View Full Version : Kylie's Brother Max, is MISSING!!

08-04-2001, 01:02 AM
Kylie's brother Max is missing. My friend can't find him anywhere. He was a strictly indoors cat. And somehow he slipped out the screen. But if some of you may remember the reason I got Kylie was due to a jealous boyfriend, some of us are worried that he may have done something to Max out of Jealousy altho he says no and has been helping her look for him. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. :(

08-04-2001, 07:13 AM
I hope and pray that little Max finds his way home! How frightening. Usually indoor kitty's are so frightened once they "escape" they usually don't wander too far, but instead find a place to hide. Several years ago, my Mr. B was under my neighbor's car all night and half the next day before we found him. My kittys are indoor kitty's too. Once Oliver slipped out the screen in a flash when I went outside. Gratefully my dog Cody found him and cornered him by the porch wall. She barked and barked at me till I turned to see him there! Cody was a hero that day! My prayers are with little Max that he returns home safely very soon.

08-04-2001, 08:34 AM
Staci, I searched back on your Kylie posts and can't find a mention of Max. So your friend originally had two cats, and Max was "ok" with the boyfriend? I think a careful re-search of the nearby area is in order.
Also check closed areas, such as a garage, that might have been open at the time Max disappeared. That's where I found my cat, Jinx, many years ago. Good luck.

08-04-2001, 08:37 AM
My neighbors lost their cat after they first moved here. It was the dead of winter and we had a really cold spell. (This is Illinois and really cold means really cold). A couple weeks went by and I was certain there was no way that cat could survive. One day the cat just appeared again on their back deck.

And Sandra, Cody who living in the shadow of her sister, Star, doesn't get too much board space here, deserves some special accolades for such a wonderous rescue. http://plauder-smilies.de/happy/invasion.gif

08-04-2001, 12:17 PM
Auntie Rachel, thank you SO much for your kind words. Unlike my pushy sister, I tend to take a back seat! But I know my mommy loves me most! :D Say hi please to my pals Tucker and Hannah! And I hope that kitty Max is found very soon. If I lived near by, I know I could find him for you. I'll keep my paws crossed ALL DAY! Love, Cody

[ August 04, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

Daisy's Mom
08-04-2001, 11:57 PM
All paws and fingers here and crossed in hopes that Max is found safely. Good luck!

08-05-2001, 12:00 AM
I hope Max is Found!! :(

08-05-2001, 01:13 AM
Yes she had a brother and sister, he didn't like Kylie b/c she is long haired and more cuddly, and Max is more masculine and short haired. :rolleyes: sorry but there is no sign for annoyed. He threw Kylie when she got up near his head while he was sleeping, he threw Max too, but Max being a male could take it more, Kylie being more tender hearted was terrified of him from then on, the whole story is fishy, and I don't trust this guy with animals as far as I could throw him. No pun intended. He has been missing since Tuesday. Thanks for the thoughts.
Codster-- I wish you were here!!! Just to prove me wrong. :(

08-05-2001, 01:49 AM
I'm so] sorry for Max :( I will be hoping and praying that he finds his way home. I also PRAY the boyfriend had nothing to do with it. If he did, maybe you could take another cat? I hate to think of a poor defenseless animal at the hands of a monster. I REALLY hope this story has a happy ending :(

08-05-2001, 08:33 AM
What is the third cat's name? Does it look safe for her?

08-05-2001, 10:43 AM
Thank God there is no third cat, and there is no way I could take another cat. I have my hands full, with an 80 lb :o epileptic dog, and a cat!!!! I keep an eye for Max wherever I go. And I hope he nothing to do with it, too.

08-05-2001, 11:25 AM
So sorry that Max is missing and hope
with all my heart that he is found soon..
As i read thru your last messages about
how the kitties where treated in their own
home..All kinds of RED FLAGS when up...
There are well known facts available re
studies and surveys by various police depts.
tracing Domestic Violence Cases.There is a
definate link between domestic violence,
child abuse AND animal abuse...
I worry about Max but also worry about the
safety of your friend, who continues to live
with someone who would ever consider hurting
such innocent creatures...

08-05-2001, 04:23 PM
Hope Max is found soon. My prayers are with you.

08-06-2001, 04:27 AM
Any news on Max? I hope he is safe and like others, I hope your friend's boyfriend has nothing to do with Max's disappearence. How can anyone throw a cat? And if he has something to do with it I hope your friend will give him his marching orders.

08-06-2001, 07:50 AM
Poor Poor Max..... our prayers are with you... I hope you find your home safely, and that the boyfriend has been banished forever, so that you can live in peace without fear.


Jasper's Mom
08-06-2001, 07:52 AM
I am so sad to hear that Max is missing. It's a painful time for those of us who really love our animal babies. While my Jasper was lost my heart broke over and over. I hope Max comes home soon, or has maybe found a kind home to hide in.

And Gio, "How can anyone throw a cat?", well I know who does. Uncaring, unfeeling and sick people. I am happy to be divorced, for I was married to one of those. I, and my children, are lucky to have chosen to "make up our own marching orders" and came back to Hawaii years ago. With me protesting loudly, my cats frequently were thrown out the back door, flying over the deck and landing way out in the back yard. They all disappeared and I know they were "taken for a ride". We didn't want to be next. All of us, my grown children and granddaughter, love our cats and dogs. They are safe cause ... No sickies allowed here.

Wherever Max is, I hope he's SAFE.

08-06-2001, 09:01 AM
Jasper's Mum,

how traumatic it must have been for you and your children. It never ceases to amaze me how many sick people there are in this world and the worrying thing is that sometimes you don't find out until it's almost too late.

08-06-2001, 11:33 AM
Thinking of both you and poor Max. Sending you big prayers for his safe return. Sandra

08-07-2001, 01:38 AM
Max is still missing. Karen, I have been thinking of you and Jasper since this ordeal started. In the back of my mind I think, if Jasper came back, there may be hope. My friend is heartbroken, and doesn't think he had anything to do with it, its those of us who are her friends who do think he did. I told her from the beginning that I would give Kylie back if she wanted, but now there is no way in he** that I would. Not with him there. Kylie would be miserable and in danger. And If he did anything to her I would break his neck. :mad: :mad: :mad:
I just pray he is somewhere, but alive

08-07-2001, 04:02 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Poor Max.... my prayers are with him... that he is somewhere alive, and SAFE!

08-07-2001, 04:56 PM
I hope poor Max has found refuge somewhere where he is safe. This is so sad.

08-08-2001, 05:27 AM
Max was spotted 2 days ago by a neighbor, so If I was him HE'S ALIVE!! I hope they get him soon. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. I will be away until Monday and hopefully I will have good news upon my return. :)

08-08-2001, 01:51 PM
I'm glad he was spotted. Hopefully he will be home soon!!

08-08-2001, 02:52 PM
It's kind of bitter sweet that he was spotted. I am glad he's OK, but I don't think he should go back to that house...ever! Not with that guy living there. It sounds like he would be better off with someone else, as opposed to living in a house with a man who has done such things in the past. I hope for the best for Max.

Daisy's Mom
08-09-2001, 12:39 AM
I am glad Max was seen, and nearby too! But I agree with AntiPam... is he really safe back with your friend's boyfriend around? Where is poor little Max to go when he is found?

08-13-2001, 11:26 PM
I am home from Michigan!!! I was dying to talk to all of you while I was gone but no access to a 'puter.
Max is still missing, almost 2 weeks now. My friend is going nuts w/o him. I wish she would have chosen the cats over the boyfriend we would be happier. But secretly :eek: I am glad that I have this precious little soul Kylie. :eek:

08-13-2001, 11:46 PM
Welcome home, Staci. And I am so sorry to hear that Max is still missing. But I know one thing...that Kylie is one lucky girl!! I'm so glad you stepped in and took her FOREVER! :) I remember when you started talking about taking her and I thought, and probably said, she should dump the boyfriend and keep the cat. I hope someone has taken sweet Max into their home to love.


Daisy's Mom
08-14-2001, 12:09 AM
Welcome back Staci! We missed you! Logan, I too remember thinking and saying that her friend should choose the cats over the boyrfiend! I know I would. My dog is my friend, and your friends always come first. It would be a no-brainer :)

Daisy and I are still praying that Max is found soon, safe and sound. All paws and fingers are crossed. Please let us know if anything happens!