View Full Version : Just updated the site (pics inside)

04-11-2003, 09:02 PM
Hey gang!

I just updated Nellie's website with a bunch of new sections. Nellie is eagerly awaiting some fan mail (even though i just added the section today) and I can't wait until the mailing list crew hears about it next month.

For a sample of what the mailing list receives every first of the month here are this month's pictures of Nellie as a Pet Talk special treat:



Please visit my website and if you have your own pet site send me your banner and i'll add it to the links page :)



04-12-2003, 09:00 PM
Nellie sure is cute. :) Does she have a bobtail? I really liked the pictures of her standing up with her paws on the table. Too cute. :D

04-13-2003, 12:57 AM
You noticed her tail.

When I adopted her from the shelter her papers said she must have had massive trauma to her lower portion when she was a kitten.

Her tail was broken and improperly healed. She also has trouble walking and keeping balance :(

That's why the unique tail. Her tail is permanently crooked to the left and only the tip waggles.

I'm trying my best to keep this special cat happy. I want her to live out the rest of her life in a safe and loving enivorment.