View Full Version : Dog people, I need your help...

04-08-2003, 10:58 AM
I am 'thinking' of adopting a St. Bernard pup- 6 months old, in a less than desirable situation. This pup needs dental work. From the ignorant 'owner's' perspective...the pup's big teeth aren't coming through how they should, and this pup needs to have his gums cut to allow for normal protrusion. Now, this is her interpretation. She took the pup to her vet, and he said to go to a doggie dentist. I have placed a call to a local vet that, coincidently, just spoke at my dad's dog club...so, I am waiting on his call. In the meantime, I ask:

anyone ever heard of this? Have a rough ball park figure of costs? Cause, I want to use it to 'encourage' the pup's current owner to give him up. Anyone know if it is a problem with St. Bs? I have another call in to a local breeder here...but, waiting is not my strong suit.

Thanks, Doggie people, and I take back all the dog jokes I usually make about you all!!:D :D :D


04-08-2003, 11:16 AM
Awww I think you should adopt him! :D He sounds so cute and if he needed a home, what better one than yours right? ;)

I adore Saint Bernards. I know they have doggie braces but they are pretty expensive. :( Is there a university around you? They usually have vets in practice who could do it cheaper. Just a thought. Well if you do convince her please keep us updated!

How old is this cute little guy? :)

04-08-2003, 11:23 AM
I have never heard of such a thing, Johanna, but that doesn't mean anything!! :o

I would certainly investigate further. Sounds like this baby giant could use a pet loving person like you!!! :)

04-08-2003, 11:26 AM
According to the lady, he is six months. She told me, "but, he is so big"...hello? St. Bernard? Typical of the breed, eh?

I am just curious about the costs of the surgery. And, then, I feel bad cause he must be experienceing some discomfort...teething, without relief, essentially. She was tellling me she got him from a breeder, and he doesn't have 'freckles'...and really, I don't know much about the standard of the breed, so I didn't know what to say. My dad told me he thought it was a coloration pattern, and he would call a local breeder...again, waiting, waiting, waiting.

Plus, this woman said I had to call back tonight to find out, "for sure" if she was going to give him up. I wanted to know the cost to have more ammunition to encourage her to give him up, since it doesn't sound ideal.....UGH!!!

04-08-2003, 11:37 AM
Well braces cost around 2000 maybe? But that doesn't seem like his problem...his teeth just wont come to root? He must be in a lot of pain if they cannot break through. :( Poor guy.

You have to consider the cost of the initial visit, if he needs to be seen by a specialist, cost of anastehia (can't spell today) recovery time, boarding fees...I would assume at least a few hundred if he needs dental surgery. Can you call around and get a quote from a local vet? Maybe look online about this?

04-08-2003, 11:57 AM
Saints often have crooked teeth bottom, but if it's something simple, not braces, but cutting the gums under anesthesia, I'd ask a vet-dentist about it. None of our Saints needed their gums cut, just lotsa chew toys.

If you don't mind drool, oh, take him! There's not much sweeter, but I'd be interested in a vet's opinion on his teeth. If he's not going to be a show dog, I doubt braces would be necessary, though if his jaw is too crowded, he may need some teeth pulled (which I can sympathize with, I had teeth yanked for the same reason, but then braces, too, to straighten out what I had left).

04-08-2003, 11:59 AM
2000:eek: :eek:

I would think it would be close to that, hopefully not more. I may contact a St. B rescue organization...and wait on the info I have requested from the dental vet. Sheesh. The poor pup, just what I think, too.

I know he would be happy at my house....but, we will see if it is to be, right?

04-08-2003, 12:07 PM
Hi Karen,
I didn't see your post before I responded to Luckies. I was thinking along the same lines...no braces...I wouldn't show him, well, confirmation, anyhow. I would prolly get involved with obedience and agility...since my dad is WAY into it. I figure if he can do obedience/agility/field work with Boxers (of all the stubborn guys out there...is there any worse? :D ), surely a St. B can do the same! Can you imagine a St. B doing the cat walk or teeter totter? what an image.

I will wait on the calls, and see what this woman says tonight. I intend to apply my 'skills'...he he he...as some of you doggie people might know, I am in the (il)legal field. I will be sure to update you all tomorrow, and here is to hoping for a positive update~

04-08-2003, 12:07 PM
I just spoke to a veterinary dentist. The person who answered the phone had never heard of this surgery, but the vet dentist herself said that it is very very uncommon surgery, but it is done.

She said that 6 months is too young to really worry about this, especially in a large breed, to give his teeth at least a couple more months to try to come in on their own.

If it eventually needs to be done, the biggest cost is for x-rays, to see if there are actually teeth THERE, and the surgery itself is not major surgery.

04-08-2003, 12:09 PM
Well don't get too excited yet lol, like Karen said he may not need braces. I really don't know too much about dog teeth for a Saint but that is just an option. Som epeople do it anywa! :eek:

I'm sure there are a lot more people here that know more than I. Hopefully he won't need surgery though and like Karen said he will just need teethers? But if his teeth aren't in already that seems a little odd....

Hope all goes well!:D

04-08-2003, 12:11 PM
Oh, and as another aside/reason for rescuing this big galoot, our first St. Bernard loooooved kitties, thought they were her friends. Bruni, Dad's current St Bernard, thinks they're interesting, but just as a curiosity, not as lunch or a chew toy.

Most Saints I've known have almost zero prey drive, so your tuxies wouldn't have to worry on that score!

Some Saints have more freckles than others, I was not aware of it being a fault either way.

04-08-2003, 12:13 PM
Karen do you mean doggie braces? They do have them, they are just rare. They had a special on Animal Planet about it, it was very interesting. ;)

See Karen knows more than I do lol. I haven't had a big dog for a while. Morgan is the biggest dog I have had since I was 4! :eek:

I do hope you can persuade her to give him up. She sounds pretty dense with her remark about how big he is . What was she expecting, a miniature poodle? hehe :p

Dakota's Mommy
04-08-2003, 12:13 PM
Oh, can't wait to hear what's going on with this situation! Wow, no dog to a St. B! They seem like great dogs though. I've always loved them and would love to have one on here to get to see pics of all the time (LOL)! Anyways, keep us updated!

04-08-2003, 12:17 PM

Hello, cutie pie!

04-08-2003, 12:20 PM
OMG OMG OMG! Is that him? He is so adorable!!!!! :D

Ok gotta get off of PT now lol. I'll check back later. Gotta clean the boys cage...yuck! :o

04-08-2003, 12:23 PM

THANK YOU FROM THE VERY BOTTOM OF MY PEA SIZED HEART FOR CALLING!!!!! That sooo reassures me that the pup isn't truly in pain. I must confess that I am not going to be sharing that info with the current person. NO. NO. NO. Perhaps her vet wasn't as familar with large breeds...and that they do have a different growth cycle then the other breeds. My dad hadn't heard of it either, yet, I seem to remember hearing of it in children...

So, there is a picture to keep you all intrigued, and I will do all possible to see this doggie come to his new home, as lord of the Tuxies!!! (Not that they will lose their place in my life..that couldnt happen).

Thanks to all for the responses. I appreciate it.

04-08-2003, 12:38 PM
He is so cute!! Oh my! Andrew loves St. Bernards. And I am sure he would fall in love with this one. Hope you can convince his current owners to give him up.

04-08-2003, 12:43 PM
While you're waiting for an answer you could check the following sites:


It might give you more ammunition to get that sweet pup out of the hands of that woman and give him a home with you and the kitties.

04-08-2003, 12:56 PM

Assuming she doesn't change her mind between now and 545 tonight, Binks is coming to his forever home!!!

04-08-2003, 01:12 PM
Oh how excited you must be!!
More pictures, please, as soon as they are available.

Cinder & Smoke
04-08-2003, 01:13 PM
HANG ON, Tux Katz!! :eek:

Yer new "Lil Brudder" [might] - No, *IS* *on-da-way home* !!

Do we have a *Name* yet?
DAD! Read da last post...

Welkome to da Gang, Mr BINX. :D


"Looks" like *BINX* is taking *aim* to plant
a Big Saint **KISS** :eek: on sumbuddie!!


04-08-2003, 01:16 PM
Yeah!!! He couldn't be in better hands!!! I was so in hopes that this is what you would do!!!! :)

By the way, I think you have far more than a "pea" sized heart. You have one of those hearts that goes on and on forever!!! :)

04-08-2003, 01:54 PM
Your going to be a doggie mom after all!! Guess all those dogs at the park made you want a doggie of your own hu;)
He is absolutely wonderful, and I can't wait to see more pictures of him (hopefully his owner doesn't change her mind!). Pleeeeze update us on if you got him or not asap! I'll be waiting on pins & needles:D

Dakota's Mommy
04-08-2003, 02:12 PM
Ah, I'm so excited for you! That's just great! I hope all goes well and you get him tonight! I can't wait to hear how it went tomorrow or whenever you get a chance to post how things are going! I'm sure they'll be fine, but how exciting. Can't wait to see more and more pics. Such a cutie you're going to get there. CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!

04-08-2003, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by anna_66
Your going to be a doggie mom after all!! Guess all those dogs at the park made you want a doggie of your own hu;)

Yes, you catched the Dog's Flu at Findlay Park :D !!!

I have only met a Saint Bernard once, he was a sweet sweet HUGE fluffly.
Glad they get along with cats,didn't know that.
Plus, think next winter you won't need a humidifier at home :D

04-08-2003, 04:00 PM
:D :D :D I'm so happy for you. YEAH !!!!

Binks, Lord & Best Buddy to the Tuxies. :D :D :D

04-08-2003, 04:01 PM
I'm so excited for you Johanna!!! That is wonderful!!!

Keep us up to date!!!

04-08-2003, 06:24 PM
It's past 5:45! Is he home yet? Huh? Huh? Huh? I am anxious to know how it all went!

Cinder & Smoke
04-08-2003, 06:44 PM
We think Johanna's a lil *busy* trying to iron out a lot of details/problems right now...

There have been a few *bumps in the road* with Mr BinX ~

First - his present owner is not really offering him as a "rescue" -
she wants to *SELL* him!

His papers have been "misplaced" - so Johanna can't reasearch his history via the breeder.

She talked to a Dental Vet - and they feel he *may* need an about ~~$500 dental procedure to get his teeth under control. :(

Let's all say a few Pet Talk Prayers for Johanna and Mr BinX ~
She needs some Devine Guidance...
and He needs some love & luck in his short life!

Here's Hoping for a Happie :) Outcome for both of them!!

04-08-2003, 07:34 PM
It just figures that there were going to be problems:(

I sure am saying prayers that Binks gets to come & live with you Johanna.

04-08-2003, 08:07 PM
Hoping things work out for the best Johanna...sounds like the "little" guy needs a good home like yours...just hope his "owner" doesn't put up too much of a fight!!!

04-09-2003, 12:33 AM
Why are people so darn greedy? :mad:
Keeping my fingers crossed for you Johanna.
HOPE to see Binks in MAY!!!

(you might have to get a bigger car!!!! the Civic might not cut it!!!!) :o

04-09-2003, 02:05 AM
Woah! How did I miss this thread? YOU?!?! Getting a dog? ;) I would have least expected that! Congrats on your new-to-be addition! Any state name in mind for your canine creature? ;) Hey, he's not black and white! Now what will the tuxies think? LOL! Let us know whan your new pup comes home! :D

04-09-2003, 06:21 AM
Oh I SO much hope it works out with Binks. He's absolutely gorgeous, and I know with an adoring mom as yourself, he'd be in the very best hands. Please keep us posted on your progress adopting (or buying :( ) Binks. I sure do hope to meet the *little* guy at the dog park sometime soon :)

04-09-2003, 09:29 AM
Good Lord,
What have I DONE???!!!??? Binx (note the new spelling, my mistake) had my heart at first galoopy look, and he is now residing and presiding over the tuxies, who must be obeying his every command, as they are MIA!

I picked him up at 6. The woman 'suddenly' found his litter registration papers- as I explained to Phred, not that I truly care that he is pedigreed, but, she wasn't 'giving' him to me. I paid for him- which is what I felt led to do, to provide a better environment for him. He is underweight. Maybe that was from the ADULT DRY FOOD she was giving the not yet 5 month old puppy with NO TEETH! He seems somewhat lethargic...but, I know some of that is the breed. Oh, did I tell you he LIMPS? Apparently, he got himself caught underneat the dresser last week. I am thinking it could be dysplasia (Yup, Phred, just as we discussed). But, it is possible he sprained something, too. He is a puppy, after all.

So, we said our goodbyes to his temporary mom, and headed to my mom's house. Binx met Grandma, whom he loved, and one of her cats. Then, we went to Petsmart for some things...a BIG crate for daytime (until we get to really know each other), a plush lambskin for the crate (wonder if he will chew it?), some large breed puppy food, and home we went. We went on a long walk about 9. I thought it would be good for both of us, to help relax. When we came home (Oh, I fed him before the walk, he gobbled it all up!). I made him a bed in my bedroom, and he slept in comfy style (a down comforter folded in quarters, and a sheet on top). No problems during the nighty night time-unless you count this strange noise that sounds remarkably like a freight train. I guess we musta got some new train tracks or something recently?? :D :D

This am, we got up at 5 and went for a walk, after getting positive attention for going potty in the backyard right away!! He showed a little more energy, grabbing the leash with his mouth, a little prancing about. Then, home to get ready for work. He seemed more interested in me and the tuxies...barking, wagging his tail, bobbing his head, BUT raising his fur....I hope he was playing, and I didn't do much in terms of discipline, cause he is so new to all this. I left about 730,and Binx got his first introduction to the crate. He didn't unwillingly go in, but, I don't think it was his preference. It is in the basement, and I left the light on, and the tv tuned to HGTV. I thought Animal Planet might be too much for him...what if the elephants roared? He might get scared. I heard him cry as I left, but, I remained firm in the belief that this is best for him and me, for right now. I need to shorten the crate a little bit, but, figured I would go with it today. I am going home at 11 to let him out/feed him, then, head downtown for awhile. I will remember to give treats this time when I crate him.

We are set to go to the dental vet on Tuesday, 8 am. This was the first appointment. So, in the meantime, I am going to keep him away from other doggies, for his safety. We haven't had a case of rabies here in something like 30 years, but, still.

He is really really cute, guys. You will love him. I already do. We are going to sign up for puppy class starting May 1. So, we are gonna be in tip top shape for the dog park!!!!!

Thanks for sharing my good news.

04-09-2003, 09:44 AM
Johanna, I couldn't be happier!!! What a great home this boy found!!!! :) He sounds like a sweet boy. I just know he will be a joy, drool and all!!! :D

4 Dog Mother
04-09-2003, 09:51 AM
How exciting Johanna! Your first dog - and you didn't jump in with a little one either! Just remember no matter how big he is he is still a puppy and will do all those little puppy things that may make you wonder why you ever wanted a dog. But then he comes up and gives you those puppy kisses and you know why! Or he curls up next to you and just wants to be petted and loved. I am sure he will get along great with the kitties. Congrats!!

04-09-2003, 10:44 AM
YAY that is so great! Congratulations Johanna. I bet he is so much happier already, what with good food, cute kitties and love! Can't wait to see pictures!:D

04-09-2003, 10:54 AM
Johanna, your post made my heart smile! What a wonderful thing you have done for Binx! I am sure he is loving his new home, kitty siblings, and mostly, his new Mom!! I can't wait to see more pictures of the wonderful baby giant!!

Congrats to you on your new addition, and Welcome to Pet Talk, lil Binx!!

04-09-2003, 11:14 AM
How exciting!!!! A St. Bernard!!! And what a cutie!! I know he has gotten himself into a wonderful home!!
Welcome to Pet Talk, Binx!!!!!
and congrats Johanna!!!!:)

04-09-2003, 11:25 AM
Yippee!!:) :) :) How wonderful! Welcome to Pet Talk Binx and welcome to the great life you are going to have with your new momma!:)
Johanna, Congratulations! I can`t wait to see the pictures and read all the stories you are going to tell us! :) :) :)


04-09-2003, 11:29 AM
I am so happy for you!! I can't wait to see him!!!
I think the herd will come around!!

04-09-2003, 12:14 PM
:D I'm so glad you got to bring sweet Binx home, it sounds like he needed to be in a better enviroment than he was.
I hope he will get along wonderfuly with the tuxes.
I'll be waiting to hear all your great puppy stories & see all the terrific pictures I'm sure you'll be taking of him!
Congratulations Johanna & to you Binx...Welcome to your new home & to your mommy's second home, PET TALK!!

Cinder & Smoke
04-09-2003, 01:13 PM
:D Wow! :)
Last nite turned out to be a Purdy Gud Nite!!

Dad sez Miz Johanna otta get kredit for a true "Rescue"
in Mr BinX case ~ wiffout
Her intervention, poor Mr BinX mitta nebber been a Happie :) Pup!

Hey BinX ~ Ask yer MawMee to snap a few new PupPix ~
this wun iz purdy darn *KUTE*, but we'd all like to see ya wiffa Katz!

Pet Talk's Newest Dawggie Member ~
Mr BinX!

If yer havin trubbel munchin on yer Krunchies - mite ask Mom to pour sum warm waddur onna Krunch - soffinz em up an makes a gravy - purdy gud dat way! Course maybee grindin onna hard Krunch mite help get yer toofz ta come out inna open.

Dad sez not to wurrie bout the Hip Dysplasia jest yet ~ mosta the White Coatz dont wurrie bout findin that till the Pup is 18 months to 2 years old. Smoke sez they might check ya fur a Luxating Patella - which is da fancee wurdz fur his problem - a "trick knee" :eek:.
But mebbie ya just pulled sumpin anna limp will go away inna day or so.

Oh yeah... try to go a lil EEzee onna KittyKatz ~
even tho yur Bigger - der'z a LOT more a Them ya gotta keep track of... an dey gotz reelee *sharp* Klawz an Knivez onna pawz!! We boff learned da Hard Way - whenna Kat startz wiffa HISssin an GRRrrrini itz tyme ta back off! Next step izza Slassssh! :eek: wiffa Knivez on yer NozeBone! An dat *hurtz*! :p

Hope ya hadda Nice Romp wiff Mom durrin lunch!
Get her (or da Katz) ta show ya how to uze da Puter - then ya can tell us all sum Tailz iffin ya get lonlee while Momz at werk.

Yap atcha Laterz, Mr BinX...

04-09-2003, 02:05 PM
Home for lunch, well, Mr. Binx had lunch anyhow! No accidents in the crate (and I know you all are rolling your eyes saying, "oh, just wait"...but, for now I am excited about his potty training). Out to the yard for a quickee, then, in for lunch. He ate alot...and I just keep building it up in mounds to help him get to it better. Because I switched his food instantly (from adult to puppy), I am anticipating some runny stool, but, so far, so good, and it has been three meals...I am watching the amount I feed him, following the recs on the can, until I get to the vet for his instructions. Then, outside for a few moments to stretch the legs and finish the business, and into the crate again :( :( But, it is fairly large. He can turn around, stretch out, etc. I remembered to treat him when he got in the crate...and he was pretty easy to go in. I will be home by 5 pm, and he will be in mix until some work people leave my house, and then, we are going on a walk!

I am feeding him straight canned Eukenuba right now. I am 'afraid' to go to dry...cause of his chompers, though, I wondered about the chewing effect. Maybe I will get him some raw hide, and let him decide if he wants to chew on that???

Cinder & Smoke
04-09-2003, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
...well, Mr. Binx had lunch anyhow! ...

I am feeding him straight canned Eukenuba right now.
I am 'afraid' to go to dry...cause of his chompers;
though, I wondered about the chewing effect.

Maybe I will get him some raw hide, and let him decide if he wants to chew on that???

Glad sumbuddie had tyme fur lunch :D!

Dad sez the thought of a BIG Dawg hooked on Top Shelf canned grub soundz a lil :eek: *pricey* to him! But if that gets his underweight condition to improve for now - you can convert him to Krunchie stuff later.

But you CAN make BigDawg Puppy Krunchiez into almost a mush (Eezy to gumm up :p ) iffin you *soak* the Krunch in warm water long enough!
Example: da Kat getz 4-5 pieces of his hard Chikun Krunchiez put in his waddur kup ebery mornin...
by evening they have disolved into mush that breaks apart if they are just touched. (Sorrie Miz Johanna - he jest duzint go fur da :eek: KLAM Juze inna waddur!!) He reelee *goez* fur the Chikin Waddur!! :)

As for the RawHide to chew on...
Might be OK to try under *close* supervision ~
gotta watch that he doesn't choke on it!! If he mouths a rawhide bone long enough - it will turn quite soft. Keep a close eye on him to be sure he doesn't start to bleed from the gums, though.

Does Mr BinX have ANY teeth showing - or are they all covered by his gums?? Too bad he can't get in to see the Dental Vet before next week! :(

And Hey, Mom ~
Fire up the DiggyKam tanite -
We wunt PIX!! :D

04-09-2003, 02:53 PM
WOW! Johanna - Congratulations on the beautiful Binx and for being such a caring Meowmie and giving the lovely boy his forever home. :D :D


04-09-2003, 03:20 PM
He he he...I told my sister (who has Abby, the Lhasa Apso) that Mr. Binx gets fed 3-4 times a day, a can and 1/3 to a can and 1/2. She did the math, and said, that was 4-5 cans a day!!! She thought I meant the 12 oz soup can sizes...HEHEHEHE...He is eating the half cans...I guess 6 oz...but, it is expensive. I think I will try Phred's suggestion about the soaking of the crunchies. I just hate to switch him around anymore than I have already. But, I can't keep him on canned.....not if we want to stay in the house...he he..

I think I will keep him on the canned until the weekend...then, add some kibble, soaked in water. I wish the vet appointment was sooner. Well, time to go home to see Mr. Binx! I will pick up some film on the way....get some 'action' shots...hopefully not of him chasing the tuxies!!!! See you guys tomorrow.

04-09-2003, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Does Mr BinX have ANY teeth showing - or are they all covered by his gums??

None. It is the strangest thing I have ever seen. Not a single one.

Dakota's Mommy
04-09-2003, 03:30 PM
So glad to hear that you got this pup! I still love the pic you've got of him and I can't wait to see more! He's such a cutie! Looking forward to hearing more and more as your adventures continue with Binx! I love St. Bernards and I'm sure you'll be so attached to your new pet extremely soon. It may take some time for the cats and him to get used to each other, but I'm sure it will all work out in the end and be a great new addition to the family! I'm so excited for you!

04-09-2003, 03:37 PM
I'm so happy you got your Binxy boy!!!! YEAH!!! Sounds like things are going well so far. Don't worry...there will be some rough spots...but we'll all be here to help as much as we can!

Can't wait to meet the Mr Binx! He sure is a cutie!!!

04-09-2003, 05:56 PM
I must have been on another planet ........ didn't see this post until today.

WOW - from Kitty Kats to GREAT BIG LOVABLE St Bernard .... You are one brave lady!!! :D Must have been the "dog flu" you caught at the Dog Park :)

You are truly amazing - rescuing this beautiful boy from a horrible, uncaring person :mad: (which she obviously was).

I see Binx's love of tinned food might affect the way you currently live - i.e. in a HOUSE??? Hee, Hee ...... Phred's idea is a good one.

Pics pretty please?????


04-09-2003, 06:43 PM
YAY!! Congrats on saving Binx. I just know he'll have a good home with you.

04-09-2003, 11:42 PM
I am so glad he is doing so good!!!
Are you going to keep his name Binx? It doesn' much fit in with the state theme?? he he
I do like it tho!

04-10-2003, 01:41 PM
Congrats on the new dog Cataholic! Or are you a Dogaholic too now?;)
Somehow I pictured you with a Border Collie like the one that is Dog of the Day today.
But I guess when you do something like get a new dog you do it in a big way!:)
Didn't you meet the Pet Psychic lady recently? Did she say there was a big dog in your future?

Cinder & Smoke
04-10-2003, 02:39 PM
Hey, Mr Binx ~

Can you reach da puter an talk to us??

Hope yer doin OK inna porta-prizon!
Mom left da TV Box playin agin, dint she?

Wunder iffin allua KATz are down inna basement wiff ya...
How you guyz all gettin along tagethur??
Be a lil careful givin dem KATz big *slurrrpy*
kissez :p - our Boots Kat dont go fur dat :eek: too well!

Hope yer Mom checks in purdy soon-like ~
dis *waitin fur newz* iz a killur!! :(

Hope we can all Yap atcha laterz...


04-10-2003, 03:09 PM
Sorry about the slowness! Had to go buy a digi cam, go home, zap some photos, and figger it all out to get it done!!

04-10-2003, 03:23 PM
Johanna, he is absolutely gorgeous! Bless you for saving him. :) I can't wait to meet him in May!

I think this is Pet Talks first St. Bernard! (at least those who post ;) )

Cinder & Smoke
04-10-2003, 03:55 PM
NEW Pix...

NEW Thread...

Read All About Him...


Click HERE >> Intorducing ~~~ Mr BINX !! (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&postid=321947)

04-15-2003, 09:45 PM
Johanna -

I MISSED this thread until now!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I just wanted to say CONGRATS on your new (BIG) baby! :D

For a Cataholic, you're pretty good at this dog stuff :D :D :D

Looking forward to watching Binx grow into one of the gentle giants I love so much. We have a Great Pyranees pup at work. He's 2 months old and is HUUUUUUUGE already!