View Full Version : Riley Riley Riley

04-06-2003, 07:28 PM
Oh, this poor baby. He is such a sad sack. He just detests his crate. I don't know what to do with it to make him like it. We tried feeding him in there, giving him special stuffies to sleep with (ones the other 2 can't have), a kong filled with yummies, a bone, a blankie, music--he just cries and cries and barks for a long time when we put him in there. Today, he smelled the kong and went in after it, but as soon as the door was shut he started up again.
I have read that I should keep it in a room where we are, and leave the door open for him to use when he wants to--the only problem with that is the other 2--Kito will "kill" his stuffies, and Abbey will drag his blankie all over the house.
I know it's the best thing for him to be in there when we aren't home to watch him, but it breaks my heart hearing him cry and bark.
Another problem we have is that when we get home, the crate is soaked--not because he peed in it, but I think because he drools so much from being anxious, that it makes everything wet (it doesn't smell at all). Also, when we come home, he is nuts--he starts whining and barking, and when we go out he just wants to go back in, not going out to potty.

I have been running him out a lot after we get home--like every 10 minutes, and then praising him like crazy when he goes outside.

I would love to hear any suggestions on how to make the crate more enjoyable for him--Abbey loved hers, and Kito, well, he's a Shiba, and he tried to hurt himself so he didn't have to go in anymore:rolleyes:

Any suggestions, please respond!!

04-06-2003, 08:14 PM
Do you ever take him out of the crate while he's whining? That could be one problem. Be sure that he's been quiet for at least 5-10 min before you take him out of the crate.

It sounds like you're doing everything right. I would find a way to stop Kito and Abby from going around his crate for a little bit while you're still getting him used to it. That way you can leave the door open. Does he act okay in the crate when you're in the same room and he can still see you? I would start putting him in for very short periods of time while you're in the same room then gradually extend the length of time he stays in there.

04-06-2003, 08:16 PM
Maybe you could put his dish in the crate, that way he'll have to go in if he gets hungry, and once he goes in a few times he'll get used to it? :confused: Just a guess though.

04-07-2003, 06:05 AM
Do you crate him at night or only while you are out during the day? When we brought Bella home as a puppy we had to crate her at night and when we went out. I found from Pet Talkers that the best location for the crate was in my bedroom. She didn't cry because she was close to me. I don't know the reason but she never seemed to mind going into the crate when I had to leave for work (I only work 4 hrs. a day). I think it was easier because she was 8 weeks old when I got her.

Ripley was crated until we realized he was probably already housetrained. He had the run of the house at night almost from the beginning (chose to sleep on my bed) and then got the run of the house completely about a week after that. He cried too when I would put him in the crate. I have the feeling he was never crated at his prior home so it was probably something new and maybe reminded him of life at the shelter? I don't know.

I think you are probably right about the drooling. I would imagine that he works himself up into a tizzy. My Ripley even scraped the top of his nose once on the inside of the crate somehow - maybe on the little holes on the side? - and had a little raw spot.

Anyway, I am not sure I have any real suggestions for how to make Riley enjoy the crate. He may never like it. I will cross my fingers that he can quickly learn what is expected of him in his new home (housebreaking and no chewing) so that he can have his freedom. I know it's hard. I used to hear Ripley crying when I would leave in the morning and it broke my heart. :( When I would come home he was usually sleeping so at some point he got over it. :rolleyes:

04-07-2003, 06:28 AM
put some treats in there for him but leave the cage door open. hopefully he will go in to get them. dont shut the cage door though... let him go in and out without having to stay in there. then you can move up to keeping him in their for small amouts of time like 5 min while your home, and longer times and longer, until at last you can leave him there a while you leave or when you need to. you also may want to put the crate in the part of the house you spend the most time in, so he still feels like part of the family when he is in it. good luck;)

04-07-2003, 07:19 AM
But sadly I don't. None of our dogs have liked being crated (except to go bye bye:o), so they all ended up staying in our room at night and outside during the day. When Roxey was a pup we did crate her when we left because she was so small, but it was only for a few hours at a time. I hope you can find something that will work for this sweet baby of yours, good luck.

04-07-2003, 06:40 PM
I have an excellent pamphet that came from our local shelter. It is called, A Pet Owner's Guide To The Dog Crate by Nicki Meyer, but you can get it by writing to Nicki Meyer Educational Effort, Inc.31 Davis Hill RoadWeston, CT 06883. Send enough to cover a first class stamp.

If you want to PM me with your address I could make a copy and send it to you, which would probably be faster.

04-07-2003, 06:48 PM
Thanks for all of the replies. No, we don't crate him at night (we tried the first night, and he barked and whined, then the other 2 barked--whew). He lays right on one of the beds or on the floor with Abbey and Kito. It's just when I need to go somewhere, and I don't want him running around the house. Kito and Abbey have a HUGE pen in the basement, carpeted and everything--they love it--they don't even come out when we come home!! We tried keeping him in there, but it's too big, he had accidents, and stuff got eaten, a big gross mess!!
He went in willingly today, because he could see the kong, and we've been feeding him near it. We're also trying not to get him out while he is whining or crying.
Rachel, I will pm you, it sounds like a good thing to read!!