View Full Version : A Kind of Goodbye

11-16-2001, 10:27 AM
Hi all, for reasons beyond our control, we have had to relinquish our internet for the time being. As a result, I will only be able to be on here when I'm at school, which means usually before school, during my plan, and after school and of course NOT on the weekends. So my posts will be LOTS fewer and farther between.

Talk to you soon.

11-16-2001, 10:31 AM
I know 13 dogs who might be delighted to hear this news! :D But I'm not :( . But, I am glad you will be able to check in sometime from work, Mugsy. And I just wish you and Mike the best while you get your lives straightened out. I'm very happy for you that you will be able to be back at work now. That means you're better!! :D :D

We'll be looking for you whenever you can get here! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


11-16-2001, 11:15 AM
:( We will miss you. But I am sure you will post when you have a chance. Have a safe holiday and give the furbabies hugs from Drake and I!

11-16-2001, 11:17 AM
We'll miss ya Mugs - post in when you can :)

11-16-2001, 11:24 AM
You'll be missed here, Mugsy!!! I know I'll miss you!!! :( Post when you can! Give all your furbabies a hug for me! ;)

Sarah & Sadie*

11-16-2001, 03:28 PM
Oh Mugsy, we'll miss ya--glad you'll still be around every once in awhile!

Edwina's Secretary
11-16-2001, 03:32 PM
Molly...see you, Mike, and the gang when we get to Fort Wayne!


11-16-2001, 03:38 PM
Stay well, all we'll be glad to see you when you're on ...

11-16-2001, 04:17 PM
Ah, Mugsy!! Say it ain't so :( I will miss you, Mike and the whole gang lots. You have the most HUMONGOUS, loving heart. Still, I'm glad things may be on the road to more security and stability for you and Mike. And hopefully, you'll squeeze in lots of posts from school. I wish you the happiest Thanksgiving Mugsy! Somehow, I get the feeling you are one person who truly knows the meaning of giving thanks and counting her blessings; you are a remarkable person. Love ya all! Kisses, kisses kisses to all those furry wonders and Hi to Mike! Love, Sandra

Golden Smiles
11-16-2001, 07:04 PM
THANK GOODNESS for school and work computers!! And don't forget to visit friends and jump on their's too!! Good luck!! :D

11-16-2001, 08:03 PM
Mugsy, gonna miss you and Mike and all your fur babies but will be looking for posts from you when you can do it. You all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and give each and every one of those babies a kiss and hug me Perry, Daisy and me.

11-16-2001, 09:49 PM
We'll be thinking about you and waiting for those chances you get to post. The best of luck to you and your entire family.

11-16-2001, 09:57 PM
You're one of my very favourite people so don't go too far away. Just contribute whenever you can from the school computer. I'll be watching for the name that's come to mean a great deal to all of us..'.mugsy'. You & your husband take care, now. And lots of cuddles to your 13 furbabies.

11-16-2001, 10:09 PM
Geez! I sure am going to miss you and your threads and dog-tales...
I'm glad that you'll be able to keep in touch when you can! All the best to you and Mike and have a very happy Thanksgiving! I'm sure grateful knowing you and your kindness and sweetness. I always admired you! You're my dog rescue heroine!
Lots of love from Karen & Cody

Daisy's Mom
11-18-2001, 12:13 AM
I'll miss you, mugsy, and all 13 lovely furkids! I hope you are back soon!

11-18-2001, 08:20 AM
Oh, Mugsy, what are you going to do with all that extra time at home? heehee Please check in with us occasionally as we will certainly be going through withdrawall pains from hearing about all the doggers. May things be looking up soon for all in your family. I know you have had some hard times in several respects but good things are heading your way, I just have that feeling.

11-20-2001, 12:44 AM
Goodluck finding the time to come on here, but don't neglect other things! ...may your household internet return!

11-20-2001, 07:25 AM
Thanks guys!!! You know you make me feel really good! Internet could be returned at home as soon as next week or as long as March, depends on the situation. Mike and poochies are all well. Vonney still won't come in the house without bribery, Daisy is back to her old self, running around chasing DeeDee and being very mouthy, Tobey is settling in very well, Sox and Tigger are still being alpha and letting everyone know when they overstep their bounds, Dudley still barks incessantly if he wants something, DeeDee and Billy still act like BIG dogs, Billy is still the little escape artist, Sophie is strutting around with her new collar on, Jazzy is still pushing George off the couch while he's trying to sleep, George is recovering nicely from his enlarged lymph node, Shawna is still protecting everyone who comes to the house from the other dogs, Serenity is still hyper dog from hell (hehehehe). That's about it. Mike has found a part time job just so he doesn't go nuts and drive me up a wall. I'm back at school and it's really tiring. Ok, I'm done babbling now. I will post again when I get a chance. I gotta go grade tests! YUCK!