View Full Version : Sick BETTA!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!

04-11-2003, 09:09 AM
About 3 days ago, I bought a male betta. He was doing great, he's got a plant in his 1 gallon tank, a place to hide and it's filtered through the bottom. Well, just this morning I noticed a large red spot on the left side of him, near his tail. He's resting on the plant so he doesn't have to swim far to get the air that he needs. Just yesterday, I bought ANOTHER male betta, so the first one could have something to do part of the day. I put a piece of paper between their tanks half the day so they can take a break. Back to the first betta, I need to know what I can do for him and what is wrong. I would really hate it if he died. So, please, any help would be greatly appreciated.

I just looked at the poor little guy again... the red spot is also on the right side of him, not so much a circle though. I also believe that it's partially on his bottom fins.

PLEASE HELP ! ! ! ! ! !

Thank you.

04-13-2003, 01:32 PM
I don't know what this could be :(
Britt (floppsyladysally89) might know, she has bettas and her dad knows alot about them. :)

04-13-2003, 04:07 PM
Male bettas should NOT be housed together. They will kill each other, or get badly injured. My Bubbles is a perfect example, as he was attacked before and had half his tail bit off (thank God I walked into the room when I did or it would have been worse). That could be a cause of the problem, the other betta might have injured him.
I don't know much more, but I suggest you look at the following sites and see if you can relate what your fish has to any of these illnesses:


04-13-2003, 07:05 PM
Britt, how did you make your avatar? :) I want to make a slideshwo one too, but I don't know how :confused:

04-13-2003, 07:18 PM
I use Animation Shop 3. It comes with PaintShop Pro. There is an animation wizard that basically makes it for you, except you have to provide the pics.
If you don't have a program like that, I could make one for you if you wanted.:)

04-13-2003, 10:25 PM
I may have read your post wrong but did you say you housed 2 male bettas together?? :eek:

04-14-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by FloppsyLadySally89

I use Animation Shop 3. It comes with PaintShop Pro. There is an animation wizard that basically makes it for you, except you have to provide the pics.
If you don't have a program like that, I could make one for you if you wanted.:)

Really?! :D Oooh, that would be great if you could! But let me get some pics first, I'll pm you tomorrow or something :D

04-14-2003, 01:30 PM
No, I would never put two male bettas together.