View Full Version : This goes with Jen's Thread (Most hated cat comments)

04-07-2003, 05:29 PM
So, I was sharing my morning cat food adventures with a person here at work who has two pug dogs.

The entire time while I'm trying to finish the story, she kept saying "oh my gosh, FIVE litter boxes??? Gross!!!"

Um, no offense to the dog people (I LOVE dogs), but at least mine poop in a box and cover it. Dogs are far more "gross" than cats!!

You wouldn't know she in her early 40's..... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

04-07-2003, 05:43 PM
I know! Some people seem to think that cats going to the bathroom in the house is repulsive. I think it is 1000 times better than going outside in all kinds of weather to clean up the poop! Besides, as I told my one co-worker, WE go in the house. hee hee

But actually ........ the REAL point is, that instead of listening to the story about feeding, this person was "complaining" about something she doesn't even have to deal with if she doesn't want to.

edit: Dog people to Some people (i realized my point was mistaken)

04-07-2003, 05:48 PM
I don't think its necessarily a dog person thing to say so much as just someone who doesn't understand cats and happens to have dogs. A lot of people just DONT get it. My mom was one of those people. She thought it was unsanitary to have a cat in the house leaving fur and dander everywhere and going potty in the house. I was staying with my parents the summer I found Shiloh and my mom was 100% opposed to the idea of keeping her. But I convinced her and my mom began to understand the things we do for the joy of having our babies. SHE even started to be the one who scooped the box and she'll still do it to this day when she comes to visit or when I go visit her :D

04-07-2003, 05:55 PM
I didn't mean it was a dog person thing. I was just saying that if she thinks my cats pooping in scented sand was gross, I'm amazed she thinks picking up freshly laid poop was any better.

Just wanted to make sure this wasn't a dog vs. cat person thing. :) It was a "stupidly rude" person thing. ;)

04-07-2003, 06:09 PM
We have a neighbor that never picks up the dog poop in the dog yard. In the summer the smell of decomposing dog poop is just disgusting. Somehow it just doesn't occur to them to clean up after the dog :rolleyes: :confused:

04-07-2003, 06:41 PM
I have both dogs and cats, and personally I would rather clean the litterboxes. I do the boxes, and my SO picks up the yard so it works out well.

The very worst is when the snow melts - all the dog doo that has been hiding under the snow emerges (our fenced yard is quite large) and all I can say is - ewwww! We try and get it all before it starts thawing.

04-07-2003, 07:52 PM
As a dog person, who has never cleaned a little box, I think that in Ohio, in the winter months, I would MUCH rather clean a litter box than chisel poop out of snow and ice!!!

04-08-2003, 03:18 AM
There are some jobs at home I hate but cleaning the litterbox isn't one of them. A well maintained litterbox doesn't smell. Ok it smells with some fresh poop in there but then you have a scoop -you put it out and everything is ok.

There are people coming in at my home and saying: Oh it doesn't smell like cat here. I have to explain them that the cats themselves smell very nicely and not at all like an old street tom who has never been fixed and his teeth haven't been looked after.

04-08-2003, 03:44 AM
I've had the same comment sveral times too! One of the litter-boxes is in the kitchen; some people find this disgusting:rolleyes: :eek: ! It is true that my cats choose to "poop" everytime we are eating, but we never smell anything!! Those covered boxes are super!!! AND my cats are self-cleaning !! he he!

04-08-2003, 06:41 AM
Yeah, people tell me the same - that there is no smell in the house. I bet there isn't - Juni makes the craziest noise if the litterbox is not clean when she needs it.

btw, re dog poop - I have seen a documentary about insects (on Animal Planet?) and they showed some insects that were decomposing dog poop in the parks. I guess it was in Australia and they tried it as an experiment, but it worked very well. So, no more cleaning after the dog in the park :)

04-08-2003, 02:09 PM
Since I have both dogs & cats, I can definitely say I prefer to clean up after the cats! The part I hate is carrying the litter in from the store and out to the road on garbage pick up day. That stuff is HEAVY (5 litter boxes).

I'd love to train my 4 big dogs to use a litter box.......But I can't imagine where I could put it. They like to 'wander' in the process. I'd need a whole room.

If cats can be trained to use the toilet, why can't dogs?


04-08-2003, 03:06 PM
My boys have their own bathroom. It's closet in the basement with a pet door. They love it. No smell at all. Plus, they have a great time playing in the little door flap.

I see dog walkers with their little plastic bags and I just know that if I had to pick up poop, I'd vomit. No offense to dog people, I like dogs too. Just don't want to pick up poop.

When I was in college, I worked in my apt complex. I had about all I could take of people who didn't clean up after their animals- both inside and out! We'd go into some apartments after people moved out and you'd think there had been a zoo. Fleas, urine, odors of all kinds- both dogs and cat. Just plain gross.

Miss Meow
04-08-2003, 05:27 PM
I was walking through the supermarket car park last night and a feral b*tch in her big car had a sticker on the back: "If you can't find your cat, look under my tyre." Grrrrrrrrr :mad:

04-08-2003, 11:43 PM
I love both cats and dogs but I also prefer to clean up litterboxes over dog poop any day. I've also had the comment that my place doesn't smell like 3 cats live here. I guess people just expect animals to smell. I'm sure that they do if their owners don't clean up after them. BTW Nicole that sticker is horrible. :mad: