View Full Version : Does your small pet get to play outside?

Desert Arabian
04-05-2003, 05:37 PM
Mine do! Do yours? Do they roam free w/ supervison or do you have a cage you put them in?

Since spring shall soon be here (it is still winter in WI, even tho spring started on March 21st) I am getting really anxious to let my ratties go outside and play. They love it so much! This is their rabbit hutch that they stay in.
Sometimes if it is super nice out, and no storms/rain they stay outside all night. I am also currently working on a "run" for them, so they can play in the grass safely. It is 2 feet high and 5 feet long, made out of wood and chicken wire. :D

Has your pet ever gotten loose outside? Three of my ratties did. Oh man, that was a horrible day! Punkin (RB), Nugget, and Sweet Pea somehow queezed out of their cage (not seen in photo above). I went outside to bring them in, and they 3 were missing. I found Punkin sitting on the cage seen in picture above, and Sweet Pea was in the hose reel box. Nugget was no where to be found. About 30 min later my mom was standing in the kitchen looking out the window, and saw Nugget pop out of the chipmunk hole and the base of a tree. So, we went to the farm store and bought a Havahart live trap and set it up with yummy treats to lure her out. We draped a towel over it so it seemed tunnel-ish to her. About 10 min later we caught her. OI! That was horrible, I never used that cage again!! :eek: :o

04-05-2003, 05:43 PM
When we had our hamsters, I would let them run free, but only with *very* close supervision. I was afraid that if I took my eyes off them, they would disappear. They always had fun though running and running with no cage sides to stop them!! :)

Desert Arabian
04-05-2003, 05:54 PM
I do that with my ratties too, expect they are so darn fast, they get away easily. I have a lot of video footage of them "running" in the grass. It is hilarious, they look exactly like kangaroos because they bounce off of the ground. :D :p :D They love to chase me around too, that is really fun. We have A LOT of hawks around here so one eye is on the ground and one eye is scanning the trees and sky. :)

04-05-2003, 06:04 PM
Mousies stay inside.

04-05-2003, 06:20 PM
My guinea pigs have a run on the grass - with a hutch attached at the end which weather permitting they live in.

At the moment they come into the house at night and are out during the day. They love eating grass

They've never escaped outside, but if I let them run around the garden they just run around the run wanting to go back in.

Desert Arabian
04-05-2003, 07:16 PM
Awww, sounds like guinea heaven!!

When we had our guinea pig Klein Hans (all black), along the garage we planted a lettuce garden and fenced it in with chicken wire. We'd just plop him in there and let him have fun. It was shady from the overhang, and full of lettuce for him to eat. :D :D He LOVED it! Of course! He also LOVED to eat the clover growign the the grass, but he'd never eat the white little flower- just the stem. :p

04-05-2003, 07:22 PM
My rats go outside to play every day now that it's spring :D
Unfortunatly the wire I had got thrown out so there isn't a small confined space, but the whole yard! :eek: So I have to watch Frisco very carefully and I have to make Icarus wear a leash, but they don't really like the outdoors much anyway. I mostly just run around and let Frisco run after me, trying to jump on me. That's excerise :rolleyes:

04-05-2003, 08:29 PM
My ratties get outside sometimes but only with me with them, never alone. With hawks and stuff around it is too dangerous and I would be too worried about leaving them alone. I do take them out on leash when it's nice out, but lately it has been rainy/gloomy. Meeko is my ratty ambassador and gets to go to movies/fast food places with me lol. I am working on getting the other boys used to romps. :)

04-05-2003, 08:40 PM
no rodents here... but we bring tiki out on the deck:D she loves it outside! sometimes if its really nice out we will roll her cage outside for a little while:) she also likes to sit on top of the picnic table and tan with me! LOL!:D

04-06-2003, 04:26 PM
I bring Axle (common snapping turtle)outside when its nice & sunny out. He's scared of birds & moving shadows for the first 20 mins, but then he's ok and runs around the yard, until he gets too tired

Aspen and Misty
04-06-2003, 05:21 PM
I have only taken my rats out a couple of times, I'm to worried they will get away. Julian on the other hand runs around all the time, usually once a day. He just loves it!!!


04-06-2003, 05:53 PM
I take the ferrets out on their harnessess and leashes. All except for Badger, and that's because he's so scared of the outdoors.

We take them for car rides too.:) People freak out when they look at our car and there's a ferret sitting on my shoulder. But my ferrets love it and it makes it easier to take them to the vet since they are used to the car.

04-06-2003, 06:03 PM
I used to have a hamster named Fluffy and I used to take him out side (I had a little harness for him:D ) and one time he slipped the harness because one of the buckles came un done and I had to run after him to catch him and these people were watching me lookiing at me like i was a nut head:rolleyes: lol