View Full Version : Aww I love when he does things like this!!

04-09-2003, 11:13 AM
Last night after getting Dylan ready for bed we were reading him his bedtime story. We finished up and gave our goodnight kisses. He gave me a kiss, then walked to Dan and gave him a kiss, than back to me and back to Dan lol. He did this for a few minutes, he thinks it's a game to give kisses to us lol. He had his giraffe and Bear (Bear in the big blue house) stuffies with him (they go EVERYWHERE with him, they are his loves and he's had them since before he was born, they are his security items) and he took his Giraffe and put it up to my face to give it a kiss.

I thought it was the CUTEST thing ever...."Mommy you haves to gives mrs giraffes and bearz a kisse goodnights" So I gave the giraffe a kiss and then he put Bear up to me for a kiss too. I just melted inside. He's so tiny but full of so much love and I love to see when he does things this. It makes a mommy proud of her little boy! :D

04-09-2003, 05:05 PM
Awww.....how cute:)

04-10-2003, 10:45 AM
how nice :) :D

04-10-2003, 11:18 AM
He's also starting to do the Wiggles dances lol. He will move his hands to do the "cold spaghetti" and "mashed bannana" lol. He's so cute!! Wheee hehe :D :p

Here are some pics!

This is when he first went outside with his shoes and he was too scared to walk in them. :p The sun was in his eyes.


Here is Dylan eating some pizza and getting messy.


We went to the park the other day and I took some pics there too but I will have to upload them. ;)

You can see his giraffe in this pic.


Here's Dylan and I when he was three months old.