View Full Version : What kind of dog are you? Take the quiz and find out!

07-10-2001, 12:10 AM
Are you a spunky Cocker Spaniel, or are you a fancy poodle? Take the test and then post your answers. At the end you will find out what type of dog you are. Only choose one letter. But I must tell you that not all of the dog names are in here. Just a few that I picked. This isn't a serious quiz, it is just for fun!

#1.On your weekend what would you mostly do?
A.Go to the mall and get your hair done.
B.Sit around the house, play a couple of games and eat.
C.Can't stay still, you run around the house play with some friends and then at the end of the day, rest!
D.Play, eat, sleep, play, eat, sleep.
E.You just have to be outside, it doesn't matter what your doing as long as your outside.

#2. Your best friend would be...
A. The fancy dog next dog.
B. Your mom.
C. Anyone you see around the house.
D. The cat across the street.
E. Any type of little creature you can find in your backyard.

#3. Your afraid of...
A. Having a bad hair day, or brakeing your nails.
B. Staying home alone.
C. Staying in a pen all day.
D. Getting a shot.
E. Being abandoned.

#4. Your favorite toy is...
A. Is a soft hair curler.
B. A nice soft pillow.
C. A new tennis ball.
D. A sqeeky hot dog toy.
E. Anything that can fit in your mouth.

#5. Your favorite show is...
A. The pet shows.(where they show off their dogs)
B. Emergency Vets.
C. Animals Funniest Home Vidios.
D. K-9 to 5
E. Animal Safari

#6. Your favorite famous dog...
A. The poodles in 102 Dalmations.
B. The dog from the shoe poster Hushpuppies.
C. The benie baby Spunky.
D. Eddie from Frasier
E. Shadow from Homewardbound 1&2

#7. your favorite color is...
A. pink
B. brown
C. yellow
D. black
E. blue

Okay here are the scores.
Mostly A's= You are a fancy pancy poodle who really cares on how he/she looks.
Mostly B's= You are a fun loving Beagle who takes there time to enjoy your life.
Mostly C's= You have nonstop energy, that means you must be a Cocker Spaniel.
Mostly D's= You are a cute little Schnauzer who loves to play.
Mostly E's= You have a lot to do and you love to explore the wonders of your backyard.

Plese tell me what you think about your answer! ;)

07-10-2001, 10:47 AM
I took the test and I'm mostly a Cocker Spaniel,with a little bit of Schnauzer and Golden Retreiver.

07-10-2001, 06:04 PM

07-10-2001, 07:04 PM
I scored mostly E's! Anyone surprised? LOL!!! I think in my second life, I will be a Golden Retriever!!!

07-10-2001, 07:53 PM
I scored mostly D's So I am a Schnauzer

Daisy's Mom
07-11-2001, 12:05 AM
I am a cocker/golden mix :)

PJ's Mom
07-11-2001, 02:14 AM
I scored mostly C's, with a few B's thrown in, so I guess I'm a cocker/beagle mix. :)

07-12-2001, 08:17 AM
I seem to be a mix of everything. Oh dear...

07-12-2001, 01:44 PM
Just like Logan, I scored mostly E's and I'm not surprised either! :D What a fun quiz dogfan. You can bet I'll email this page to many friends. :cool: Thanks for adding to an already good day!

07-12-2001, 01:50 PM
ME AGAIN, HEY GUYS AND GALS HOW DO YOU INCLUDE A PICTURE ON A POST. :confused: Molly G. is so jealous, she's never had her picture on a topic ( except when sweet Jackiesdaisy posted her picture). SOMEONE PLEASE HELP MOLLY & I - YOU KNOW NEITHER OF US ARE TOO BRIGHT. ;) WE WILL BE ETERNALLY GRATEFUL.

07-12-2001, 02:08 PM
I turned out to be a Beagle-Cocker Spaniel Mix. Sounds good to me! :D

07-12-2001, 02:14 PM
Iditrodfan, if you go to http://www.webshots.com
you can open a photo album and put Mollys pictures in there, then someone will tell you how to transfer them to the posts. or
I made a webpage at http://www.homestead.com
and you can make a web page there and transfer them to a post here.
Am I making any sense? Sometimes I don't do to well. :) :)

07-12-2001, 04:10 PM
i am an old english sheep dog i love this kind of dog because i have long hair but i don't shead :eek: :rolleyes: :p :( :cool: