View Full Version : cat fight

04-10-2003, 03:15 AM
I'm sitting here with most of my cats still hiding, there was a loud cat fight outside the window, at first I thought MY cats were fighting! it has really scared them! such a nice thing to wake up to!! sheesh!

why do people allow their cats outside?!:(

04-10-2003, 05:33 AM
Last summer I saw my neighbors cat had gotten into a fight and was all beat up, it was so sad to see him like that....

We get a lot of cats that come into work with horrible messy abscess's resulting from cat fights. Most of them are on the poor kittie's head, so they've got drains in and have to wear a cone. It makes me so mad, that these poor cats have to go through this when all the owners had to do was just leave them indoors!

04-10-2003, 06:02 AM
when I read the title, I thought it WAS your cats. Let's add this to the list of things that can go wrong when you let your cats outside unattended......CAT FIGHTS :mad:

04-10-2003, 10:40 AM
AMEN to that Jen!!!!!:mad:

04-10-2003, 07:32 PM
I agree! it was just awful hearing that, waking up, I thought it was a fight or one of them was hurt.. and in that couple seconds I was trying to think of what I might have left out for them to get hurt on.. I saw them all except Emma, then I realized where it was coming from.
I woke up saying whats going on, whats going on ?
it happend right outside my window, and it really freaked out all the cats! they wouldn't come out for anything! I hate being woke up scared liike that.

what I hate even worse, is stupid people, Donna's words come to mind... I hate stupid people!
the poor cats, I feel so bad for them, they don't deserve to be neglected like that.

04-10-2003, 08:00 PM

Thanks! I couldn't agree more. :D


Amen sister!! ;)