View Full Version : Rain

Daisy's Mom
08-02-2001, 11:27 PM
I was just wondering if anyone watched the Animal Planet movie, "Rain," on Wednesday night. It was about a German Shepherd (what a beautiful dog he was, too!) whose little girl wanted him to help out the army during Vietnam. The movie was his story. It was so touching and beautiful. I cried a LOT! I just wanted to know if anyone else got the pleasure of watching it. I know we had talked about war dogs before, so I knew you'd be interested.

08-03-2001, 05:49 AM
Hi Bridget! Wasn't the movie wonderful? Actually, it was first aired a couple of months ago, and many of us saw it then. I just happened to be "surfing" the other night and watched it again!! We had a discussion going a while back about dogs such as Rain. I'm going to try and find it for you. What magnificent soldiers these dogs were. We owe them so much!!

08-03-2001, 09:42 AM
As usual I missed it, unless I'm reminded on the hour, I remember something the next day after it happens, oh the glory of getting older. :D :D

08-03-2001, 01:32 PM
I saw that movie awhile ago it was really good. And the GSD was really beautiful

08-03-2001, 01:51 PM
I missed it :( We even got our digital cable hooked up again (missed it TOO MUCH) so I have Animal Planet again.... still missed it :(

They always reair them so I will have to catch next time.

08-03-2001, 02:11 PM
I watched the movie. It's amazing what dogs can be trained to do(especially GSD). At the end it said that the dogs in the Vietnam war saved 10,000 lives but fewer than 1 in 10 returned home because the army treated them like equipment.To the enemy the dogs were very valuable so they put a price on them. I missed the beginning though. I really like GSD and war dog movies.

08-04-2001, 10:14 AM
I saw that a few monthes ago. I thought it was pretty good, except for the end.

In Vietnam, Rain would never have returned to the little girl. Most likely, he would've been put down. Probably about 1 in 1,000 dogs returned.

It's sad and I wish it wasn't like that, but I 've researched on the whole thing and it's sadly true. But the GSD was very pretty!