View Full Version : Beyond Pet Talk.... thanks to Logan:)

12-14-2001, 07:18 AM
Hi everyone,

I took Logan's advice and started a new board called "Beyond Pet Talk". I emailed a few of you already but I didn't have time to look up everyone's address. I am doing all of this from work... tsk tsk tsk :rolleyes: - So, if you want to join just email me at [email protected] and I will send you and invite for you to join. Don't want to leave anyone out!

Since Staci said she boycotts MSN I found a place on Yahoo to creat the group. [i]Anything to appease Princess Staci![i] ha ha ha... just kidding sweetie! She is my separated-at- birth-twin so I have to keep her happy :D!

Anyway, let me know! Hopefully it will be fun :)

12-14-2001, 07:38 AM
Good Idea!!! - I'm in :)

12-14-2001, 07:42 AM
Awesome! I will send you an invite right now! :D!

karen israel
12-14-2001, 08:23 AM
Geniuses! :eek: Count me in... My home Email is [email protected]

Former User
12-14-2001, 08:30 AM
sorry if I sound stupid...what's it about, this Beyond Pet Talk?

12-14-2001, 08:32 AM
Gee, I guess I shoulda mentioned that huh? Silly blonde, brains are for brunettes!

Sometimes we all get off the subject of our pets on this board so instead of taking up space here we thought that creating a new community for us chatterboxes would be fun. Logan suggested it and I stole it! Sorry Logan :)

So, I went to Yahoo and created a new group. Now we can all chat about anything we want too as well. A lot of us have gotten to know each other pretty well and love to talk and this will help us do that :D!

[ December 14, 2001: Message edited by: doggiemom ]

Former User
12-14-2001, 08:43 AM
:) I'm blond too...explains so many things... ;)

12-14-2001, 08:50 AM
can I come too? I'm new here and don't know everyone very well yet but would like too! All the people here are amazingly nice and friendly!!

12-14-2001, 08:57 AM
COME ONE COME ALL! We would love to have you Jennifer!

I am on my way out for the day.... got a seminar. So, email me your email addresses and I will send you all invites. Since I don't have a computer though the invites won't go out until next Monday. But, I do plan on coming back to work today after the seminar so if I have any emails from you I will send the invites out tonight. Okay? Okay :D!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

12-14-2001, 09:22 AM
I'm mixed up I did try to join, don't know anything about Yahoo and the best I can do right now is go into my yahoo front page after that I'm lost. Don't know how to get in PetTalk Beyond. It looks a little complicated and I am getting the talk as e.mails. I would have to say msn is a lot easier for me.

12-14-2001, 09:24 AM
Please count me in. My e-mail address is [email protected].

12-14-2001, 10:43 AM
me too [email protected]

12-14-2001, 10:48 AM
sure....I'm always up for an adventure. my email is [email protected] . Hey pepper where are you in Indiana?

12-14-2001, 10:51 AM
can i join in too?
my email is [email protected]

12-14-2001, 07:16 PM
Beyond Pet Talk, sounds like a great place!!! :) Great idea! ;) I'd like to join, too! My E-mail address is: [email protected] !

Sarah & Sadie*

12-14-2001, 08:34 PM
Count me in - [email protected]

12-14-2001, 08:49 PM
I'm different, count me out, I have been spending three days trying to figure out how to do it, then I deleted my application, then I spent two days trying to get all the messages from beyondpettalk out of my e.mail.
LOL I'll leave that to you young people who are computer literate.LOL

12-17-2001, 06:43 AM
please may i join? my yahoo addy is [email protected] went for the obvious for pet talk huh? LOL :D

12-17-2001, 07:34 AM
No worries Jackie :) I am getting all of the messages in an email too so I just have to find out how to redo the settings. Hopefully everyone else is okay with everything. MSN did the same thing because I chose to read the messages in email and the board... big mistake! MSN does seem a bit better but once we get use to the Yahoo one it should be fine :)

12-17-2001, 08:24 AM
Er, um, there is a function in your set-up
to "not" receive the posts via email. If you
switch it off, you will not receive them.

Sometimes I'm so bright my dad calls me son.

Heh heh heh :D :D :D

12-17-2001, 08:34 AM
When you are signed in on the group page, click on "Edit my membership". Then you can scroll down and choose the way you want to receive messages. I too, hate getting the message responses in my email.

Hope this helps! :)

12-17-2001, 10:17 AM
Augie and Logan, you know me, I went to every help I could find on Yahoo, finally had to resign, then I still got the e.mails, so had to go back in and try to figure it out so had to resign from the community to stop the e.mails. So I am back to square one. LOL
I'm not that computer literate just get by with what I do. If my Grandson is not here I'm in trouble. LOL
Thanks for your suggestions and help.

12-17-2001, 11:29 AM
Well I am getting all the messages in e-mail also!!!! Good that can be changed! :confused:

12-17-2001, 11:51 AM
I like Yahoo Groups a lot better than MSN. I HATE MSN!! It is pretty easy to change settings once you know how, but I know it can be a bear to find out WHERE to do it!

Here's how to change receiving messages through email:
1. Go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/beyondpettalk/ and sign in if you're not already signed in.

2. Click Edit My Membership in the top right hand corner underneath the Start a Group, My Groups, and Sign Out links.

3. Scroll down to the Message Delivery section and select the fourth choice, No Email.

4. Then click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

Here's how to leave the group:
1. Go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/beyondpettalk/ and sign in if you're not already signed in.

2. Click Edit My Membership in the top right hand corner underneath the Start a Group, My Groups, and Sign Out links.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Leave Group button.

12-17-2001, 12:41 PM
Aly thanks! I was going to post something to everyone about how to edit those things. Thanks for your help :)

And Augie.... don't go too far with the "smart" talk... you are probably just having a good day ;) ha ha ha!

12-17-2001, 12:52 PM
Thanks Aly I guess we differ on this one, I find MSN much easier to navigate and Yahoo more complicated, plenty of question and answers on their site, but never the one you need at the time. It took me two days to find a place to e.mail to get out of the group to stop the e.mails.
What is it about MSN that you hate?

12-17-2001, 01:06 PM
Well for one thing I really hate the MSN messanger (hate the Yahoo one too though). Everytime I download something affiliated with MSN, that stupid messanger gets downloaded. I must've deleted the thing 50 times. I don't hate the MSN communities, but I like the Yahoo ones better. There's some features I like better and the Yahoo Groups just seem easier for me to keep up with.

12-17-2001, 02:50 PM
Right now I'm not too happy with MSN either. I was in my e-mail on Friday, came to work on Monday and they had deleted all of my (both) e-mails I had saved as well as all of the pictures in a folder. GRRRRR!
They said I hadn't signed in to Hotmail for more than 30 days. :confused:

Today was the day I was going to put pictures on the hard drive. Too late, too smart.


12-17-2001, 03:25 PM
Sorry to hear all the troubles that you have had with MSN, I have a community on there and have never had any trouble at all, I don't use the hotmail as my e.mail though I use outlook express. I guess when you get down to the nitty they all have something good or somethng not so good. I was going to use hotmail for backup e.mail but they do have something on there about taking you off if you don't use the e.mail in a certain period of time.

[ December 17, 2001: Message edited by: Jackie ]

12-17-2001, 05:02 PM
mruffruff! Same thing just happened to me! Think they'de give you a warning first! :(

12-17-2001, 05:38 PM
Am I allowed to join? [email protected] ?

12-17-2001, 05:48 PM
I'd like to join, too. [email protected]

12-17-2001, 06:00 PM
doggiemom, can an Aussie with 2 legs join Beyond Pet Talk. please?
My email is [email protected]
Marie :)

12-17-2001, 06:21 PM
I'd like to join too. Jackie has me a little worried, but I'll give it a try. My e-mail is [email protected]. I'm blonde too but with help from the bottle! :D :D

12-18-2001, 01:01 AM
k Angel I deserved that one! :D :D
The reason I Boycotted MSN is b/c a while back they went down over a weekend to"UPDATE" things and I haven't been able to get into any of my communities ever since. I can go and look at the messages but when I try to sign in it would kick me out over and over.
I know Terri (Golden Smiles) was having trouble also and I racked Logan's brain's thru email after email.
Talk about being computer illerate. MSN, and Logan both sent me messages explaining what to do and I just can't get it figgered out.
I have no trouble with my hotmail account tho.
I tried for like 3 weeks to get back into MSN and I finally just gave up. I was so frustrated.
Kinda like Jackie is with Yahoo!! Go figger :D :D

12-18-2001, 07:21 AM
Okay, I'm a Libra and a BIG TIME Peacemaker....can't we all just get along!? :D :D :D ha ha ha

Yahoo, MSN - Tomato, TamAHto...... Jackie is right, not everyone will be happy with everything.... there is always a little good and a little bad in everything.

Anyway!! YES! An aussie with 2 legs can join!! Of course :D! I will send you all invites right now. It's a growing community and we can really talk about anything we just have to find our nitch!

12-18-2001, 11:01 AM
I'm a scorpio and a big time TROUBLEmaker!!

:D :D :D

12-18-2001, 11:26 AM
Im blond, too. Thats a great idea, Doggie Mom!

Golden Smiles
12-19-2001, 05:47 PM
How do I get there???

12-19-2001, 11:30 PM
Hi--I'd like to join, too! e-mail is [email protected]. Am blond and a Scorpio! Not a typical Scorpio, or a real blond! :eek:

12-20-2001, 10:07 PM
Am a blond, a Leo and I'd like to join, if you want me. [email protected]

12-20-2001, 10:55 PM
For those of you who want to join, I think you can go ahead and do it without Angel inviting you. Send a blank email to [email protected] I think she will then have to approve your membership to let you into the group to start posting.

Once you're in the group, here's the addy: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/beyondpettalk/

I hope you don't mind me posting that Angel :)

12-21-2001, 06:50 AM
THANKS ALY!! I don't mind at all! That helps a lot!

Only a few of us seem to be dominating the board so sorry! But, feel free to post anything! Me and some others check it all day long :)