View Full Version : The Adventures of Imodium and Micah

04-09-2003, 01:01 PM
You know, when the vet said to give him a tiny bit over 1 cc of Imodiam twice a day, I thought that was such a small amount! Easy!!!! I can't even tell you how wrong I was!! ;)

I'll let Micah tell it...remember though, there are TWO sides to every story!! ;)

After meowmee took mee tu that scary plas where they lik to stik thangs up and in mee, I waz so happee tu be home! I thought I cood finally relax, but NO! Meowmee tricked mee!

She waz sitting on the flor and pretended tu want tu luv mee. I walked ober and she petted me, I eben purrred! Then, she grabd mee! She shovd a BIG thang in my mouth and put some yicky stuf in my mouth! I tryed to spit it out, an eben got sum on her shirt :D :D ha ha! But, I still had to drink sum. :mad: Meowmee tryed agin, but I ranned away!

When meowmee got home, I gived her some luv...gess what she did???? She tryed to giv mee moor!! :mad: So I bee'd mad at her and playd by myself and wit daddee. Then! She was feedin the other kats and I new myne was comin' tu! I got all redy and escited for my food. Meowmee was mushin' it all around and finally put mee in my room to eat.

Her and daddee came in and I was ambused!!! They covered me wit a big thing an held mee down! But guess what?? I clawd daddee and he gave uppies!! hee hee :D Meowmee is a stobbrn meowmee...she chased me arond the houze and the bedroom. She eben put that STUFF in my food!!! Meowmee gave up :D and went tu sleepz.

Thiz morning was no diffrent! Meowmee PRETENDED to want luvin agin and I felled for it! She shoved that thang in my mouth, but this time, I got her good! (Note to self: resharpen clawz)

I think meowmee tricked mee agin, my food tasted a little bit strang today.....hmmmmm..... :eek: :eek:

04-09-2003, 01:18 PM
Oh Micah! Mommy loves you or else she wouldn't give you that icky tasting stuff. :D

04-09-2003, 01:24 PM

You should take the meds that mommy is trying to give you. They will make you better. Mommy is only doing whats best for you.

04-09-2003, 01:30 PM
Dear Micah,

Yer meowmee wuvs u very much. Dats why she trix u 2 drink the yucky stuf.
My meowmee did that when I was vewy very small. My belly hurt and it was bad poo poo (u understand). The stuff make me fweel good. So be stwong.

Yur fwind,
Taz the kat

04-09-2003, 02:18 PM
Meow Micah.....

I knowz exacty wut you r talkin bout! My meowmmy has bin twickin me lately too! She has been shuvin some hard fing down the back uf my throat, I twy my bestest to shake it out. In fact, she didn't even knows dat I did spits it out...until she foundz it dis morning. hehehe.... But to make madders much wurser, she even putz dat goopie stuffs in both uf my eyez! So, i'm wight der wiff ya...parners in mizery! :(


You can tell that my eyes are very sad in this picture!!!:(

04-09-2003, 03:02 PM
Deer Tucker an Taz,

I is so sorree you hafta do that tu! I hafta have those eye lotions tu, I hate that....I try an try to get outa daddees armz, but its no use!

Maybee we can all sharpin r clawz together...my meowmee doeznt like bein touched with my clawz...dos ur meowmees??

Ur buddee,

04-09-2003, 03:22 PM
I NEVER have to take medicine! If I need some medicine, then I have to go to the white coats to get it because my mama is skeered of me!!! :p She always tells that white coat man to give me a big shot in my rump so she won't have to give me medicine.

Have you tried biting her yet???? It works!!! :D


PS. My mom wants to know how your mom's visit to her "white coats" went yesterday. She hopes she is getting better.

04-09-2003, 03:54 PM
Hi Micah. Dis id Mozart.
When I wad liddle, me meomie did dat too. She tried dat liquid stuff on me, and I spid it out at her. Bu she no giv up! She snuck it in my food...not dat i knew until she told me AFTERWARDS.... mean meowmie...

And den, anoder time I got sick, and went to dat mean place..and they shoved a pill down me throat! :eek: I had to take two tho..and REFUSED to let them do dat again... thinking that was it.. all over.. boy wad i wrong.. my meowmie once again crushed it up into me fud, and I ate it unknowingly..until she told me afterwards what a good boy i wad!

Me meowmie refused to giv me anyting by mouth, becud I will bite and kick her. :D You shud try dat. Den maybe she will get da hint! ;)

Dem meowmies are really sneakie. U be careful!

04-09-2003, 04:26 PM
Deer Butter an Mozart,

Thank u fur the ideas! I can bite...in fact I did that befur to meowmie an she sure learnd her lesson!! ;)

I tink shes gonna put the stuff in my food....darn it! How do I get outta that one??? Eet the other cats food during food time? That mean gurl kitty "No-L" doesn't eet tu fast.... ;)

Ur buddee,

04-09-2003, 04:28 PM
Soree Butter, I forgotted to reeply tu u! Meowmee did a new thred on genural: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24231

04-09-2003, 05:26 PM
I know it is a very serious issue but: ROFL:D

04-09-2003, 05:28 PM
Dear Micah.

Diz id Mozart again. U must bee careful! If meowmie thinks you are not eating ur food, an eating anoders, she will separate you from dem till you eat it! Of course, I dun know bout ur meowmie, but mine sneaks it into my favorite food ... can beef & liver... no getting around that..try ad i might!

So u bee sneakier den ur meowmie and u shuld be otay! ;)

04-09-2003, 06:03 PM
Micah.... I ahmost furgot to say dis. I twy very hard to close my teefies on mommy's hand when she twys to stick dat little white fing down my froat. But din I heard her tellin my daddy dat she mite see if da vet would give me a shot insted! Soooo, today I did a wittle bit better ... but I sure didn't want to!


04-09-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by batgirl1980
Diz id Mozart again. U must bee careful! If meowmie thinks you are not eating ur food, an eating anoders, she will separate you from dem till you eat it!

My meomie DOES keep mee ina room all bye miself when I eet. I tink I may start findin places to hide it! I coold get into the bags of the oder katz food. Tink that will workz?

I wonder if meowmie will do that agin tonite when she getz home...shez at workz rite now, Im on the puter. ;) Ill try bitin and scratchin some mores. I sure hate that stuff!

I reeds that the other peoples sayz it will help me get betterz??? How can that happin? It tastz icky!

I did heer meowmie say that I cood get a treet after, but no what she did las nite??? She put that stuff ON my fishy treet!! She jus cant be trusted!!! :mad:

04-09-2003, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
I twy very hard to close my teefies on mommy's hand when she twys to stick dat little white fing down my froat.

But din I heard her tellin my daddy dat she mite see if da vet would give me a shot insted!

A shot??????? That sounds lik it hurtz!! Hmmmm...mabe I should be good....

Closin the mouthie, huh? Hmmm....maulin' and closin her out. But then, doncha think my foodz would end up tastin' yuckier?

I just wis she wood be a nice meowmie and leev mee alone!

I wonder if that icky stuff comes in a shot.....shhhh! I WONT tell meowmie abot that! ;)

04-09-2003, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

My meomie DOES keep mee ina room all bye miself when I eet. I tink I may start findin places to hide it! I coold get into the bags of the oder katz food. Tink that will workz?

I wonder if meowmie will do that agin tonite when she getz home...shez at workz rite now, Im on the puter. ;) Ill try bitin and scratchin some mores. I sure hate that stuff!

I reeds that the other peoples sayz it will help me get betterz??? How can that happin? It tastz icky!

I did heer meowmie say that I cood get a treet after, but no what she did las nite??? She put that stuff ON my fishy treet!! She jus cant be trusted!!! :mad:

Dear Micah..
Me meowmie is cleaning her house today. She does dat when she gets stressed (she and muh daddie r having job problems.. or so she saiz) Dats y I am allowed to be on here.. :D ANYWAY, I tink u should hide ur food, so ur meowmie tinks it all gone... I can't buleeve she put dat nastee stuff on ur treet! :eek: What meowmies won't do!

I dun no how it makes us better... but meowmie said dat wha my medicun did tu... tho i dun beleeve her! I tink I got better all by myself! But she saiz it wud da medicun... I tink dey need to make it more yummy... or we should make dem take it until dey do!

Me meowmie also tried to bribe me, by sayin dat if I took it like a "good boy" dat I wouldn't have to keep taking it or go back to da white coats for a longggggg time... I dun kno bout dat... she took me back a week lader for a check up! What a mean meowmie! Dun let ur meowmie fool u! De only ting gud bout takin dat yucky stuff, iz dat u get ur good stuff back quiker, and ur meowmie is less mean too! ;)

04-09-2003, 06:45 PM
"MICAH !" spoken in that tone a very strict Father would have, "DON"T MAKE ME HAVE TO COME OVER THERE !!!"
shakes index finger

04-09-2003, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
"MICAH !" spoken in that tone a very strict Father would have, "DON"T MAKE ME HAVE TO COME OVER THERE !!!"
shakes index finger

:eek: :eek: :eek: <--- all my kitties faces when they read that!

lol. Better watch out Micah.. even Mozart doesn't know what to do with that! :D

04-09-2003, 09:04 PM
Deer Mozart,
Lookz like my meowmie stopped our "game". :eek: She got home an I got my food an I waz so hungry, I had to eet it anyway.

At least she's not chasin' me around wit that thanh aneemore! :eek: I feelz better abot that. :)

Anty Jen,
I sorryz....I'll try an eet my food likez a good boy. Maybe meowmie will stopz givin it to mee. U think??

Hmmmm....meowmie and daddy r going to "san diego" to visit my anty rach-l this weekend and my anty kim is watchin' us. Mabee she wont make mee take my ick medisin??? :D

04-09-2003, 11:58 PM
AAAWWW Poor Micah boy.
You tell a good story!!
But little one, meowmie just wants you to be better!!!
Ask Kylie she gets it sometimes also!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-10-2003, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Anty Jen,
I sorryz....I'll try an eet my food likez a good boy. Maybe meowmie will stopz givin it to mee. U think??

Micah, you listen to our Anty Jen now. Your meowmie will only stop giving you the nasty stuff after you're all better, and you can't get better unless you eat the nasty stuff. So just grin and bear it, and you'll be all better and back to good tasting food in no time. :)

And be sure and give your mommy and daddy some extra lovin' to make sure they know your scratching and biting wasn't really meant to hurt them - although I'm sure they already know that, a little head bumpin' and snugglin' goes a long way sometimes. ;) :)

04-10-2003, 09:49 AM
Diz id Rocky.
I gots to warn u. My meowmee used to put da yucky stuff in my earz. Taz (evil bwuver) sayd I shud pee on meowmee. I did and she put me in the baffroom all by mysef for frwee whole days so I wud remember da sand box.
Just take da medicin, you'll be gwad!

Yer fwiend,
Rocky da cat

Russian Blue
04-10-2003, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by 2kitties
My meowmee used to put da yucky stuff in my earz. Taz (evil bwuver) sayd I shud pee on meowmee. I did and she put me in the baffroom all by mysef for frwee whole days so I wud remember da sand box.


04-10-2003, 11:10 AM
Micah, your meowmie is just trying to get you all better. Please be a good little boy and take all of your meds. I sure hope you get better soon.

04-10-2003, 11:32 AM
Deer Rocky,

ha ha! Dat was funnee wat yu said about peeing!!! I wood luv to see my meowmies face if I did dat!!!!! :D :D

So, las nite, I eated all my food. I tink meowmie put dat yicky medicine in there, but I was so hungry, I ated it!

Dis morning it was the same, I was hungry and ated almos all of it. I don lik the kibble food meowmie wans me to eat. So I been stealin the oder catz food!! hee hee Meowmie had to chase me away dis morning! Cant be gud all da time. ;)

Deer Tubby & Peanut's meowmie,

I was gud and listened to anty Jen....but...where is dat gud food yu all is promisin???

Luv, Micah

P.S. Hey, feller kities...I wan to sleep wit my meowmie, but that mean old O-livia won let me! :mad: I tried agin tis mornin and she hissed me off. :( How do I get up there? Can yu tell my meowmie? tanks!

04-10-2003, 02:40 PM
Oooh Oooh Oooh, here's what ya do to git on da bed.

U jump on da bed and giv a hed but to yer meowmie. Do dis alot. It will make her smel lik u. Den, turn around and put yer but in her face. back up. Den settle in. If Olivia givs u truble, just sit der wif yer cwaws redy.

Yer fwiend,
Rocky da cat.