View Full Version : More gray hairs....

04-08-2003, 03:43 PM
Well Kia gave me some more gray hairs yesterday.

Heela and I took Kia and Caly out for a potty run.

In the excitement, Kia got away from me and off both dogs went into the woods down the trail. (Caly is pretty good off leash)

So Heela and I went walking after them. They weren't too far ahead as we could see them. The whole time I'm calling Kia to me, but she won't listen. Caly would run back and check on us though.

Well we come out of the woods and Kia is staring intently at the train tracks. :eek:

There is a train fully stopped (rare..they usually just breeze on by) but I have no clue when the train will start up again.

I call Kia to me... moving slowly towards her... I know if I run at her, she'll book.

But of course she sees me moving towards her and runs away from me anyway towards the train. :mad:

She gets to the train and parrallels it, with me running after her, screaming at her to get away from the train. Caly is running with me, Heela a short distance behind me.

Thankfully she turns away from the train and heads back into the woods.... I fly into the brush and trees after her and Caly gets to Kia first, who finally has her leash hung up on some brush.

I'm angry, exhausted, and happy and Kia knows it. The minute I grab her leash, she looks at me like, "Wasn't that fun mommy!?!?" :rolleyes: She sees the look on my face... :mad: :( and instantly her ears go back and she sits her butt down and looks SO forlorne.

Caly sits there like a good girl and Heela catches up and retrieves her.

I think Kia knew how upset I was. She pretty much demoted herself to the couch all night long. Zam had the whole bed to herself! *laughs*

I swear... I SUPERGLUEING that leash to my hand.

04-08-2003, 03:50 PM
I've heard that you should try falling on the ground and they will get curious to see what is wrong and come to check on you. Either that or running in the opposite direction. I know that running after Hannah does NOT work. I have to just sit and wait for her to come to me. Once she sees I am not following her, she won't go very far. It is the hardest thing to do, but it actually works with her. The sit and wait takes a fraction of the time to get her back than if I am chasing after her.

04-08-2003, 04:58 PM
What an adventure!:p

04-08-2003, 05:23 PM
Oh my:eek: I would have been having a cow about the time she got to the train tracks too!
I'm glad to hear that all worked out and you got her back safe & sound.
They sure know when they've been bad:p

04-08-2003, 06:20 PM
Wow! Sounds like an adventure!!

Drake is pretty good off leash and 8 out of the 10 we are on trails he will come as soon as I call him. If he doesn't listen, I say "Goddbye Drake!" and start walking in the opposite direction. He bolts after me like "Hey wait up! I want to go too!"

Glad you got hold of Kia before any thing bad happened!

04-08-2003, 08:13 PM
Kia, you better be careful, or your mommy will be totally gray before she is 30!!! :D

Glad to hear everything turned out okay in the end...it is always scary when they start to run from you and all the things you know you are supposed to do to get them back are long forgotten!!! When Cincy was about 6 months old she got away from me, and not thinking I sent Sadie after her...Sadie ran her down and "herded" her back, but after the fact i realized it maybe wasn't the smartest way to handle the situation!

04-08-2003, 10:32 PM
Oh I know! :o

I knew I should of ran the other way, but my mind was thinking.... if she's running the other way, what will happen if I turn my back before she realizes I'm going the other way?

I admit I panicked. :o

She hasn't been very good this week. She snapped at me to try and get out of taking a bath, ran off, and chewed up a video tape. *sighs*

But in the end, she's my baby. :)

04-08-2003, 11:17 PM
Wow!! Glad to hear she came back!!!!!
I would have been so scared. When Kito got out last week, I tried the running the other way trick--yeah, right--not with him!!!

Cisco's Mom
04-09-2003, 08:53 AM
Sheeeeewww!!! :eek:

That sure was a close one. I'm glad that the train was not moving. I know that I would have had plenty of grey hairs after Kia's little escapade. Well, I'm glad you caught up with her and that she is safe and sound at home. Even if it is on the couch!

Dakota's Mommy
04-09-2003, 02:53 PM
Wow, what an adventure! Glad to know that she's now safe and sound at home with you!

Now Kia, you better be good, Mommy doesn't like this little stage of yours!