View Full Version : Here are some black and white pics....

04-09-2003, 11:30 AM
...of my cats, in living color! ;) They are definitly friends! :) They usually don't choose to sleep together...i usually pick one up and say, "Here, lay with him!", and then they will stay, but they groom each other all of the time on their own...and they love to be in the same room together all of the time...so here are the pics of my black and white cats :)

Dandy grooming her brother :)

Sittin in the window...

Watchin the birdies together :)

Dandy hugging Guinness...

Thanks for looking :)


04-09-2003, 11:39 AM
OOHHHHH that is sweet!!! I hope Toby will get along with his future brother/sister like that!!! What good friends they are!! :D

04-09-2003, 11:46 AM
I can't believe how great they look and how close they are! Gorgeous kitties.

04-09-2003, 11:48 AM
Gorgeous kitties! Absolutely Adorable! I wish Jack and Ali would be as cute as that! :D

04-09-2003, 12:26 PM

This is a purrfect match!!!

04-09-2003, 12:35 PM
Aww, that's so beautiful! They are a perfect match :)

04-09-2003, 12:54 PM
They are so cute together and hugging too!:)
I want to see a photo of them doing the tortellini together then they would look just like my cat with the black and white mixed together!;)

04-09-2003, 01:31 PM

What a happy cat home you have!!! Those pictures are wonderful....I think all of us struggling with new cats need to set them as our desk tops as a goal. ;)

Gorgeous!! I'm so happy they are happy and loving each other. That is so wonderful!!!! :D

04-09-2003, 02:12 PM
What beautiful kitties .... such sweet pictures!!!!

04-09-2003, 02:13 PM
AWWWW!!! Adorable!

I wanna see a Ying Yang pose of them now. ;) :D

04-09-2003, 06:20 PM
Oh - Now I want to show you the pictures I have of my kitties being so cute and cuddly to each other....

wait - they don't snuggle or cuddle or groom - the closest I see them is if they are asleep and their tails accidentally touch.:eek:

Great pics though - thanks for sharing

04-09-2003, 06:47 PM
Thanks for looking
NO.....Thank YOU for posting. They are the cutest pictures. What true love!

04-09-2003, 07:24 PM
Oh Robyn, such wonderful photos of your two! They look so happy and hey, the match!

Congratulations on finding the dynamic duo, for sure!

I envy you................................ back to the fridge for another beer!


04-09-2003, 07:32 PM
So sweet! I wish mine got along like that!!

04-09-2003, 09:29 PM
oh robyn i envey u, they are simply magic together, isnt that the greatest thing, i remember our border collie dog oneday sitting in the courtyard with astra our burmese between his legs and he was bending down licking her, i will never forget such a rewarding sight, he loved her heaps, lucky u i can never hope for ash and lexie to be like that, so u are truely blessed.

04-09-2003, 09:32 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by sasvermont

I envy you................................ back to the fridge for another beer!

LOL Sallyanne...you kill me!! ;) Have one for me, while your at it :)


04-10-2003, 05:30 AM
I am green with envy. You have beautiful co-existing cats. They are a purrfect couple.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-10-2003, 09:41 AM
Awww....they are adorable Robyn!

In the first pic it almost looks like Dandy was busy grooming, then something outside caught her attention in mid-lick. ;) :D

I, also, am green with envy. Even after almost 14 years together my two have never been that close. <sigh>

04-12-2003, 10:31 PM
oh they are so cuute!! awwwww :) hugggs