!! I miss them when we sell them....When we sold our Blue Crown it was so sad, because that bird really liked me and would greet me with lots of head-bobbing and kiss noises in the morning!